
Ji Yun yelled ,"Heyeon Jun , Min shinze has a lot of time . We don't. I am going to fetch Xia Ri from Xia Mansion . You should head to Dong Heon."

Heyeon Jun who was standing in his room could still hear her clearly , rolled his eyes ,"Stop yelling so early in the morning." He adjusted his tie and quickly headed downstairs, wanting to see Ji Yun . Ji Yun knew that too so she quickly got in the car , not wanting to reveal her look . She picked a big paper bag in her hand .

She placed the bag on the left seat and was wearing her sneakers instead of her heels . She had to drive a long way before she could finally reach the Xia Mansion . She stepped out and smiled lightly excited to see her sister.

But her smile faded when she realized where she was . She was at the Xia Mansion. In these ten years she hasn't been here . She took a deep breath and looked up at the big Iron gates . She texted Mr.Xia ,"I am here."

Soon a Gaurd welcomed her and took her car to park it . She smiled lightly and stepped inside . Her heart was beating a little fast . She was on full alert . She didn't knew what can happen to her here . She finally entered the big mansion and her eyes scanned her a familiar big Room . She gulped lightly when Mr.Xia stepped out in his grey suit .

He sighed and called for a servant ,"Take young Miss to Xia Ri's room." Ji Yun bit her lip lightly before she ascended the stairs . She was feeling nervous lightly knwoing Mr.Xia was eyeing her moves . Just then she remembered she was still wearing sneakers . She cursed lightly ,"God !"

The servant looked at her breifly and Ji Yun smiled awkwardly. Soon she was standing before Xia Ri's Room . Ji Yun took a deep breath and knocked ,"Young Miss , Dong Heon is here to see you." Xia Ri opened the door right away and Ji Yun smirked ,"Come on Don't tell me you didn't know it was a prank."

Xia Ri rolled her eyes . Ji Yun eyes her and her heart really skipped a beat ,"You look so beautiful Ri." Xia Ri blushed ,"Thankyou !!" Ji Yun peeked inside to see the hairstylist. She looked at Xia Ri ,"Ask them to do my hair." Xia Ri nodded ,"Yeah Come with me." She grabbed her hand and pulled her inside ,"Here , Do a messy bun." She said pointedly.

The hairstylist nodded . Ji Yun sighed and just then makeup artist stepped forward ,"Did you .. Do it yourself?" She said pointing at Ji Yun's face . Ji Yun nodded ,"Yeah I have a certificate." The Makeup artist nodded ,"You look beautiful." Ji Yun blushed ,"Thankyou." Xia Ri hissed ,"Please help me put on my heels please."

Ji Yun smiled at her pout . She always acted like a kid . Xia Ri was feeling good now that she was ready . She thought of teasing Dong Heon . She clicked a mirror selfie and sent it to Dong Heon ,"Here , hubby look at me."


Heyeon Jun stepped out and he saw the open door . He cursed and hurried outside . All he could see was Ji Yun's car scurring away . He hissed ,"Come on !" He wanted to see her and yet she left . He ran a hand over his perfectly styled hair . He sighed ,"Min shinze I am heading out now . Don't forget to come on time."

Min shinze replied ,"I got it." He exited the kitchen in his White shirt paired with black pant . Heyeon Jun hesitated ,"How did Ji Yun look though ?" Min shinze smirked,"You would have been dead if you saw her . She looked so ravishing."

Heyeon Jun pouted ,"Well , I will get going." He headed straight to Dong Heon's apartment. (In his car obviously, guys use some commen sense . Lol) He rang the bell and as expected Dong Heon was in his suit but his hair were still messed up . Heyeon Jun shook his head ,"hasn't the hairstylist set your hair yet ?" Dong Heon pouted ,"He was about to but you're here."

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Oh sorry , lets get it done. You are going to lool like drug dealer anyways." Dong Heon scoffed ,"Asshole." Heyeon Jun did a gesture 'BLAH ! Blah!' Dong Heon clicked his tongue and headed straight to his room . Heyeon Jun followed him .

