Keep ignoring me

Ji Yun didn't bother to wake up early since it was sunday and she wasn't feeling like going out so she simply woke up in the afternoon and then took a relaxing hot bath . She was pat drying her hair when someone knocked on the door . She opened the door and saw Heyeon Jun .

He looked at her ,"Are you ok ? Mom asked about you." He asked casually but there was some coldness that should have been there . She nodded ,"Yeah I am fine , just woke up late." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Make sure to come downstairs to have lunch now, I don't wanna be yelled at because of you."

Ji Yun pursed her lips ,"Ok. I am coming." Heyeon Jun left with an aloof expression. Ji Yun frowned and decided to ignore his coldness for once. She scolded herself again, she shouldn't act like before .


Heyeon Jun had nothing to do , he cleared his schedule because they were both going out for a trip across the city . He felt really awful. He wouldn't apologize, that wasn't his thing. What he did wasn't wrong, it was truth and she should bear with it .

Ji yun finally came in his view wearing a yellow sweater with blue jeans . Is she going out ? Well nevermind . Ji Yun took a seat beside him , as usual . They both were silent ignoring each other as they started eating . Soon Madam Heyeon stepped out of the kitchen and she didn't miss this .

Mr.Heyeon Also followed her and took a seat opposite to them . He cleared his throat , both Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun looked up . Ji Yun greeted both of them and again started stuffing her mouth with food . Mr and mrs heyeon shared a look before Mrs.Heyeon decided to start a coversation ,"So , when are you leaving for the trip ?"

Ji Yun froze , she almost forgot . She looked at Heyeon Jun waiting for his answer . Heyeon Jun looked up when the three of them were staring at her . Madam Heyeon's eyes shone when she saw Ji Yun's reaction . Heyeon Jun sighed ,"We Aren't going anymore." Her eyes dimmed and Ji Yun's eyes also dimmed as her face dropped .

She felt hurt, how could he cancel her trip ?! But she was no one to say anything . Ji Yun's face darkened as she stoop up ,"I am done." And left the table without another word . Heyeon Jun also left soon . Mr and Mrs Heyeon looked at each other .

Mrs.Heyeon fianlly asked ,"What did even happen to them?! They are acting reckless." Mr.Heyeon shrugged ,"How do I know ?!"


Another four days passed just like that . Ji Yun was sad and didn't come out of her room much , keeping herself busy with the excuse of work and cafe. Heyeon Jun was feeling awkward and awful . He wasn't liking this feeling between them . The week was ending now . His birthday was the day after and he wasn't a bit happy .

He wasn't happy and Dong Heon would come . He wasn't happy that they would all enjoy . He wasn't happy that Ji Yun would distance herself from him. He sighed and looked out of the window .

He stepped out of his room with a long sigh . His eyes landed on Ji Yun who was smiling while talking with someone on the phone . He felt weird . Is it a man ?! Really ?! What if it is ?! He frowned and decided to eves drop.

He could hear her say ,"Yeah , I miss you . Can't wait to see you . Yeah bye ." His eyes blazed . Did she really have a boyfriend?!

He wondered . But he didn't say anything and just looked at her until she noticed him . Ji Yun's eyes met his but she ignored him walking back to her room and closing the door with a loud thud . Heyeon Jun's eyes darkened and he raged . Did she just ignore me ?! Why ?! Is she showing me she is mad or something?!

Heyeon Jun pushed the door open to her room and entered behind her . Ji Yun was surprised as she looked at him blankly . She was just about to enter the bathroom when he pulled her back . His hands held her arms tightly , which kept her from moving . She struggled but it was useless . Ji Yun was hell mad at him ,"What are you doing ?!"

Heyeon Jun glared at her ,"What are YOU doing ?!" Ji Yun scoffed ,"What did I do ?!" Heyeon Jun sneered ,"Are you ignoring me ?!" Ji Yun froze but a cold smile appeared on her face ,"I am not ignoring you at all , I am just maintaining my distance from you . You have a day off and have no work . So I am free."

