Cause I love You

Xia Ri smiled ,"Thanks hugh." Heyeon Jun chuckled,"Oh come on sisters-in-law." Xia Ri clicked her tongue,"Aish. You wouldn't tease me would you ?" Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Its my rightful duty as a brother-in-law . Don't you think so ?" Xia Ri scoffed ,"No I don't!"

Heyeon Jun chuckled and Just then he saw Song Chui drag his chair towards them . He frowned , Zero manners ,"Can you behave like a rich and elegant person Chui ?!" Song Chui scoffed ,"I never did." Then he looked at Xia Ri ,"By the way , Sisters-in-law. I want to ask , does Dong Heon bully you ?" Xia Ri smiled lightly,"Yes he does."

Song Chui frowned ,"then do you want me to teach him a lesson." Xia Ri nodded which made Heyeon Jun chuckle . Xia Ri pouted and pointed at Heyeon Jun ,"Brother-in-Law also bullies me ?" Song Chui smirked ,"Then I would teach them both a lesson."

He called for Dong Heon's name who was now helping Ji Yun with something so he denied to join. But Heyeon Xia came and took a seat next to them , on the couch on a side. She sighed ,"Oh I am so done. My boyfriend has been ignoring me since ever."

Song Chui frowned ,"Excuse me ?! Am I ignoring you ?" Heyeon Xia smiled ,"Yes ofcourse , You're." She paused and looked at Heyeon Jun,"Why Don't you deal with Alice and make it clear , I am so tired of her." Xia Ri frowned .

Heyeon Jun's expression darkened ,"How many times should I say , that I already made things clear three years ago , if she didn't listen what can I do ? I can avoid her and nothing else." Soon they heard Alice's voice from behind ,"I don't listen , cause I love you."


Ji Yun was laughing when Dong Heon was asking her weird questions . They both were doing some preparation for cake cutting . Dong Heon and Ji Yun were done so they decided to head where almost everyone was sitting . Just as she was about to call Heyeon Jun's name she heard Alice's words ,"I don't Listen cause I love you."

Those words struck her like lightning . She subconsciously looked at Heyeon Jun who was now staring at Alice . Heyeon Jun had a slight angered expression ,"Did you forget why we broke up in the first place?" Another surprise. Ji Yun and Xia Ri both were dumbfounded and they shared a glance .

Alice smiled ,"How many times I have to explain that was a misunderstanding?" Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"Alice, I respect you enough not to kick you out of my face after what you did . Be greatful." Alice's eyes teared up ,"atleast clear it what did I do wrong , I never knew what I did wrong ?"

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"I caught you in bed with another man and you still ask me what you did wrong ? I loved you Alice, you did wrong and You Don't deserve to be here in front of me trying to woo me again after breaking my heart like that . I am making it clear one last time , Get the fuck out of my sight and never return . Also I have found someone I love . Here .." Heyeon Jun pulled Ji Yun .

"look , she is the one that I love , now get out of my sight ." Alice scoffed ,"You love her ? Prove it." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Fine." He turned to Ji Yun and kissed her . Ji Yun's eyes widened as shock crept through her . Everyone's eyes widened . Mr and Mrs Heyeon looked at the scene and their eyes almost popped out .

Xia Ri was so shocked . She facepalmed herself cursing Heyeon Jun . How can You do this to someone who like you. Heyeon Jun pulled away and looked at Alice ,"You see , I love her." Ji Yun on the other hand who clearly knew everything was a show-off , was staring blankly at him .

Her heart broke into a million pieces. She couldn't stop the erratic beating of her heart. She couldn't stop herself from wondering what would it have been like if he really liked her . Her eyes watered . It was all false . She couldn't help but feel terrible for the first time in her life . She felt she had committed a big mistake liking him .

He had once loved someone, doesn't he himself know what it feels to slowly fall for someone ? How can he still play with her ?

She turned to look at Alice . Alice was crying. She sighed and looked down. Alice strode away and so did Mr. and Mrs. williams after her . Now what was left behind were the shocking faces of every member including Heyeon Ri .

