I like Heyeon Jun

Song Chui walked towards his room , he closed the door behind him and a sigh escaped his lips. He was very nervous for today's party . His train of thoughts was Only revolving around one person , Heyeon Xia.

Since they aren't married , they couldn't sleep together. They know their limits so he simply wanted to propose her today . He was really excited and nervous for that . He texted on Ji Yun's number ,"Come over and help me."

Soon he heard a knock on the door,"Whats up ?" He heard Ji Yun's cool voice . Just like his friend . Shaking his head lightly ,"well , I am just nervous and I need you to keep her busy as I have not been talking to her much lately. She was complaining just now."

Ji Yun nodded,"Well , Your ring is there in that nightstand. And I have prepared a nice suit and everything for you . Just when Heyeon Jun will cut the cake you can propose her." She pointed .

Song Chui nodded lightly ,"Well , Ji Yun , I know you like Heyeon Jun , why don't you just confess too." Ji Yun laughed,"No I don't , stop.." Song Chui laughed lightly ,"Well well , You know you do , there is no use in denying, I don't know about Heyeon Jun , but You do like him. Its not a bad thing , you are all he can ask for , you're perfect for him."

Ji Yun listened to his words carefully, she didn't want to raise her expectations from her future but deep down she knew age liked him . She sighed ,"Even If I do , there is no use , If you can see it , he can see it too . He is an keen observer so he might have already noticed and if he still ignored the fact that means he isn't interested. Also he already made it clear I am nothing just an employee and a friend."

Song Chui wasn't surprised with her straightforwardness and he nodded,"Well good luck for today , For now you can savor the flavor of being his girlfriend, I know he will be all touchy touchy to show affection and I also know you will enjoy it." Ji Yun rolled her eyes ,"Can you be more nasty and cheesy , I mean what the hell you mean by savor the flavor ? Tsk-tsk-tsk."

She turned around ,"Don't be nervous, after an hour be ready and be downstairs. I will go and get ready too."

Somg Chui nodded and when Ji Yun left he mumbled ,"You know nothing about Heyeon Jun Yet." He sighed and finally got into shower.


Ji Yun opened the door to Heyeon Jun's room and she was about to step in . But a hand stopped her , she turned her head , It was Alice.

Ji Yun internally rolled her eyes but she smiled lightly , and let go of the Door knob , closing the door again. Alice looked at Ji Yun , up to down ,"So , Who are you actually ?" Ji Yun's smile widened "Heyeon Jun's girlfriend."

Alice smirked,"I thought you were a secretary." Ji Yun nodded ,"During working hours." Alice scoffed,"Whatever , You might have great looks but not a good heart since you climbed the way upto his bed."

Ji Yun frowned and her smile fell,"Atleast I am better than you at something. I know how to keep my man happy." Alice's face darkened ,"what do you mean?" Ji Yun smirked and opened the door again , entering the room and then she winked back at Alice closing the door .

Alice's Eyes shown with a dangerous glint.

Ji Yun sighed but as soon as she turned around her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she saw Heyeon Jun topless . He had a smirk . Ji Yun gulped lightly ,"Uh - I am sorry , I think I should head out."

Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"Anyways , my girlfriend , why are you here ?" Ji Yun sighed trying her best not to look at his chest ,"waan ! That Alice is making me have a hard time." Heyeon Jun shrugged,"She is yours to handle."

Ji Yun rolled her eyes and she walked to the couch slumping her body on it . Heyeon Jun sighed , it was nothing new ,"well , You shouldn't overwork yourself , I don't want to see you lying unconscious in a corner in my birthday party."

Ji Yun smiled lightly,"Ok , Sir ." Heyeon Jun looked back at her ,"Why aren't you getting ready ?" Ji Yun laughed lightly,"I don't want to yet." Heyeon Jun smirked again,"So you are here to see me getting ready?"

Ji Yun made an indifferent face already getting used to his teasing tone. Heyeon Jun took a step towards her and being alert she quickly got up ,"I will let you get ready." She quickly ran out.

Heyeon Jun smiled lightly before it slowly faded away ,"I have come a long way Ji Yun , I cannot go back on it now."


