I am a kid ?

Heyeon Jun pulled her up and held her chin ,"Who you think you are that I'd be jealous over you . Even Though I am sexually attracted to you , Its just that , only limited to your body . Its not like you're someone special to me . I am just worried about the company's image . You were there AS MY girlfriend but you AREN't my girlfriend."

He put the pressure on these words . It was more like he was telling himself that , instead of telling her . He was consoling himself that no , it wasn't something to be worried about , he was enraged just because he was worried about company's reputation.


Ji Yun's heart like broke into a million pieces all of a sudden . His words were like a knife stabbed into her heart . What does he mean ? Didn't he say they would be friends ? What happened now , did he forget it already? Ji Yun blinked as her chest tightened .

She blankly stared at him as his words registered in her mind . All this that has happened in past days . All the feelings that she had developed was nothing for him ? Nothing ? The relationship they had developed was nothing afterall ? Ji Yun's eyes stinged as tears formed in them but she blinked them away slightly jerking his hands away ,"Yeah , I forgot we can never be something more than an employee and employer."

Heyeon Jun's words were ringing in her brain. The comforting words he always said , his gentle tone he used when he talked with her . Was all that useless and had no meaning at all ? Why did he do that if he wanted to destroy everything in the end .

Heyeon Jun silently went back to his seat and odered the food . He didn't even ask for her opinion . Ji Yun's lips curved upwards in a smile , she mentally scolded herself.

,'I told you , its all your fault . You did what you were afraid of , the most . You caught feelings . Why ? They were never mutual and will never be . The concern will be limited until you give him this body of yours , understand this. Never make a fool of yourself again . Specially for these stupid feelings.'

She was constantly thinking about his words he said in the past. When he offered her to be her friend , just because he wanted to protect his business that was on stake because of her . He was in danger because of her , the only reason he was being involved in this . He comforted her about her body because he is interested in it , nothing else .

Ji Yun smiled bitterly and took her phone out , she opened the notepad and left a note there . She locked it again and looked back up ,"I have already cleared your schedule for next two weeks , as you said . There wasn't much work but just reviewing and signing some contracts ."

Heyeon Jun passed her a side eye look ,"Ok." Ji Yun felt weird , the distant silence between them felt weird to her . She sighed and leaned back on her chair , diverting her mind from what just happened . She couldn't hold her questions in but what could she do ? She twitched her lips time to time.

After sometime the food arrived . Ji Yun wasn't surprised to see the expensive dishes and some wine . She didn't drink the wine and simply ate her food , she didn't want to get drunk and then throw all her anger in that state .

She skillfully ignored her feelings and ate her food not daring to look at him . Her chest had a huge burden that was making her feel she would cry any moment. She pursed her lips trying to controle her emotions. Heyeon Jun paid the bills and they left .

On their way back , no one spoke . Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun were both lost in their own thoughts . A single event , changes a lot of feelings and things , only if he hadn't used such harsh words , nothing would have changed . Ji Yun's eyes watered . She dared not to look in his direction.

As soon as they stepped out Ji yun was back to normal , as they walked in . It was alreadt midnight so Ji Yun knew no one would be around but Madam Heyeon always surprised her so she preferred not to take a chance and act all cheerful as she usually does around her .

But seeing there was no one around , Ji Yun's smile dropped . She followed his up and just as she turned the door knob to open her room's door , she subconsciously looked back and her eyes met with Heyeon Jun . Her heart ached and she gave a bitter smile,"Good night."

Heyeon Jun ignored her and entered his Room . Ji Yun was Thankfull as a tear slipped down her cheeks. Atleast he ignored her for good . Enteiringbher room Ji Yun didn't cry but simply changed and went to sleep , she never had time for feelings.


Heyeon Jun ran a hand through his hair as he bit his bottom lip in frustration. What did he do ? Heyeon Jun shook his head slightly,"What are you thinking Heyeon Jun , all you did was right . You had to make it clear to her." He sighed and removed his shirt throwing it on a side while he entered the bathroom.

Slipping in the sheets , Heyeon Jun's eyes closed and Ji Yun's blank look and teary eyes flashed through his mind . He opened them ,"fuck it." He clicked his tongue and then closed his eyes again , he diverted his mind to business . Not wanting to think about Ji Yun again .


Dong Heon's apartment.

Xia Ri was scrolling through her phone whereas Dong Heon was replying to emails on his laptop . Xia Ri looked at him breifly before she opened Ji Yun's text . Her eyes widened ,"Omo , they look so good."

Dong Heon looked at her ,"Show me." Xia Ri excitedly showed him the mirror selfie of Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun. Dong Heon smirked ,"They look like that couple famous on Instagram." Xia Ri snapped her finger,"Yups agreed."

She was looking at the picture carefully not aware of smile on Dong Heon's face as he looked at her acting all cute like a teenager . She was wearing a pink shirt with blue denim jeans . Her hair tucked behind her ears .

Xia Ri smiled at her phone, saving the picture and then looked up at Dong Heon with a dumbfounded expression ,"What are you looking at." Dong Heon didn't reply and simply pulled her chin and kissed her . Xia Ri's eyes widened . She blinked several times still surprised at this new feeling she got everytime he surprised her with his kisses.

She gulped,"Are you serious?" Dong Heon smirked ,"I .." he gulped down the words he was about to say . What ? His eyes widened slightly but he covered it up well.

He closed his laptop and placed it on the nightstand,"Well , I will take you out for a walk today , again." Xia Ri chuckled,"always acting like a kid are you ?" Dong Heon froze ,"I am a kid?" Xia Ri nodded and giggled . Dong Heon scoffed ,"I am a kid huh ?" Xia Ri nodded again.

Xia Ri was planning to run but Dong Heon swiftly pinned her down with her hands above her head . Her eyes widened . Dong Heon kissed her jaw taking it up her earlobe ,"Am I a kid?" he whispered in her ear . Xia Ri shivered under his touch .

He kissed her neck and then looked in her eyes ,"Do you still think I am a kid ?" Xia Ri nodded and then quickly shook her head . Her face was flushed . Her heat was pounding in her chest . This man was a demon . She gulped when he smirked , that means he won't let her off easily . She hated this evil smirk on his face , it always put her in trouble.

Dong Heon chuckled ,"You seem confused . Hmm." Xia Ri laughed fearfully ,"No .. I have no doubt." Dong Heon loved this look on her face,"Bear the consequences.." his eyes turned dark as he leaned in and his lips landed on her cheeks . His kiss was soft as a feather and that sent chills down her spine .

He trailed them down to her neck as Xia Ri moaned slightly. He didn't kiss her lips once and just teased her . Xia Ri gasped slightly when his hand trailed the sides of her waist . Her eyes widened when she felt a slight pain on her shoulder. He bit her .

He looked back in her eyes ,"I marked you. You still have any doubt?" Xia Ri shook her head . Her face was red and she was blusing so hard. Dong Heon chuckled and kissed her forhead,"I don't wanna loose control , lets go and eat something."

Xia Ri nodded , no words were coming out from her mouth . She sighed and pulled away from him as she ran into the bathroom to wash her flushed face .

She was frustrated , he always teased her !!

Dong Heon on the other hand smiled lightly, he was really about to say those words . He never said that before to anyone .. did he fall for her ? So soon ?

A/N - read author's note . Double click or single click on it , to read it full.