You’re My date tonight

Hey guys , I am putting this note here in front of this chapter because I always forget and I also know you guys will skip it in the end , well some of you definitely will.

So here is the thing , as you may have noticed the characters don't have a specific name from a particular North Asian country , well that's because I know some of you like Korean , some chinese , some taiwanese and even japanese . All depends on you who you like , you can potray the story that way . This is also a reason I haven't specified any particular north asian country anywhere in the book .

Thats it , Enjoy the chapter !


Ji Yun smiled at herself in the mirror . Her peach gown highlighted her thin waist and perfect chest , without making it Look sluttery . Her pale skin looked glowy and smooth without a trace of scar .

Her hair were tied in a messy updo , and her left hairs falling on her back in loose soft curls . Her face held a thin layer of makeup and her lips colored warm peach . Her gold bracelet a cherry on top . Wearing 4 inch heels she looked exceptionally taller .

Just as she took out her phone , someone knocked on the door . She rolled her eyes , who interrupted her selfie time?! It was Heyeon Jun , he entered and his eyes checked her out from head to toe .

Ji Yun smiled and swirled around ,"Well , how do I look?" Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"Ugly as ever." Ji Yun rolled her eyes and then gave him a once over ,"Whats with you , never wearing a tie ?" Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"I don't know , its so tough to put it on."

Ji Yun clicked her tongue,"Tsk , such a lazy bum you are . Come with me.." she held his wrist and dragged him out to his room , her phone buzzed but she ignored it . Throwing her phone on his bed , she went to the closet and took out a black tie .

She asked him to remove his coat and simply raised his collars up , and started making his tie . Heyeon Just looked down at her ,"Do you know what would mom think if she sees us ?" Ji Yun froze and looked up at him just then did she realize how close they were .

She broke the eye contact , looking down and continued ,"Well , I would ignore that question, I am just doing my duty , As a friend." Heyeon Jun smiled as he gazed at her face and how her eyelashes fluttered .

He let out a sigh and lifted her chin up using his finger ,"Ji Yun , you are forgetting something." Ji Yun frowned and looked back down ,"Done!" She said and skillfully ignored his statement . Pulling away she picked her phone.

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Well , what else can you do than to ignore me ." Ji Yun smiled ,"lets click a selfie , I am not good with serious talks specially when I have a long time before I go to sleep." Heyeon Jun chuckled and taking out his phone , he casually pulled her in front of the mirror standing behind her .

Ji Yun frowned but when he opened the camera and kept it in such an angle that half of Ji Yun's face was covered , he smirked and Ji Yun simply stared at the camera in the mirror . A perfect mirror selfie .

His wine coat pant with black tie , contrasted with her peach gown . Perfect !

Then He simply held her from waist and his other hand shifted slightly down , this time both of them stared at the camera in the mirror and smiled.

Ji Yun smiled and it was her turn to take a picture. She simply pulled out het phone and kept it low clicking a mirror selfie where they were both serious . She then pushed Heyeon Jun aside ,"My turn , get out of the frame."

Heyeon Jun dumbfoundedly slid aside but as soon as she was about to click the selfie , he got in the frame smiling from behind . Ji Yun chuckled since it was a short video .

She then handed the phone to Heyeon Jun ,"Come on click my picture on the staircase downstairs." She ran down and Heyeon Jun smiled at her silly behavior.

She excitedly stood there in the middle of the staircase. Heyeon Jun walked past her until he reached the last stair and then he turned around raising the Camera . Ji Yun put one of her hand on her waist and the other falling on one side . Tilting her face elegantly she looked at the Camera .

There was a seriousness in Heyeon Jun's face when he slightly knitted his brows capturing the best photo he can . They both didn't even notice the old couple staring at them from the living room . Madam Heyeon looked at her husband who had the same look as her . Mrs.Heyeon Simply clicked a picture of both of them .

Ji Yun smiled and headed down snatching her phone from his hand ,"Umm , isn't it nice ? I like it , its so beautiful. Thanks duh!" Heyeon Jun simply smirked ,"I am talented I know."

"We see you both are good friends now." Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun froze almost from shock . Fuck ! They forgot about Mister and Mrs.Heyeon .

They both looked at each other and burst into an awkward laugh . Heyeon Jun piched Ji Yun's waist slightly and she quickly started speaking,"Aah ! Yes we were trying to take some pictures. You see , we are friends now that its not working hours."