Dong Heon took a seat and the hairstylist started doing his hair . He center parted his hair and pulled them back lightly while he set them neatly. He looked like a geek god or you can say a prince. Heyeon Jun was impressed at how masculine he looked now than before . He gave a thumbs up to Dong Heon who grinned .

The hairstylist looked at Heyeon Jun ,"The undercut suits you really well , Mr.Heyeon." and Heyeon Jun winked ,"It was styled by You anyways." The hairstylist smiled ,"Ofcourse . Well Where is Mi.." he stopped when he noticed Heyeon Jun's cold gaze . He shut his mouth ,"I should take my leave now ."

Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Yeah I would see you out." As soon as they stepped out of the room he smacked the hairstylist,"You were about to reveal something.." The hairstylist blinked ,"Sorry Mr.Heyeon." Heyeon Jun sighed,"Lucky day to make such a mistake. Anyways get going now."

He went back inside and he saw Dong Heon's pout which didn't kinda suit his look . He raised an eyebrow,"What happened?" And Dong Heon threw his phone towards him ,"See yourself." And As soon as Heyeon Jun looked at the screen he burst laughing ,"Lol , Heon . You're being teased."

Dong Heon hissed as he adjusted his Tie ,"She is teasing me its fine . Why did she has to send a blur picture.. I am so so so excited to see her now." And with this Heyeon Jun wondered how Ji Yun would be looking . He frowned,"By the way I wonder why Ji Yun ran away before I could see her . Wasn't she ready ?"

Dong Heon smirked ,"So you failed to see her look hugh ?" Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Um yeah actually." Dong Heon sighed and patted Heyeon Jun's shoulder ,"Its ok brother , I know what It feels like . Its ok !" Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Lets get going then. That lucky Chui is waiting there."

Dong Heon frowned ,"Why is he lucky ?" Heyeon Jun smiled ,"He got to see our sister and how beautiful she'd be looking today." Dong Heon nodded ,"Well , patience is the key remember?" Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Yes Mr.Dong."

After this they both headed out and started driving towards their destination.


Ji Yun looked at Xia Ri ,"Are you excited to see your hubby ? Huh ?" Xia Ri blushed . Heyeon Xia entered the scene ,"I heard that he user your hair removal cream and is now bald." Xia Ri's eyes widened ,"Tell me you're joking .." she imagine how Dong heon would look bald and she knew it would be her worst nightmare. She shook her head,"I will kill you .. if thats true.."

Heyeon Xia chuckle,"I am not joking by the way , he almost used it." Ji Yun laughed ,"well well just enjoy here . I have somethings to look after .. I will be back in ten minutes or maybe more ."

Ji Yun stepped out of the room and she was searching for Heyeon Jun . Her heels clicked on the marbel floor as she slowly walked towards Groom's room . She knew where they would be and she was super excited to see Heyeon Jun and his reaction.

She took a deep breath and opened the door . Her heart skipped a beat when the first person she saw made an eye contact with her . Heyeon Jun was wearing his black suit with a black tie and his hair set revealing his new undercut . He looked more than just handsome. His ear had a small platinum cross that Ji Yun's heart danced over.

She finally let go of the breath she didn't knew she was holding ,"Heyeon Jun , can you see me for a minute." Heyeon Jun's eyes were staring at her intensely ,"Why not?"


Heyeon Jun was staring at Song Chui and how different he looked . He had the same undercut as him but their hair were set differently . Heyeon Jun sighed ,"I can't believe that its you looking so elegant."

Song Chui laughed along with Dong Heon ,"I swear Heyeon Jun , You need to cheer up. I know you couldn't see Ji Yun but Its fine.. I mean You know she would look beautiful anyways.." Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Could you guys stop , you both have been teasing me about it since morning , come on !"

Dong Heon raised a brow ,"Oh excuse me . You're the one who realized it late .. that you love her and You always tease our sister a lot so why can't We tease you ?" Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"Whatever !"

Just then they heard a knock on the door . Heyeon Jun turned around and the door opened revealing Ji Yun . His heart skipped a million beats when his eyes landed on Ji Yun who was looking as if she had changed into an angel . Her white silk gown hugged her figure and her long legs revealed from the side slit made her even more gorgeous.