Ji Yun hurried upstairs , not being able to control the anger and embarrassment building inside of her . Heyeon Jun felt bad after what just happened. He couldn't help but sit back down on the couch and run a hand through his hair .

Heyeon Ri was the one to speak,"What did You just do ?" Heyeon Jun corrected ,"I had no choice , I didn't mean.." Heyeon Ri cut her off ,"Listen , Go and apologize . Get her back and lets turn everything back to normal. Don't spoil your day . Lets cut the cake and enjoy the party like nothing happened. No one will act reckless. NO ONE!"

Everyone nodded . Heyeon Jun sighed and quietly headed upstairs. He took a deep breath before he opened the door , he saw Ji yun standing near the window . She gave him a side eye before she looked back out. She sweared if he said something useless she won't be able to contain herself anymore.

Heyeon Jun stepped closer ,"I am sorry." And that's when Ji Yun turned around . Did she hear it right ? Sorry ?!

She cocked a brow ,"Heyeon Jun I don't wanna hear anything and I don't care now , whoever the fuck you are . Let me make it clear , I have been submissive to you and your demands . No more now , you have crossed the line. I am so done. I have let my ego aside , even I let my gaurd down. No more. You made it clear that day , I can be nothing more to you , so stop confusing me. I don't want to fall for you."

"I am repeating it , I have started feeling something for you , I don't want to but yes. I do , I never had a man in my life before. You gave me a lot of firsts and I guess that's why I am just fooling myself that I have something for you. I don't want to have . Your actions fool me , the way you look at me , smile at me , tease me , I am just so fucking confused . Stop it . I know you feel nothing , Ok I got it. Then stop treating me like you do . Don't you ever touch me again like you did . It might be just lust for you but for me it's not . I can't give away my body just to someone like that."

"It's your birthday, I never planned on spoiling it . I never planned of having an argument with you today and now . But see , what you did. I am not weak Heyeon Jun and I want you to know that. If I want I can walk away from your life and you won't be able to fucking find me again. You can try me. I have enough money rotting in my bank to pay for my living expenses. Understand that well. I am not fucking afraid of you."

Ji Yun just snapped at him , she said everything with so much anger , her eyes turned red and watery . Her nostrils flared up slightly and her teeths were gritted. She had been holding in everything and being patient. And that's it . She was frustrated not on him , and what she said . The real reason was her feelings. She was frustrated that she felt something for him that was so deep.

Heyeon Jun on the other hand was so shocked . He never knew that she had been holding back so much . He had never seen her frustrated and raged. She indeed didn't give a fuck who he was . He frowned when he looked at her . What she said was true . What surprised him even more that she admitted her feelings for him .

He didn't know why he felt bad when she asked him not to touch her again or to stay away . Why ? Why did he feel bad ? He never even planned on liking her or something. He let out a sigh , He can't fight with her now , can he ?

He looked at her in her eyes , all the emotions slowly vanishing from his face ,"You're going downstairs with me now , I don't care what You feel like . My family, is waiting for you. Aren't you good at controlling your emotions, then do it now."

He held her wrist and Ji Yun was taken aback. She struggled and he stopped . He looked back at her passing her an Icy glare ,"Ji Yun , behave. You know I am not good with my temper." Ji Yun really felt her heart skip a beat in fear . The coldness he amitted was too much for her.

She still managed to look back into his eyes with the same anger . She sighed and her expression softened . What was she doing ? She was spoiling his birthday. She shouldn't be doing this . She stopped again and pulled back her wrist ,"Give me a minute." And then she hurried to the bathroom. Tears rolled down and she didn't let them ruin her eyes . She waited for some time before she purposely flushed and washed her hands.

When she stepped out she noticed Heyeon Jun was also back to normal. She blinked lightly and then they both headed downstairs. Ji Yun's smile was back when everyone cheered happily . She didn't feel like doing anything so she simply held Mei in her arms and peppered a light kiss in air over her face . She didn't want the baby's skin to reac with makeup or something.

