If Roots are weak , plants can’t survive

Heyeon Jun kicked off the blanket from him and got up from the bed . He looked back and saw Min shinze sleepling peacefully . He was frustrated cause he couldn't sleep a wink. He sighed frustratingly.

He cursed Min shinze and stepped out of his room . His phone started ringing right away . He twitched his lips , its already 10:30 and he has to sleep early today as promised to Ji Yun . Since tomorrow is the wedding day.

It was his father so he couldn't help but answer the call .



Mrs.Heyeon looked at her husband,"Why Aren't you answering me Song , I have been asking you something. Why did he return again ? I don't want to ..." she quickly shut her mouth under her husband's cold gaze . She looked away , tears formed in her eyes ,"Why Song ? Why are you hurting me with your cold words again after so many years. Why are you telling me you couldn't do anything about it and you still can't."

She pleaded as she fell on her knees . Tears rolled down her eyes and she sobbed . Mr.Heyeon was sitting on the bed but he couldn't see his wife cry like this . He walked to her and lifted her up , still able to scoop her up in his arms . She hugged him and sobbed . He soothed her hair as he placed her on the bed ,"Shh , darling stop crying. You know why I can't do anything about it. He .." he was cut off by Mrs.Heyeon ,"I am sorry , I am just so overwhelmed."

He smiled helplessly , all these years she hasn't changed a bit . Still so understanding , he soothed her hair as she hugged him close ,"Song , I ... I want to protect my son." Mr.Heyeon smiled ,"He will protect us darling, rest assured . Nothing will happen tp him . He has been preparing for this all along . Its not like he doesn't know anything. He knows and if he is confident, we should stand by him . Cause if roots are weak, plant can't survive."

Mrs.Song nodded ,"Yeah , He is our son afterall . He is just a carbon copy of you and got his mother's spirit. No one can dare do something to him." She consoled herself. Mr.Heyeon smiled very proudly , his anger and frustration vanished ,"Thats my wifey. Now lets go and eat dinner . I don't want to sleep hungry , unless you have some other plans for tonight."

Mrs.Heyeon fake smiled ,"I am really hungry . You better keep your nasty thoughts in check ok !" She quickly pulled away and headed down in a slick second. Mr.Heyeon's face darkened.

He sighed and dialed Heyeon Jun's number ,"Heyeon Jun , you need to come meet me tomorrow morning." Heyeon Jun sighed on the other end ,"Dad , I know . I already received his call." Mr.Heyeon's eyes twitched ,"Heyeon Jun your mom cried today. She never did in these past years . I can't see her like this.."

He was cut off with a cold answer,"Dad , I am enough stressed knowing what is going on . Its Heon's big day tomorrow. Don't spoil your mood . You're like a father to him. And don't worry I swear I have things sorted out. Nothing will happen to anyone . I give you my word . He is back and I have been waiting for him.." his voice died down at last .

Mr.Heyeon smiled lightly ,"I am proud son. Well then don't come tomorrow. If you do , bring my daughter-in-law along you ! Brat."

Heyeon Jun coughed lightly,"Dad ! Even you joined Mom's army now." Mr.Heyeon smiled ,"Ofcourse I did . I love her already . I won't accept anyone as my daughter In law unless its Ji Yun."

Heyeon Jun ended the call right away . Mr.Heyeon loved teasing his son ,"Foolish man , he loves her too." He mumbled to himself ,"Well just like me I guess. He will realize it too . Hope its not too late."

[ He did , but he is a stubborn bastard. I didn't mean to disrespect you sir ! ;) ]


Heyeon Jun sighed and ended the call. He shook his head lightly and headed downstairs. He could hear the songs playing inside Ji Yun's room . He rolled his eyes ,"Sleeping early My ass." He hissed before he barged inside closing the door behind .

Ji Yun was sitting on the bed wearing a loose t-shirt and trousers. She had a facemask on and a small knot bun on her head . She looked at him in surprise,"What are you doing here ?"

Heyeon Jun sighed and walked closer to the bed ,"Hm , I had six wishes remember?" Ji Yun frowned ,"So ?" He smiled ,"So let me sleep here tonight." Ji Yun coughed lightly,"What did you say ?"

Heyeon Jun repeated ,"Let me sleep here for tonight." Ji Yun scoffed ,"Any special reason ?" Heyeon Jun slumped himself on the bed and hissed like a kid ,"I don't know , I just have never slept with someone on the same bed since I was a kid ans I can't fall asleep.

Ji Yun laughd coldly ,"So why me ? You're going to share your bed with me ?" Heyeon Jun shrugged ,"I don't mind." Ji Yun laughed again ,"Do you even know what you're saying." Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Listen , I am definitely not able to sleep upstairs and I promise I will wake up early and leave. I won't notice any drool that'll be sticking on your face."

Ji Yun hissed ,"I don't drool!" Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Good night !" Ji Yun couldn't even say anything before he simply slipped into covers and closed his eyes facing her . Ji Yun scoffed ,"Really ?! GOD !!" She complained before she got up and entered the bathroom. After about an hour or two she finally came back .

She had changed into her pyjamas and looked at the sleeping Heyeon Jun . Who was in a deep sleep . She blinked lightly and just stared at him . After some time her eyes started tearing up ,"I don't think I have much time though." She mumbled before she hesitantly slipped in the covers ans faced him .

She looked at his peaceful sleeping face and a thousand memories flashed in her mind . All the time she had spent with him . How did she even fell for him . Maybe when he kissed her ? Maybe when he smiled at her ? Or maybe when ...

She sighed . She knew one thing , her feelings just can't go away like this . She loved him . He had given her a good first love and many firsts. She smiled lightly. Her hand reached out to touch his cheek lightly,"I will love you until I can. Maybe , Just maybe one day You will realize that its possible for you to love me." She whispered under her breath and patted his cheek like an adult to a kid ,"Goodnight kiddo!" She giggled.

