I have a reason

Heyeon Jun's eyes travelled around the hall and landed on Ji Yun . He sipped his wine as he eyed her moves . She looked beautiful smiling like that when she was chatting with Xia Ri . He lost himself in her at that moment. He looked around and damn every man that was staring at Ji Yun . He felt his temper flaring up seeing those lustful eyes of horny men .

He clenched his fist and started walking towards Ji Yun. But before he could reach there he saw a boy come and ask Ji Yun for a dance . Heyeon Jun scoffed , keep trying , she won't say yes. Just then Ji Yun shot Him a look gazing into his eyes for a split second before tearing them away again .

She smiled lightly ,"Um , just once I guess." The Man kissed the back of her hand as he guided her to the dance floor .

In front of Heyeon Jun's eyes someone asked Ji Yun out and guess what , she agreed.

She agreed !!! WTF ?!

Heyeon Jun's grip on the wine glass tightened , what was she doing ? Didn't she notice the man's intentions?! She agreed ?! Why ?! He sipped his wine as he eyes Ji Yun smile at the man lightly as they danced and talked lightly. Ji Yun wasn't wearing a gown but she still looked beautiful.

Heyeon Jun tried to look away but he couldn't. As he was throwing daggers , he felt someone nudge his shoulder ,"So , Are you jealous?" He looked back to see Xia Ri smirking at him . Dong Heon added , as he wrapped an arm around Xia Ri's waist ,"Hm , Look at that look , he can really kill someone today with that look."

Heyeon Jun looked back at the couple dancing. He didn't answer but simply gulped down the wine in one go . Xia Ri raised her eyebrows and smirked ,"Interesting." Dong Heon placed his head on her shoulder ,"very interesting." Xia Ri smiled ,"By the way , Heyeon Jun , Shouldn't you stop her. Look at that man trying to touch her all wrong."

Heyeon Jun almost forgot about it and when he looked at Ji Yun's uncomfortable expression, he rolled his eyes and casually walked towards her ,"Just watch." Xia Ri nodded ,"Lets see."

Heyeon Jun looked at the man ,"Can you please spare my girlfriend?" Ji Yun looked at Him surprisingly. The man smiled ,"but we're..." he stopped when he saw the cold look on Heyeon Jun's face . As soon as the man stepped back , Heyeon Jun pulled Ji Yun lightly wrapping at arm around her waist. Ji Yun surprisingly placed her hand on his shoulder,"What..,"

Heyeon Jun cut her off ,"Just dance baby.." He pulled her in the centre as the slow music started to play . He smirked ,"I see you like dancing a lot .. so lets dance.. ready ?" Ji Yun blinked when she sensed his cold voice ,"What's wrong ?" Heyeon Jun smiled ,"Just dance .."

He started slowly and Fortunately Ji Yun followed his lead . After a few steps he swirled her around and then finally pulled her in making her bump into his chest and he leaned in to whisper ,"I dare you to say yes to these creeps once again." Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat hearing his cold warning .

She wondered , can this guy be anymore jealous? How can he be so bipolar bout his opinions ?! Wtf ?! But all she could do was blink ,"Hm..I won't." Heyeon Jun smirked ,"You better not."

He pulled away lightly and made his way from the crowd to the hallway dragging Ji Yun along. Ji Yun didn't feel good about this.

She smiled awkwardly as she swept past all the guests and specially Heyeon Ri , who winked at her . Ji Yun cried internally,"Oh my lord , save me ! Jesus !" Heyeon Jun stopped when they finally were standing outside in the dark hallway . A small golden light was being emitted as from the small lamps hung on the walls for decoration.

He turned around to look at her ,"Why did you even say yes to that creep ?!" Ji Yun blinked in confusion,"Well , cause I thought why not ?" He laughed coldly ,"And then You felt uncomfortable when he was touching you inappropriately?"

Ji Yun frowned seeing how angry he was . No , wait a second , how Jealous he was . Yups thats correct now . She smiled ,"Excuse me ? Are you jealous?" Heyeon Jun tilted his head ,"What makes you think that ?" Ji Yun stepped closer and then pinched his nose lightly,"Your nostrils flare up in anger when you ... are Jealous."

She smiled and stepped back ,"Even if you are .. Why ?" Heyeon Jun didn't know how to answer her . He looked at her intensely, waiting for his brain to function, but there wasn't a single thing that came to his mind at that time. He cursed his brain .

Ji Yun tilted her head ,"can't say anything, or don't want to ?" Heyeon Jun just looked at her . She stepped back ,"Well I should get going , think of a reason first and then Tell me not to dance with others alright."

She turned around and was about to walk away when Heyeon Jun caught her wrist ,"Fine , I have a reason." Ji Yun scoffed ,"Spill.." Heyeon Jun stepped closer to her . Ji Yun didn't turn around . He pressed his chest against her back ,"I am worried that You're ..." his words were caught in his throat when his eyes caught something he didn't notice before .