Heyeon Jun's expression darkened ,"Ji Yun , Don't play with me . You are personal assistant." Ji Yun laughed ,"And I am fulfilling my duties . Its not stated in the contract that I have to be your slave and always ask you things around . You get it ?!"

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Stop being mad just over that little thing." Ji Yun couldn't believe him . A little thing ?! She sneered ,"Hah ! Little thing , huh ?! Do you even remember the words that you said back then ?! First you said we'd be friends , now this time you said We are nothing . I am just your employee . So I am following what you said ."

Heyeon Jun's grip loosened slightly. Ji Yun's eyes watered ,"You don't know how to keep your words , You better first focus on yourself than blaming me for anything . I am making it clear for the last time . I really considered you as a friend but you ..."

Her words were silenced by Heyeon Jun's kiss . Her eyes widened , she blinked and tried to push him away but he didn't let her move and held her in place . Ji Yun pushed him away ,"You wanted nothing but my body .. I will never give you that." Heyeon Jun was at a loss of words as he looked at Ji Yun whose eyes blazed with anger .

Ji Yun jerked his hands away and walked out taking a few deep breaths calming her nerves. He sighed and looked down clenching his fist lightly What did he do ?! He never said he wanted her body . He said he was interested in her body . If he wanted it , he had many ways to take it and would have taken it already .

What is he gonna do about it now ?


Ji Yun entered the kitchen , she looked at Mrs.Heyeon Who was lost , she was dazed . Her eyes then darted towards the boiling Milk that was kept on the stove . She panicked . She ran towards it and quickly turned it off . She looked at Mrs.Heyeon who seemed rather surprised . Ji Yun frowned ,"Are you okay Mom?"

Mrs.Heyeon Nodded but she still looked a little dazed . Ji Yun again asked ,"Are you sure ?" This time Mrs.Heyeon Looked at her and smiled assuringly . Ji Yun smiled back but she was sure something was really wrong .

Just then Mr.Heyeon entered the kitchen saying ,"Oh wifey , I got your medicine." He froze when he saw Ji Yun . Ji Yun raised a brow ,"Medicine ?" Mr and Mrs.Heyeon looked at each other . Ji Yun repeated ,"Why is Mom taking medicine ?" Mrs.Heyeon sighed ,"See , its just a headache."

Ji Yun sighed ,"If something is bothering you , you should share it . You seemed lost just now . Thats not good for you and your health." Mrs.Heyeon smiled ,"Its ok Yun , I am really fine . If there is something I will surely surely tell you . Won't I ?"

Ji yun nodded and Mrs.Heyeon headed out with Mr.Heyeon . Ji Yun looked back at the Milk , why did she even boil it . She surely is hiding something. I should talk with Heyeon Jun . Ah shit ! Again him .

Just as she was about to turn around Heyeon Jun entered the kitchen with a frustrated look . He opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water and was heading out when Ji Yun called him ,"Heyeon Jun , listen." He turned around and sighed ,"Didn't you just push me away and didn't wanted to talk to me ?" Ji Yun rolled her eyes internally but didn't answer him .

She pulled his hand and made him support himself with the kitchen couter . She was standing in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest ,"Listen , it's serious. Your Mom , she was really lost. Just now. She is stressed about something, I have never seen her so stressed and all before . I don't know whats up with her , she didn't tell anything also Your dad just bought her some medicine for headache."

She said in one go and Heyeon Jun just stared at her while sipping water from bottle like bear . Having no reaction from him Ji Yun frowned ,"Hey , answer me , Aren't you worried bout her at all ?"

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Fine , I will think about this." Ji Yun scoffed ,"Whats there to think , why don't you try to talk with her." Heyeon Jun patted her head,"I know how to check whats up with her , Don't worry . Just keep on ignoring me." She didn't miss the taunting dialogue at the end .

She squinted her eyes and turned around ,"I was just worried about her , I will surely ignore you." Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes and left the kitchen with a small smile . Ji Yun on the other hand dropped the arrogant expression and got her phone out , she smiled and dialed a number ,"Guys , This is a ridiculous plan I swear."