Madam Heyeon nodded ,"then lets take a picture of both the friends together." Ji Yun glared at Heyeon Jun secretly , her eyes clearly said ,'I will kill you!'

Madam Heyeon pushed them together and the same way Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun posed while smiling awkwardly for the photo .


Master Heyeon smiled ,"I really see that they indeed look good together ." Mrs.Heyeon hugged her husband,"But it's not easy for them to be together yet . That old rag has returned to the city , he will try his best to ruin everything we have built till now. I don't even know how to open about this in front of Heyeon Jun."

Master Heyeon pulled away and looked at

his wife with a surprised look ,"Why are we here then ? Why didn't you tell me earlier ?" Madam Heyeon Hugged him again,"Stop bothering about it , just know that its better if we act as if we don't know anything about his returnig back and enjoy this while."

Madam Heyeon mumbled ,"Honey , I am worried about Heyeon Ri." Mr.Heyeon simply patted her head ,"I know darling , it's complicated but she will also find love just like we did . We weren't in love when we got married , I despised you but once I got to know you I knew I won't ever let go of you."

He kissed her head and then her nose and finally her lips . Madam Heyeon blushed and slapped his chest ,"Stop it already."

Master Heyeon pecked her again ,"Come on , its been a long time."


Heyeon Jun looked at Ji Yun ,"Nervous?You are my date tonight." Heyeon Jun chuckled,"Well more like a sheild from those throwing themselves at me." Ji Yun rolled her eyes and looked out

Finally they reached the destination. This big hall had a grand enterance and media ofcourse . Ji Yun gulped slightly and Stepped out and she intertwined their arms as they walked side by side .

The smiled never left their faces as they entered thes big hall . Heyeon Jun could easily notice the slight stiffness in Ji Yun's body . He looked over and noticed the people were staring at them . Sighing a little he simply whispered in her ears,"Relax. Its just the start."

Ji Yun fake smiled ,"Are you comforting me or are you making me even more nervous?" She said through gritted teeth of her fake smile .

[You know what I mean .]

Heyeon Jun chuckled,"Aww sweetheart , its time to greet some business partners." Ji Yun nodded and they walked forwards , getting lost in the crowd . Soon they approached a medium height woman who was wearing a dark green gown whit flowed down her body as her black hair falling over her shoulder in loose curls .

She turned around and Ji Yun was slightly stunned to see that she was beautiful as hell . Ji Yun smiled subconsciously and it faded when she saw the woman eye her from head to toe and then ignore her . Heyeon Jun smiled and hugged the woman who hugged him back and a smirk appeared on her lips .

Heyeon Jun let go and took Ji Yun's hand ,"Meet Eliza Norman , she is one of our most prestigious cliets and Eliza she is Ji Yun , my girlfriend." Ji Yun smiled and held her hand out ,"Nice to meet you Ms.Norman."

Eliza ignored her and looked at Heyeon Jun ,"How have you been?" Ji Yun rolled her eyes and looked here and there since she wasn't really welcomed here and secondly she wasn't interested in their talks .

Heyeon Jun wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer eyeing Eliza ,"All thanks to my girlfriend , she makes my days better." Ji Yun was surprised but she didn't react , instead she simply smiled . Her eyes were still cold when she faced Eliza .

Eliza flaunted her English speaking skills asking Ji Yun about herself . Ji Yun gave short answers since she wasn't interested in talking with her . Finally Eliza provoked Ji Yun,"So , Ji Yun , I guess you should focus on your english cause Your boyfriend is very famous in this business world and you also represent him."

Ji Yun sighed ,"Miss.Norman , I am giving short answers just because I am not interested in talking with you . I already have a great english and I don't even make grammer errors . What matters is that my boyfriend loves me , not the way I speak English. It doesn't matter what you think anyways . Excuse me."

Ji Yun walked away to another corner of the hall and took a seat on one of the sofas . Her English was a slap on Eliza's face since her accent was pure american and that was surprising for both Heyeon Jun and Eliza.

Heyeon Jun didn't even bother to stay beside Eliza any longer and just followed Ji Yun taking a seat beside her ,"Where did you learn English from , after highschool obviously."

Ji Yun smirked,"Its a Secret." She winked and sipped her wine. Heyeon Jun would have used other tricks if they were alone but in this party he had to maintain his image so he was frustrated and simply replied,"I will definitely know it when we reach back home."