Heyeon Jun looked at himself in the mirror . He was wearing a black shirt with black formal pant . It was a normal party not something too special . His hair set back neatly . He was wearing a black and grey wrist watch which matched his all black look. He smiled in satisfaction and stepped out of his room .

He looked at Ji Yun's room door. He twitched his lips , deciding to enter the room or not . At last he gave in and knocked on the door . No one responded so he simply entered her room. He didn't see Ji Yun there but when he was about to turn around he heard the door of bathroom creek open which revealed Ji Yun wearing a nude dress which ended above her knees . Her hairs were in big loose waves . Her face held a hint of smokey eye and some nude lipstick.

Her eyes looked beautiful with the snatched look that she'd put on . Her cheeks had some slight blush and a very think stroke of eyeliner on her almond eyes . Heyeon Jun gulped down lightly and eyes her from head to toe . Ji Yun smiled at him ,"Ooh you look hot." Heyeon Jun chuckled,"Yeah you too turned me on."

Ji Yun rolled her eyes ,"Mr.Freaky , should we head downstairs, I just came back up , I forgot something. I got ready in just half an hour , that also includes deciding on clothes. You took a full hour." Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Its my birthday." Ji Yun nodded ,"Yeah , Yeah lets go now. There are guests waiting."

Heyeon Jun laughed ,"What guests ?!" Ji Yun smirked ,"surprise!" Heyeon Jun wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer ,"Oh my girlfriend." Ji Yun's heart fluttered . She voiced out ,"What If you fall for me?" Heyeon Jun's expression turned serious but what he did was the opposite.

He leaned in and hugged her ,"I hope I don't, cause its hard to fall out." Ji Yun frowned. His words held a weird vibe , why did he have to hug her ?! She sighed ,"Oh , good luck then , my charms can't be ignored. Hehe!" Heyeon Jun pulled away rolling his eyes ,"Lets go!"


Everyone looked at the couple descending the stairs. From Their outfits to their aura , everything matched perfectly. Their indifferent faces , sharp features , way of eyeing everyone was almost the same . Everyone could say they were a match made in heaven , but the fuck ! They didn't agree. They were damned to agree.

Ji Yun was walking side to side with Heyeon Jun who had a cold look on his face . She noticed this and lightly hit him on the shoulder as if placing her hand over it. Heyeon Jun senses the force and frowned at her , Ji Yun smiled ,"Can You atleast smile , it's your birthday." Heyeon Jun faked a smile,"Its hard to act nice."

Ji Yun rolled her eyes as they stepped off the stairs and everyone started clapping ,"Whoo birthday boy !!" Heyeon Jun smiled. He looked around , the Living room has changed completely. It had changed into a small housewarming party like house . It looked more spacious. It indeed looked like a little version of party hall.

He looked back at Ji Yun who was now talking with some servants. He turned his head back to his mother walking towards him ,"Juni , lets go and meet some guests." Heyeon Jun asked in a low and confused voice,"Who guests?"

Mrs.Heyeon rolled her eyes ,"Come on." And pulled him along with her.

Alice was standing in the middle of the crowd staring at him and Ji Yun . She felt raged , never in those past years he had talked to her so casually and relaxed manner. She didn't miss how Ji Yun would normally roll her eyes around him . She had never felt so close to him .

She would get him back , no matter what. Ji Yun was just another easy bitch to handle . Alice was happy that Heyeon Jun had been single these past years now . But now she had a competition, and she won't loose at any cost. She would easily get rid of her too . A smirk played on her lips as she sipped the champagne.

Alice's eyes fixed on Ji Yun's every move. Just then Ji Yun looked towards her and smirked . She walked towards Alice ,"Hey ! You look beautiful." Alice scoffed,"Oh ! Thankyou but you look ugly as always." Ji Yun blinked innocently,"Well , Heyeon Jun said I look beautiful today , Nevermind you seem to have some eye problem I guess."

Alice clenched her jaw,"So ? whatever he said , i guess he had some issues when he chose a slut like you." Ji Yun rolled her eyes ,"The person who'd almost been wooing every other rich daddy shouldn't be saying this." Her voice was low but audible enough for Alice .