Ji Yun was waiting for his reply and she frowned when a few seconds passed and no words came from him ,"Heyeon Jun , what happened ?" She turned around to look at him and noticed that his eyes were fixed on something.

She wanted to look back at where he was looking but just then Heyeon Jun caught her from her shoulders forbidding her from even moving an inch . He looked back at her ,"I am worried that .. You are not over me yet and .." he stopped again leaning in ,"Don't turn around."

Ji Yun fronwed ,"What ?" Heyeon Jun whispered "Shh.. now slowly put your hand in my coat and pull out a blade from the inner pocket. Moan a little so that anyone around thinks we are getting a little." Ji Yun rolled her eyes but she could what he told her to . Heyeon Jun placed his lips on her earlobe purposely cause he knew she won't just do it ,"Sorry." He whispered as he placed a small kiss there .

Ji Yun gasped as he pulled her closer and she started trailing her hand to his coat slowly taking out the blade and gun at the same time. She let out a soft moan ,"Ah.. I got it now what?" She whispered getting real awkward when faking all of this.

Heyeon Jun smirked ,"When I say three , turn around on 180' and throw the blade in right front where you see the black shadow." Ji Yun sighed ,"Alright but.." Heyeon Jun kissed her neck ,"One.." she stiffened breathing in . She bit her lip ,"stop teasing me." She slowly stepped out of her heels ,"Two.." he loosened his grip . Ji Yun breathed in ,"Three."

And right at the exact moment , Ji Yun turned on exact 180* and threw the blade over in right front . She handed the gun to Heyeon Jun with the other hand . But unfortunately it wasn't just the end . The body fell on the ground with a loud thud .

Heyeon Jun smirked ,"Good job." She sighed ,"Things are going to get messy." she said when she noticed someone right beside Heyeon Jun. Heyeon Jun smiled as he very skillfully shot the person in his stomach in a slick move. The person fell on the ground and his gun fell right beside his hand . Heyeon Jun kicked the gun away as he pulled out his hanker chief ,"Come here."

Ji Yun stepped closer pulling out the blade from the man's head. Heyeon Jun Gathered her hair and tied them in a ponytail ,"Go back inside , I will come back in sometime." Ji Yun shook her head ,"The chain of men surrounding us will probably kill you." Heyeon Jun shrugged ,"as you wish." Ji Yun's eyes turned cold when she saw the men coming in one by one . She took a deep breath . She turned around but didn't see Heyeon Jun.

Her mind went black , where is he ? She looked in front and when she noticed a man aiming his gun at her she cursed ,"What the fuck !" And she threw the blade which cut his neck . She ran with all her might grabbing the gun mid air before it fell in his hands again . She shot the other one in his head .

She breathed heavily but she didn't wuite understand when someone punche her in the face . She scoffed and turned to look at the man and before he could even touch her she held his wirst and she hit him with the gun itself. He hissed ,"You crazy bitch."

Ji Yun punched him on his nose then kneed his precious jwels ,"Don't do that , it makes me even angrier." She said as he fell on the side . Now again someone grabbed her from her neck ,"It was said that we should take you back alive , but If you act like this its kinda difficult." The man whispered near her ear . Ji Yun rolled her eyes ,"You won't even take back my deadbody."

The man smiled tightening his grip on her neck . Instead of struggling Ji Yun stared back in his eyes . She stopped breathing . The man frowned but he increased the force even more . No one knew what was going in her mind . One man placed a gun on her head ,"Lets go." He said to other men as they both stepped closer .

Bang ! Everyone looked around . Ji Yun smirked evily ,"God you fools." The man holding her neck fell on the groud with a thud and Ji Yun turned around kicking thr man straight on his face , which caused the gun to fall on his side . The man fell . Ji Yun shot him with one hand and no more bullets ! She cursed and looked back , there were even more men . She threw the gun at an angle where it hit the man in front making his loose balance and falling on others.

The man smirked ,"Your luck doesn't work everytime miss . He said as he shot her." She dodged the bullet with a pure coincidence. She smiled ,"Sometime it actually does." The man was about to fire when she swiftly caught his gun ,"Here give it to me." Holding his arm she pulled him closer and then god she tried to seduce him .

She almost bit her lip for him and then she turned around hit him in his face with her elbow ,"One .. two .. three.." she counted side by side fianlly hitting him on his nose and making him fall easily on the ground.

Ji Yun didn't even know when someone grabbed her from behind pointing the gun on her head,"Time's up baby." She closed her eyes and tried to free herself but failed . The man increased the strength on her neck with his arm suffocating her . She started loosing focus when it was too much for her . She closed her eyes , No , This can't be . Where is Heyeon Jun ? She thought and her eyes finally drooped making her go unconscious.

Her struggles stopped as she gave in.


Twist ,, why did Heyeon Jun do that ? What would happen next ?! Ooooh my god ?!