I smell something fishy !

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

The man's grip loosened on Ji Yun as he fell on the ground but before she could fall Heyeon Jun grabbed her in his arms . Holding her in place with one hand and with other he shot continuously . Song Chui stepped out shooting from the front giving Heyeon Jun a cover .

Charlie steppe out ,"Sorry boss." Just as he said a chain of men entered the hallway and soon the shooting stopped ,"Are you 100% sure this hall is soundproof ?" Charlie smiled ,"we tested it." Heyeon Jun nodded and carried Ji Yun bridal style ,"Tell Dong Heon that I am going home now because Ji Yun fell sick."

Song Chui smiled ,"Rest assured." Heyeon Jun nodded and when his eyes landed on Ji Yun he felt sorry , He hurried to the car ,"Get us straight to the hotel we all were staying at."


A few moments ago .

Song Chui was talking with Heyeon Xia and Mrs.Heyeon when all of a sudden , Heyeon Jun pulled him from behind ,"I need your help." He said in a low voice smiling apologetically at the mother and daughter. Song Chui too .

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Listen here , we need to beat some shit . You have a gun right ?" Song Chui nodded ,"I do." Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Good , then lets go and remember you won't tell anyone about this. I can't connect with charlie at the moment , he might he busy handling somethings ."

Song Chui nodded ,"Hm." Heyeon Jun pulled him ,"Lets go then." And as soon as they stepped in the hallway they noticed Ji Yun in that man's arm suffocating. Heyeon Jun shot the man right away and thank god he caught her in time.

After that he left and Song Chui entered like nothing happened . He texted heyeon Jun ,"Just relax ! She is fine ! Will wake up after sometime." After that he headed straight to Heyeon Ri ,"I am back sista. And guess what , Ji Yun wasn't feeling well so both Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun left."

Heyeon Ri nodded ,"I see. Poor Ji Yun , she might have to deal with his jealousy." Song Chui rolled his eyes ."Well , you have to tell this to Dong Heon now, that they left." Heyeon Ri clicked her tongue,"Nope ! He will get upset again." Just then Dong Heon stepped in ,"I won't."

He was smiling ear to ear . Heyeon Ri frowned ,"What's wrong ?" Dong Heon sighed ,"Didn't you notice how Heyeon Jun dragged her out after the dance ?" Heyeon Ri nodded ,"So ?" Dong Heon crossed his arms over his chest ,"he was actually jealous because of that guy who was dancing with Ji Yun earlier."

Heyeon Ri blinked ,"Oh." She nodded her head. Dong Heon continued ," And if he excused himself using such a lame excuse , then you know what will happen next." Heyeon Ri and Song Chui shared a look ,"Ohk. We do."

Heyeon Ri excused herself ,"I will see you later , Mei is still with Li Heon. I don't even know whats wrong with her . I should get going now." Song Chui winked at her ,"afterall you dreamed everything someday !" Heyeon Ri's face turned red ,"Shut up !"

Dong Heon Chuckled and looked at Song Chui ,"Chui , What was about That ?" Song Chui frowned ,"About what?" Dong Heon smiled ,"There is something wrong with Heyeon Jun leaving the party all of a sudden. How can Ji Yun fall sick out of nowhere ? I smell something fishy."

Song Chui smiled ,"its all fine . I didn't see her , I actually just got a text from Heyeon Jun." Dong Heon nodded ,"Oh , alright then."


Heyeon Jun's heart was beating really really fast maybe he was worried about her . He tucked a strand behind her ear ,"I don't know why I feel so guilty for you Ji Yun." Heyeon Jun worried about her , he knew it .

He blinked as he stared at her . He looked back up and knowing they were almost there , he lifted her up securely . Finally the car stopped and as soon as it did , the driver opened the door for him to step out . Heyeon Jun got off and walked inside .

All the staff were gawking at him . He didn't care . He only wanted Ji Yun to he safe . Placing her on the bed , he hurriedly ran inside the wardrobe and looked for something a little comfortable and covering , else than that sexy red dress . He really felt his body reacting to her in that dress .

He finally found a comfortable shirt for her . He turned to her and was about to pick her up , when he realized something ,It shouldn't be so casual like it is right ? Wait a minute! Was he going to change her dress for her ?

Cough ! Cough ! He cleared his throat. And he was about to give up when he again thought how torturous would it be for him later and for her too . So he lifted her up again and took a deep breath ,"We can do this." Its really really easy . He thought and picked her up and then simply looked anywhere but at her .

Just as he was about to open the zip , he felt her stir lightly. He looked at her and noticed how she opened her eyes slowly . Ji Yun blinked and looked at him . Just then did she realize she was in his arms .

She gulped lightly. The sudden tension engulfed her really quick . She thought and her heart started running again . She breathed in when Heyeon Jun's hand traveled a little more up . She couldn't force the words out of her mouth .

Heyeon Jun looked at her , her lips caught his attention. He looked at them and then up. He cursed internally , Leaning in ,"I am sorry in advance." He said and he pressed his lips against her . Ji Yun was surprise but she gave in almost immediately. Heyeon Jun kissed her so deep so passionate. His hands wrapped around her pulled her onto him .

Ji Yun shifted onto him with both her legs on his sides . Heyeon Jun grunted as he slowly trailed the kisses down her neck to her collarbone. Ji Yun moaned lightly. Heyeon Jun switched the positions pinning her down this time. He kissed her lips , which he missed so much .

Ji Yun could feel the heat rising in her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck . Everything was too right but wrong at the same time . She didn't quite understand why he always hid his feelings . She paused and looked at him ,"You didn't answer me earlier."

Heyeon Jun breathed heavily on top of her ,"I did so .." Ji Yun frowned ,"So what ?" He kissed her again not waiting any longer. Ji Yun gave in completely. We will see where it leads us , she thought last time before her brain stopped functioning . Making her body loose controle.


I know most of you were disappointed in last chapter but you should never be quick to judge . And also I added a little steamy scene at the end , does anyone know , now what will happen next . Lol.

Let me be honset , I sometimes do wonder what if my parents read these chapters . It will be so awkward for me . My sister does though. Lol , happy karwa to all the girls and women who had fast today .