Daughter-in-law !!

Dong Heon's body stiffened and he gulped lightly. Xia Ri was wearing a white gown . White laced top with a beautiful figure hugging bottom which had a small side slit on one side . The lace was beaded with small pearls around the neckline .

Her hair were tied up in beautiful updo . Her vail covered her face but her beautiful eyes were still visible . She was wearing a makeup look that he had never seen on her before . It added to everything making everything perfect and too good to be true . As she stepped closer his heart beated even faster . Finally she was standing beside her and they finally stepped closer . He was staring at her almost forgetting about anything else .

The priest started . Xia Ri was looking at him , couldn't believe that it was Dong Heon looking so masculine and handsome . She almost tripped when she was walking because she wasn't concentrating on anything but him . She smiled ,"Yes I do." The words escaped her lips . Priest smiled ,"You may now kiss the bride."

Dong Heon smiled ,"Not yet , There are some vows I have yet to give." Xia Ri bit her lip lightly. Dong Heon started ,"Well when I decided to marry you I had my own reasons and Loving You wasn't one . But now that We are performing this ceremony, it has become one. I know even time can't change my feelings . They can only grow deeper and will never be shallow . I promise, No matter how Clumsy are you , I will never be irritated or annoyed."

Xia Ri chuckled and her eyes started watering . Dong Heon continued ,"No matter how many times you sing bad , I will hear you. No matter how many complaints you have I will always try to improve and I promise I will never complain about anything you do . I am happy if you are , even if its with someone else . I want to make you smile and no matter what my circumstances are I will pamper you."

Xia Ri smiled trying to controle her tears ,"Hm , I will also ..do the same." Everyone chuckled at how she tried to controle her sobs . Dong Heon kissed her lips and then her head ,"Stop crying wifey." Xia Ri hugged him and everyone cheared them .

Heyeon Jun on the other hand was smiling while he looked at them . Dong Heon's words hold a deep meaning . His eyes met with Ji Yun who was grinning ear to ear . His heart repeated Dong Heon's words and his heard ached lightly looking at Ji Yun. Ji Yun stepped closer to him patting him on the back ,"What happened Mr.CEO ?" Heyeon Jun shook his head ,"Nothing , I just was thinking something."

Ji Yun nodded ,"Oh well , lets go then , I didn't even have breakfast you know , its already noon. Lets eat." Heyeon Jun sighed ,"First lets greet Mom and dad , they wanted to see you." Ji Yun bit her lip ,"I almost forgot." Heyeon Jun raised an eyebrow ,"Didn't I tell you not to do that ?" Ji Yun sighed ,"Do what ?!"

He took a deep breath and then leaned closer whispering ,"Not to bite your lip , are you doing this on purpose? I don't mind taking you down now." Ji Yun blinked and looked at him with disbelief. Her face heated up and she quickly ran where Mrs.Heyeon was standing . Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Easy peasy."

Ji Yun didn't turn to look at Heyeon Jun . He was shameless , but Ji Yun will definitely take the revenge today ! Humph. Ji Yun smiled lightly as Mrs.Heyeon hugged her ,"You look beautiful baby." Ji Yun bit her lip ,"Um , Thankyou Mom." Mrs.Heyeon sighed ,"Ji Yun I have something to say to you. Don't mind me , but I will not hide my feelings today." Ji Yun blinked ,"Oh." Mrs.Heyeon held her hand ,"I want you to be my daughter in law."

Ji Yun's eyes widened . She was speechless. She gulped down lightly when she felt Someone snake her waist . She came out of her trance and looked at Heyeon Jun whose face was now settled on her shoulder . She blinked ,"What are you doing Heyeon Jun." Heyeon Jun ignored her and looked at his mom ,"Won't you click our picture mom?"

Ji Yun had no Idea what was going on . She was just staring at his handsome face . He looked at her , and her heart danced . Heyeon Jun smiled at her ,"Would you act as my shield again so that these aunts don't introduce their daughters to me ?" Ji Yun was dazed out and just nodded . Heyeon Jun smiled at the camera and Ji Yun was still staring at him.

He looked back at her ,"Don't make it so obvious, I know I am good looking." Ji Yun cleared her throat and looked at Mrs.Heyeon. Her lips curved in a smile when Mrs.Heyeon winked at her . She didn't really notice how Heyeon Jun's grip tightened on her waist when she smiled . Heyeon Jun didn't let her go even when they were normally chatting with her mom.

Ji Yun finally asked him to let go of her but he was rather disappointed. His face looked a little cold and he suddenly asked ,"Where's dad ?" Mrs.Heyeon pointed at a men's group which was laughing in a corner of the hall. Heyeon Jun shook his head ,"Its ok , well , Nevermind." Mrs.Heyeon laughed ,"So , I guess you are next after Dong Heon ?" Heyeon Jun shook his head ,"There is Heyeon Xia and then Heyeon Ri and then at last me."

Mrs.Heyeon smiled ,"Alas !" Ji Yun chuckled ,"I knew it , I bet he would die virgin." She hiccuped lightly when she realized the words she voiced out . Heyeon Jun cocked a brow at her ,"Oh really ? I am not a virgin though. I have much more experience than you do , why don't you try me ?"

Ji Yun scoffed ,"I don't want your second hand body." Mrs.Heyeon laughed ,"Stop it both of you. Don't argue whenever you get time."

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"I will get going to have a chat with uncle Song." Mrs.Heyeon smiled ,"Well , ok , I also want to have a talk with Future Mrs.Heyeon." Heyeon Jun coughed furiously and Ji Yun's eyes widened as she looked away ,"What are you talking about mom?" She said blushing. Mrs.Heyeon smirked ,"See you already call me mom , aren't you my daughter in law ?"