Turning off the light , Ji Yun sighed and finally closed her eyes maintaining a safe distance between them . She could feel someone pulling her closer but she didn't care when sleep took over . She felt safe and secured when Heyeon Jun was beside her .


Heyeon Jun opened his eyes when Ji Yun entered the bathroom. His brain clicked and a memory from last month flashed in his mind .


Ji Yun snuggled closer to Heyeon Jun thinking he was her pillow . Heyeon Jun frowned ,"What the hell !" He said loudly. Ji Yun opened her eyes ,"What happened ?" She yelled and pulled away . But soon her ears and face started turning red . She looked at herself and then at him .

She was in her night suit, he was in his night suit . It was her room , there was one bed . She blanked out ,"Oh my god !!! What happened?! Oh I am so sorry ???!!!!!" Heyeon Jun chuckled ,"Do you remember what you did to me since you were so drunk last night ?!"

Ji Yun shook her head ,"No !" Heyeon Jun smirked ,"You pounced upon me and you did somethings you shouldn't have .. I am ashamed to name them . We slept together."

Ji Yun almost fainted with shock ,"Not possible !!!"

Heyeon Jun laughed ,"What are you thinking Pervert!! We slept on the same bed .. we didn't have s.." Ji Yun shushed him ,"I get It , Now shut up !!!"

Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Oh , well Do you want me to describe what you did .." Ji Yun shook her head ,"No need , I want to get ready for office get out !!" She pushed his out and he smiled ear to ear seeing her red face .

Heyeon Jun thought about what actually happened. He smirked . She simply hugged him to sleep . Hehe ! He loved teasing her .


Now that Heyeon Jun thought about it , its funny and makes him smile . He sighed . He dismissed his thoughts ,"For me You should not be more that Ji Yun ." But you are definitely not just Ji Yun for me ....

He closed his eyes again . Ji Yun's comforting scent sent him in a deep slumber. He finally fell asleep . He had no Idea what tomorrow would be like .



Xia Ri tiptoed inside her room . Surprisingly there was Mr.Xia . He was sitting on the bed with his head hung low . He had a frame in his hand . Xia Ri froze . She looked at him as he stared at her picture.

She pursed her lips , feeling a little sad for him . She should have come here beforehand . She had completely ignored him , what if in the end , its not him ? She sighed, atleast for the time being she can forget everything and enjoy her wedding time. She smiled lightly and called out meekly ,"Dad."

Mr.Xia looked up with a surprised face . His expression changed into a happy expression ,"Oh ! When did You come. Its so late.. you shouldn't have bothered to." Xia Ri smiled,"Seeing you lonely, I thought Why not join in . Since Tomorrow is my wedding."

Mr.Xia Smiled ,"Thankyou. Well come with me . I have something for you ." Xia Ri frowned ,"Ok." She mumbled and followed him . He smiled ear to ear as he led her to his study . Taking out something which looked like a controler or something.

He turned off the lights and suddenly all the childhood memories of his and Xia Ri started playing . Including her mother's videos . She smiled as her eyes started tearing up looking at the wall . She missed those days , when she was running around while he chased her or she chased him . Her mother would always shoot these small clips .

She smiled wider when a video of her crying started playing . She couldn't help but laugh at how hard she was crying and ironically her father was laughing too instead of consoling her .

This really made her wish , if she could go back in time and change all the sins her father committed. She gulped lightly. Her face turned to look at smiling Mr.Xia . She wondered if he didn't do anything. She wished if he didn't do anything.

She looked back and a smile formed on her lips , lets forget about this for sometime .


Xia Ri smiled when her phone ringed . She was about to sleep but couldn't help but pick her husband's call ,"Hello Mr.Dong." The other line sighed ,"I already miss you." Xia Ri smiled ,"Take me back then." Dong Heon gave an instant reply ,"Will , tomorrow officially. Then no on will dare take you away from me."

Xia Ri blushed ,"Ok. Well I am looking forward to it." Dong Heon asked ,"You should have been easy on the old man." Xia Ri sighed ,"I really had a good time though." Dong Heon sighed ,"Thats good. Wifey , Come back baby." He chided .

Xia Ri sighed ,"I will be back ,stop acting like a two year old . I know you're just teasing me." Dong Heon laughed ,"Oops , So now you know I am teasing you hugh ?!" Xia Ri bit her lip ,"I always do ."

Dong Heon chuckled ,"Now get sleep , its already late. And don't forget to kiss me in your dreams." Xia Ri scoffed ,"Whatever makes you sleep at night . Anyways , You too sleep early. I don't want my husband having dark circles at his wedding."

Dong Heon was about to end the call when Xia Ri mumbled,"I love you.." she blushed to herself at how the words automatically left her mouth . She ended the call right away and covered her face with pillow ,"God !! Why did I ..." she was now embarrassed, not knowing what he would think of her.


Dong Heon sighed . He was about to end the call when he heard the three words that shook his whole world ,"I love you." She mumbled. He froze . Then he heard Tu .. Tu .. Tu

His heard skipped a beat , um excuse me ?! Did she just confess accidentally? Oh my fg !!!!!?!!!!!!! He was feeling like he on cloud Nine . His lips slowly curved upwards and finally into a foolish smile . His shocked expression into a happy one . He gasped ,"Aiyooo ,,, she loves me .. she confessed it." He did his happy dance ,"Yay !!"

He rolled on his bed ,"Wohoo." And he smiled like a fool as he laid on his stomach while he thought about her . He sighed ,"I love you too wifey ." He looked at his phone screen before falling asleep .


Song of the day "Tu chahiye" by Atif Aslam.