Jealous or concerned

Heyeon Jun was busy talking with some business men where as Ji Yun was simply sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so that they could talk . She was getting super bored and she wasn't even interested in talking with any of these ladies here . There were businessmen and businesswomen from all around the world . She could even recognize some of them who were native .

She was so busy checking the surroundings that she didn't notice a man who had taken a seat beside her . She felt a tap on her shoulder , she looked sideways to see a handsome Man with blue eyes . It was a native man . She smiled lightly,"How may I help you ?" She simply said in her native language.

The Man smiled ,"Well , Its weird to see a beautiful girl like you sitting here all alone like this." Ji Yun smirked ,"Whats surprising? Isn't it a business party . Well I am here with my boyfriend. He is just greeting some friends."

The Man extended his hand ,"Zhang Min." Ji Yun took his hand and slightly shaked it ,"Ji Yun." Zhang Min kissed the back of her hand and Ji Yun chuckled,"I hate gentlemen." She wanted to take her hand back but Zhang Min didn't let it go .

Ji Yun's eyes turned cold as she used more strength but Zhang Min smirked and pulled her closer . Ji Yun was caught off gaurd and he simply wrapped his arms around her and then pushed her aside ,"What are you doing ?" He yelled . Ji Yun frowned . What did she do ?

It looked as If Ji Yun was forcing herself upon him . She was confused. She didn't know what happened . Zhang Min stood up,"Who the hell are you , how dare you force yourself on me? Huh ?"

She looked around and saw how many people were staring at her . Why would someone target her ? In a party like this? He was purposely yelling in English to gain even more attention

Ji Yun scoffed but before she could even say something Zhang Min yelled again ,"This hoe , I had just seen her a while ago with Mr.Heyeon Jun , and now you are forcing yourself on me? You think I will fall for your pretty face."

Ji Yun stoop up ,"Another word and I swear You .." just then an arm pulled her , she looked back to meet the eyes of Heyeon Jun . He protectively wrapped his arm around her waist ,"Dont You dare accuse my girlfriend Like this."

Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat and something in her heart melted . She smiled at the warmth in her heart . She looked at the man and her eyes turned cold ,"your girlfriend was seducing me just now ! How shameful."

Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"Guess what , me and my friends have been watching you since you offered her your hand . Its sad that such pure coincidences exist. I can lie but those bunch of men can't."


Heyeon Jun was talking with some men casually when one of them asked ,"Whose your date tonight ?" Heyeon Jun smiled and pointed at Ji Yun who was sitting there just then they noticed A man taking a seat beside her .

Heyeon Jun frowned and his eyes didn't move away from them. The other Men were complimenting her while they watched the whole scene how Ji Yun tried to pull her hand and how he purposely pulled her closer and then pulled her.

Heyeon Jun's eyes were filled with rage when he saw the man kissing Ji Yun's hand like that . He felt some heavy feeling in his heart . He gulped down the lump in his throat .

Just then the the man started yelling accusingly. He scoffed and walked towards them . He could see the lost and angered look on Ji Yun's face . He simply pulled her in his arms ,"Don't You dare accuse my girlfriend like this."

He couldn't just swallow the fact that the man kissed her hand . He didn't know why he even hated this feeling himself but it was going nowhere. He clenched his fist on his side ,"You better not try to make a scene , its not good for either of us."

Jusy then the host came forward ,"Ah please settle this outside." He said in a low voice but audible enough for both men to hear.

Heyeon Jun's eyes shone with a mysterious glint as he walked away pulling Ji Yun with him . He smiled at her like nothing happened ,"Lets have dinner on our way back."

Ji Yun nodded her head as she was slightly confused at his behavior. Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun left the hall . Eveyone looked at their direction as they were talking like nothing happened. Which was also quite surprising for Ji Yun herself .

As soon as they stepped out Heyeon Jun asked Ji Yun to get in the car and excused himself,"I need to use the restroom, I would be right back."

Once Heyeon Jun was sure , he was no more visible to Ji Yun , he took out his phone and dialed a number . His other hand in his pant pocket as he leaned against the wall ,"I am sure you witnessed the scene . I don't want to encounter anything or anyone like this again. Deal with Zhang Min yourself."

The mysterious voice on the other end replied ,"Chill dude , I got this . But you seem really possessive over that girl . As much as I know , she aint your type also , I warn you , don't use her for your own sake. She seems to trust you."

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"I know what I am doing , mind what business is assigned to you."

He turned around and took a deep breath before heading in the car with an aloof face . As always!

Ji Yun looked at him and smiled lightly,"Thankyou Heyeon Jun." Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Adds up to your debt." His eyes shown with an unknown glint . Ji Yun smiled slightly and looked out of the window.

After sometime they reached a hotel , it was a tall building . One could easily guess it was hell expensive. Ji Yun internally rolled her eyes , this Mr.fancy pants will always show off his money . Well , why not ? He's got the money afterall . Ji Yun scoffed lightly and stepped out of the car . She brushed off her gown slightly .

Heyeon Jun looked at her , he was just simply staring at her . Ji Yun frowned when he didn't move ,"Why are you staring at me like that?" "Cause You're beautiful."Heyeon Jun replied immediately. Ji Yun chuckled,"Well I am not Hazel Grey." Heyeon Jun smiled,"How many movied have you actually watched , I just wanted to tease you."

Ji Yun over acted as she twitched her lips and kept a finger on her chin tapping it slightly,"Hmmmmmm ... Lemme think." Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"Lets get going , I don't have time for your shit." Heyeon Jun's eyes turned cold , so did his tone .

He walked ahead and Ji Yun frowned . She followed him inside . Soon they were seated in a private booth on the top floor . Which was open . Ji Yun felt weird ,"when did you even made a reservation ?" Heyeon Jun looked at the beautiful view of night city ,"When I decided to have dinner with you."

Ji Yun pursed her lips and leaned back on her chair ,"Well , what did I do this time to piss you off.?" Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"How can You let someone kiss your hand and take advantage of you like this?" Ji Yun's eyes widen , was he .... was he .. jealous or concerned ?

Ji Yun blinked her a eyes a couple of times,"What ? I didn't let him take advantage of me and I was just shaking hands with him, he acted like a gentleman. I didn't knew what was on his mind." Heyeon Jun shot her a glare . Ji Yun scoffed ,"Are you jealous?"

Heyeon Jun chuckled coldly ,"Why would I be , I already Kissed you." Ji Yun laughed bitterly ,"Well , it doesn't prove anything . You just kissed me , and he kissed me too , the difference is just of a hand."

Heyeon Jun didn't know why he was so pissed just at that mere action . He stood up and walked towards her where as Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat . What is he going to do?