Ji Yun looked away. Heyeon Jun chuckled ,"I don't wanna be a part of this talk." He left waving his hand walking casually to his uncle and father standing while talking about something serious.

Heyeon Jun looked at his father ,"How you doing dad ?" He hugged him lightly before he hugged Mr.Song . Mr.Song smiled at him ,"How you doing Son ? You look very disappointed .. I have been noticing you , you seem not to be in a good mood." Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Nothing uncle just somethings bothering me."

Mr.Song smiled ,"Ah , That someone will take Ji Yun away ? Well well , won't you introduce us ?" Heyeon Jun looked at his father who smirked ,"Dad , You shouldn't have told this old man about You teasing me. You know how ruthless he is when it comes to teasing me."

Mr.Heyeon smiled ,"I will take revenge from his son afterall he wants to marry my daughter." Mr.Song smiled intently at Heyeon Jun ,"Once your son wanted to marry mine , remember?" Heyeon Jun's lips curved up and he looked away .

Mr.Heyeon Smiled sadly ,"Thats true , by the way how is Song Jia." Mr.Song sighed ,"She is pregnant with her second child . She said maybe after an year she would visit country . After that incident It was best for me to send her to the states . Atleast she is over her past now."

Mr.Heyeon smiled ,"I am sorry Song . No one knew what would happen back then. But see everything is fine now , why think about such stuff now , its useless."

Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Um yeah , Actually , By the way look at your son who is flirting with my sister." Mr.Song smiled ,"What can I do about it . I also flirt with your aunt till this day." Heyeon Jun and Mr.Heyeon both laughed ,"I know I know , by the way where is sister-in-law ?"

Mr.Song smiled ,"Look in the 3'o clock direction , she is talking with her bff's." Both father and son looked at her and to there surprise, Mrs.Dong , Mrs.Song and Mrs.Heyeon were grinning ear to ear and beside them Ji Yun , Xia Ri and Heyeon Xia were blushing .

Heyeon Jun raised his brows ,"Perfect." He mumbled. Mr.Heyeon smirked at Mr.Song ,"Well let me go and greet my Son-In-Law now." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"I will be after you dad." Mr.Heyeon smiled ,"Hm, get Heyeon Ri along with you. Why isn't she here ?"

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"She must be dealing with the little one. I will take care of it , don't worry." Mr.Heyeon nodded ,"Ok." Heyeon Jun smiled at Mr.Song ,"Want to see my beautiful niece, I got some pictures of Your daughter's children." Mr.Song smiled ,"Why not . That little brat didn't send me saying she doesn't trust me."

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Here is my phone , feel free to check this album , its full of their photos , and It will automatically locks when you open something else." Mr.Song rolled his eyes ,"Ok."

Heyeon Jun smirked to himself knowing it wasn't his personal phone. He headed straight to Heyeon Ri . On his way he dragged Ji Yun along with him . Grabbing her hand he pulled her with him and finally entered a small room . Ji Yun knew where they were going so she hurried to the bed and slumped on it , lying her torso down .

Heyeon Jun smiled at Heyeon Ri ,"Hand your daughter over to me , and go meet Your husband." Heyeon Ri's face turned cold . She sighed ,"I am not ready." Ji Yun stood up straight ,"Don't be in such a low spirit. You know what , just let it all be in god's hands. He might have decided the best for you. Atleast meet him once. Running away will only do harm."

Heyeon Jun nodded ,"Exactly. You know what , I know him , he is prefect for you but I am no one to interfere in your life . If you don't feel good about him , tell me, I will surely stand with your decision."

Heyeon Ri nodded ,"It's only been a month. I hope no one would hurry this marriage."

Heyeon Jun smiled ,"I promise." Heyeon Ri handed the sleeping Mei to Heyeon Jun before she took a deep breath calming her nerves . Ji Yun smiled and patted Heyeon Ri's back ,"I know you would leave him drooling over you with this beautiful and sexy dress on." She winked at the end making Heyeon Ri chuckle ,"I know right ?"

Heyeon Ri went to use the restroom for a second and Heyeon Jun didn't wait to hover over Ji Yun . He pulled her closer with one hand ,"sister looks sexy , don't you?" Ji Yun nodded ,"of course I do." She smiled sweetly and Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Little devil , Should I just .." he leaned closer and Ji Yun waited for him to do whatever he intended to do because she knew he wad just teasing her .

Heyeon Jun looked at her relaxed expression and pecked her lips ,"How was my surprise ?" Ji Yun's eyes widened ,"Stop !!!" Heyeon Jun chuckled ,"Excuse me ?! look you woke her up." He patted Mei slowly but she opened her eyes and looked at Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun.

Mei made a crying face and For Heyeon Jun who had no experience with a crying baby , he started panicking. Ji Yun chuckled ,"Don't worry just swing her slowly and talk to her." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"hm, so my little Mei , You want to sleep again." He swinged his body light from side to side .

Little Mei calmed down and rested her small head on Heyeon Jun's shoulder. Ji Yun smiled ,"Lets go and greet your daddy mei." She said as she touched her small cheeks. Heyeon Jun nodded,"He is a good man." Ji Yun assured him ,"Of course he is."

Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun headed out and sae Heyeon Ri was calming herself . Heyeon Jun chuckled ,"Why are you so nervous Sister ?" Heyeon Ri shook her head ,"I am trying to act cool." And that made three of them chuckle.


I know I am late , trust me just got my phone and here you have your chapter right away !!!! Enjoy !!!

Lots of love for everyone for being so patient.

No more song recommendations for these few chapters please !!! Still I will try to search them up .