Then she slowly rested Mei's head on her chest and Mei fell asleep . Ji Yun was now sitting in a corner and everyone else was now standing around the big table . Thankfully no one asked her anything and didn't force her to join Heyeon Jun.


Heyeon Jun was pulled along by his mother and was now standing in the middle with a knife in his hand. He smiled lightly at everyone . His mood turning normal seeing everyone's happy faces . His eyes searched for Ji Yun and he met his eyes across the room . She was sitting with Mei in her hands and smiling at him lightly.

He sighed and looked back at everyone before he looked down at the cake . Just then did he notice the name tag "Happy birthday Rude jerk." He frowned and his eyes instantly shot towards Ji Yun who was now looking at anything but him . He shook his head lightly and a smile made it's way on his lips .

He finally blew the candles and everyone smiled and cheered for him . He closed his eyes for making a wish and a thought instantly crossed his mind ,'Wish I can make Ji Yun smiled widely again.' And he opened his eyes . This wasn't what he wanted to wish ? He sighed . He thought ,'I want to reach the goal.' And finally he cut the cake.

Just as everyone cheered again singing the birthday song , He looked at Ji Yun again who was also lightly clapping her hand but they didn't make any sound . Heyeon Jun felt his chest tighten when the scene from minutes ago flashed in his mind .

His mother picked up a peice of cake and fed him . And then as it goes , one by one everyone cheered for him , giving him presents and also chanting wishes for him. At last Ji Yun was left . She gulped down slightly when everyone was looking at her . She smiled lightly and walked to Heyeon Jun with Mei still in her arms .

She picked The peice of cake and brought it to his mouth , Heyeon Jun looked at her intentionally before taking a bite and he fed her the same piece of cake ,"Thanks again."

Ji Yun smiled , but from inside she was hurting . She nodded her head and walked away . Heyeon Jun wanted to tease her about the gift habitually but he was reminded of her words .

Heaving another sigh , Heyeon Jun and others finally headed to dinner . Ji Yun excused herself making an excuse for not being well . Everyone understood and agreed with her . They tried being persistent but she denied .

She carried Mei with her , she didn't feel like leaving Mei , she had somewhat special attachment with her . She considered herself as Mei's god mother.

After putting Mei on bed Ji Yun changed into something comfortable and she laid beside Mei . She mumbled something to Mei and smiled . Finally she fell asleep . Just like that.


After having dinner with everyone Heyeon Jun still felt empty. He finally bid goodbye to everyone for the night and entered his room.

As soon as he entered his eyes landed on a small box resting on the bed . He frowned and looked carefully, there was a small note which said ,'Ji Yun.'

His frown deeped and he opened the box , it revealed two small brooches. One had the name tag ,"Mr.Heyeon." And the other was a feather shaped brooch . Both were mended with platinum and fine diamond in them . They were sleek and eye catching . Heyeon Jun smiled lightly as his fingers brushed against them . He sighed , this All wasn't supposed to go this way . Why did she had to fall for him or something?! Why ?!

He closed his eyes and he looked frustrated. But what could he possibly do ?! He closed the box , putting the small note inside it with the brooches . The best gift he received so far. He smiled at the thought and placed it safely in his favorite jet black coat's inner pocket .


A few days later ,,,

Ji Yun was preparing breakfast as usual . Heyeon Jun headed downstairs and he served himself , he seemed to be in a hurry.

Ji Yun rolled her eyes and she helped herself, after having breakfast Heyeon Jun left for office earlier than her . Ji Yun knew he had something important to do but since they have been keeping their distance , She didn't ask him . She liked him and her feelings won't change , she can just hide them . Secretly liking someone wasn't a crime was it ?!

Ji Yun as usual headed outside . But when she reached the car , she felt someone's presence. She turned around, there was no one . She frowned and shook her head , it migh just be a mind game . She cracked her neck once before she finally stepped inside and drove away making sure no one was around.


Song of the day "Milne hai Mujhse aayi." By Arijit Singh . This song is the one Of the evergreen songs .