Alice's eyes were filled with anger but Ji Yun was calm. Ji Yun sighed,"Look , instead of being jealous and angered over me being his girlfriend , you should just enjoy the party and chill. You're spoiling the night for me and yourself." Alice scoffed ,"Are you afraid now?" Ji Yun shrugged,"Fine go ahead try whatever you got."

Ji Yun turned away and walked to Xia Ri who was blushing being in Dong Heon's arms . Dong Heon looked over at Ji Yun and kissed Xia Ri on her cheeks purposely. Ji Yun made a disgusting face,"Oh whatever." Xia Ri pouted,"He is bullying me." Ji Yun laughed pulling Xia Ri lightly,"let go Dong Heon , You got all night to deal with her."

Dong Heon nodded,"Well , you're right . And thats a good idea too." Ji Yun nodded her head . Xia Ri frowned ,"You both are bullies." Dong Heon kissed her cheek once again,"I would deal with you at night, wifey."

Ji Yun and Xia Ri were now sitting together in a corner of the living room on two chairs opposite to each other. Xia Ri frowned as she looked at Ji Yun , she looked sad . Xia Ri frowned ,"What happened?" Ji Yun sighed,"I .." Xia Ri's frown deepened ,"You what?!" Ji Yun looked up ,"I like Heyeon Jun."

Xia Ri was taken a back ,"I know but ... did you finally realize it ?" Ji Yun looked away her eyes landed on Heyeon Jun talking with Mr. and Mrs.Williams. She mumbled,"I had liked him for some time now , its just that I have been ignoring the feelings that were building inside of me."

Xia Ri followed her line of sight and then she looked back at Ji Yun ,"But why you look sad?" Ji Yun blinked lightly and her eyes met with Xia Ri again ,"Well , he would never like me back . He made it clear , that I can never be anything more than an employee and friend to him . Directly or indirectly he made it clear and I appreciate that. I just don't know what to do with these feelings."

Xia Ri frowned ,"Did he specify you? How can you say that . Its also clear he has something towards you.." Ji Yun smiled,"Its just physical attraction and nothing else. He knows this and him being straightforward he made it clear. He told me that what he can ever have for me is sexual attraction. But thats not what makes me sad , what makes me sad is the fact that my feelings for him may grow into something.."

Ji Yun was interrupted with Heyeon Jun's voice ,"What are you talking about ladies ?" Ji Yun almost froze in shock , did he hear something ? Xia Ri on the other hand just smiled ,"Nothing just some girl talk." Heyeon Jun nodded and he eyed Ji Yun ,"What happened, why are you sweating. Are you alright ?"

Ji Yun sighed , her tense body relaxed lightly and her lips curved in a smile ,"Nothing I was feeling hot." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Well adjust the temperature , I also feel its a little high." Ji Yun nodded her head . She got up and left .

Heyeon Jun took a seat , where she was sitting . Xia Ri looked at Heyeon Jun . She noticed how his eyes never left Ji Yun's figure as she walked away . She leaned back ,"Are you by any chance physically attracted to her ?" Heyeon Jun's eyes darted to Xia Ri , she had a slight frown . Heyeon Jun nodded his head without hesitation,"Hm , it can be the case."

Xia Ri nodded her head and looked at Ji Yun ,"What if she likes you?" Heyeon Jun smirked ,"So she does like me. I see." Xia Ri was taken aback . Heyeon Jun leaned back ,"Don't worry , I won't take advantage of her but I can't accept her feelings." Xia Ri nodded ,"Thats your choice , I cannot force you to. I love your straightforwardness , atleast you know what you feel."

Heyeon Jun smiled lightly,"I might have to help Ji Yun get rid of her feelings for me." Xia Ri frowned ,"What do you mean?" Heyeon Jun sighed,"I will maintain my distance. Not too much but just how much is necessary. I don't want her to be hurt."


Firstly I have a small request that please Go on my profile by searching the unknownsoul , and like my profile please. Pretty please !

A/N- Song of the day is "Humsafar" by Akhil sachdeva and Mansheel gujral.

Punjabi song if someone wants to listen is "Rab wangoo" by jass manak. But lemme be honest, I listen to anything but punjabi remakes and all those famous tiktok songs .

I listen Karan aujla and all others like him. But this song I recommended is beautiful.