Her hair tied up in a messy bun . Her snatched eyes and her red lipstick made her look more than beautiful. Any words that came into his mind were not good enough to describe her beauty. He gulped as he eyed her . He would have tripped if he was walking by any chance.

Heyeon Jun was in a trance . Ji Yun's voice made him realize that he was gawking at her ,"Heyeon Jun can you see me for a minute?" He awkwardly cleared his throat ,"Why not ?" His eyes eyed her . Dong Heon and Song Chui smirked at her ,"Oh ok , we can allow him." Ji Yun chuckled.

Heyeon Jun stepped towards her as their eyes met . He wrapped an arm around her waist possessively when he noticed how everyone passing by was staring at her . Her eyes widened. She looked at him ,"What are you doing Jun , there are so many people here. Media is here.. come on.."

Heyeon Jun shushed her ,"You think I care ?. so yeah before you say something Let me tell you , this is my second wish , let me hug you whenever I want." Ji Yun blinked ,"Come on thats cheating.." he shook his head ,"No baby , thats not.. I mean Its called using your brain.." Ji Yun scoffed ,"Fine.. anyways let go of me now so that we can go somewhere people aren't around. Lets talk there."

Heyeon Jun nodded and they both walked away . Flashes were continuous as the cameras captured them both heading out . Thankgod there weren't any pictures of them hugging and Flirting.

Ji Yun sighed as she supported her back with the pillar ,"Heyeon Jun , I don't why , I am very nervous. I just wanted to ask you about the security team ." Heyeon Jun smiled lightly ,"I knew it . RELAX ! you don't need to worry about it. By the way .. I look good in my new hairstyle right ?"

Ji Yun nodded,"Ofcourse you do ! You look even more handsome . This hairstyle suits you the most." She commented with a wide smile but stopped suddenly when reminded of her excitement level. She cleared her throat awkwardly. Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Its not easy to get over me know..." Ji Yun bit her lip ,"Its not easy to ignore my charms know.."

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Don't do that Ji Yun." Ji Yun smirked ,"Only you can tease me ? don't forget I can be a hell of torture for you.." She turned around to leave. Heyeon Jun caught her wrist and pulled her back . He pressed his chest lightly against her back ,"You look beautiful today.." and Ji Yun blushed . She jerked his hand and started walking away , slightly running in her steps . Heyeon Jun sighed,"Do I really love you ?"

He turned around when his phone started ringing. He answered the call ,"I see , You miss me a lot." He mocked at the person on the other end . The other person chuckled,"I do , I miss you and the miserable expression on your face." Heyeon Jun sighed,"What do you want ? I am busy." The other person sighed ,"Nothing just wanted to remind you of my existence so you won't be relaxed throughout the wedding."

Heyeon Jun smirked ,"I know you won't disturb me , I know." The person on the other line didn't say anything and just ended the call. Heyeon Jun sighed and smiled before he walked away .


Dong Heon was feeling nervous as he was standing there , waiting for his bride to enter the hall . Finally the music started playing . He looked back at Heyeon Jun and his eyes widened ,"Min shinze !" He almost yelled . Everyone turned to look at Dong Heon .

Dong Heon sighed aloud ,"Oh my god ! Thankyou for coming here ." He hugged Min shinze ,"I will deal with you later." He whispered and glared at song Chui and Heyeon Jun who were laughing lightly.

He turned around again and finally Xia Ri appeared on the aisle . His breath hitched when his eyes met hers .


Song of the day ,"Kuchh to hai." By Armaan malik i guess . Lol I am confused in singer.

By the way I didn't yet reveal Xia Ri's look. Also i might not be able to give the mass release tomorrow , since my phone bursted while charging due to some power supply issue . Ironically i will be getting a second hand one on 25th only cause i want to complete this book . i had an iphone so my parents asked me to get a second hand for the time being and then later i will get a new one on new year. i was typing this chapter on laptop and cause of this it took me 2 days. lol . please support me through this . and this may sound rather an excuse but its so true . i hadnt backed up my chapters on my phone so i will have to rewrite them too. thats kinda frustrating. thankyou for nagging .