Storm the front and kill the General

30 minutes after Lee announced the start the army was ready. The plan was simple, it's the same composition as last time, the lowest numbers on the outer ring and the strongest on the inner side, like this the army has some chance of not collapsing right away.

The difference is that each commanding captain now has 30 people to order. This frees up 520 captains as a strike force. This strike force will attack the enemies in 5 groups, directly to the opposing commander through the enemy army.

The 5 groups are named after the lead, the leads are Rhino, Wolf, Grim, Hog, and Pig.

"Hog, I want you to penetrate there, close to the inner side, and just storm straight, kill everyone who's in front of you. Wolf, I want you to follow hog and as soon as you reach the enemy, shatter and wreck chaos. Rhino, I want you to storm through the outer side, make chaos and try to make them ask for backup. Grim and Pig, I want you to storm through the weakened centre after the sides are reinforced, Grim will be the main attack force and Pig will try to protect Grim." Plethora dismisses everyone then. Talking in his three voices seems to have a positive effect on how well they listen.

He turns around and looks in the distance. This plan might work, it might backfire and they'll lose massively. But Wall must be extra protected against a similar assassination as Bodach and Plethora did last time, and a regular tactic will definitely fail. It's better to go with a bang then try something you know will fail.

It is still an impressive sight. Standing on a platform to overlook the battlefield it looks amazing. Two times almost 8000 warriors standing up against each other, storming towards each other, a clash in the middle. Screams and grunts, war cries and shouts. But also the deafening sound of clashing metal. Swords hitting swords, lances hitting shields, hammers hitting helmets, it's like a concert. Plethora would like to think himself to be the conductor, but he definitely can't control each sound. Yet.

The best thing is he can experience it up close and from the commanding platform as one of his clones is standing next to Grim.

They start moving, it's 6 minutes after the initial clash. Everything is going as Plethora expected, everything is stable. Wall is acting as he thought he would, continuing steadily now that everything seems to be a standard tactic.

"This is the time to strike. Deliver the message to Rhino, Hog, and Wolf, strike as planned!" Plethora next to Grim told their point of contact and from the platform it was possible to see the three groups, that were stationed as normal troops in reserve, moving out at the same time.

Two spears, a smaller and bigger one, moving towards the enemy line. But the true magic starts when the spears meet the enemy, there's almost no difference in resistance between moving through their own army and the enemy's army. The captains showing their prowess to the normal recruits.

The amazing thing is even before the entire spear moves into Wall's army the back at the centre starts to split up to strengthen their sides. And this is what Plethora expected.

The next step is to make their defence even thinner. Wolf's group behind Hog finally entered the enemy army quite a bit, and then they scattered. That was the meaning of pure chaos, many people got taken out, people were left behind, techniques were used that made fireballs, walls made of rock, mist made out of darkness, even weird tentacles wrecking havoc among the enemy ranks.

Many recruits from the centre moved towards that area, reinforcing that area. Wall is forced to act, he smells the trap, but if he doesn't reinforced that side the entire side collapses, and if one side collapses they will go to the weakened centre later, and then the final outer area. And that is if they don't just barge forward and kill Wall, even he doesn't think he can stand against so many people.

But his hopes fell apart after two more minutes. He finally stabalized the two outer areas, but then it happened. In the centre, just as he feared, another spear moved through the army. Even leaving behind people to create a tunnel to protect the ones coming the spearhead. Disrupting one of the plans Wall had to circle behind the spear with an elite group to destroy it from behind while also moving towards Plethora.

But another elite force had been moved to the back, protecting the commanding area. At first against assassins, but now against their elite strike force.

Plethora's phantom was at the front now, using all the air he could muster. "Wall! We meet again!" Is all he said.

But to Wall this was an insult, someone ranked last, even if it is the camp captains son, defeating him with a stroke of luck. And later after being set up to lose by his own father again to teach him some modesty he dares to make it tough on Wall by doing these unconventional things that a normal general wouldn't even consider. And then he still dares to provoke him by standing at the front? It is outrageous!

Or that's how Wall experienced it. But even then he was forced to stay on the platform, stepping off on his own accord would be seen as stepping down, and thus forfeiting the match. Otherwise he'd go into battle and show that arrogant noble's son where his place is in this camp.

At the bottom.

Wall ordered all his captains to fall back to the centre to take out the centre threat while leaving all the recruits to keep their areas stable.

This thinned the outside armies massively in power, giving Rhino, Hog, and Wolf an easier time. Even the normal low ranked recruits got a high morale seeing the most difficult enemies retreating, leaving only the normal recruits low on morale.

Plethora finally got a little bit of the feeling of being the conductor. The conductor that controls everything that happens with just a flick of his wrist, or not even that.

But the most wonderful thing now is seeing Wall again, his armor shining in the sun on top of that platform. He stands there together with the same two people again, keeping him up to date and making sure that his orders get delivered.

And the wonderful part about this is that he can see all of his armor.

Plethora looks at Wall while being surrounded by the Grim group. They in turn are surrounded again by the opposing army, but Plethora feels no pressure. They are close, just a little more and his dagger will find Wall once more.

"It is useless Plethora. I see what you did, you used almost all of your captains to set this up, but your spear will not reach me. It's being broken down from the back as we speak. And after that I'll be coming for you! Unless you can break through my little defence here fast enough." Wall taunts Plethora this time, but there's no pressure, Plethora knows that they will take him down, they came too close to be stopped now.

Grim is amazing, moving through the enemy quickly with the other captains, it won't take long before they can see the white in Wall's eyes, even when they are hidden inside his helmet.

Plethora on the commanding platform looks at the commander hill, he knows his father is watching. He knows all the other trainers are watching, judging. Will they approve of his method even though he needs to sacrifice so many to win for sure?

"Now is not the time to think about that." The single voice tells himself. "It is time."

Plethora in Grim's group looks at Wall, really looks at him, and calls out to him. "It is time Wall. Maybe yours, maybe mine, but now is the time to decide!" He points his big dual handed slab of steel one may name a sword right up towards the heavens. "Charge!" His voice echo through the battlefield. All recruits, captain or not, charge forwards. No regards for their own lives, only moving towards the enemy commander. Their morale is high as they didn't expect to come this far even though the odds were against them so badly.

Plethora gets taken out by a volley of arrows the moment the words leaves his mouth, his sword falling to the ground, embedding itself in it with its hilt pointing to the sky.

But he didn't loose eyes on Wall, he is still close.

21 recruits have taken the long way around the training circle battleground. The enemies commanding centre is in front of them, they are the stealthyest captains Plethora had. And at the moment the "Charge!" echoes through the battlefield they close the remaining distance in a blink of an eye.

Wall's back is completely open, all battles have always been head to head. Until Plethora came with a fresh mind all captains and commanders have been locked into their own way of thinking, boxing themselves in. This made it that the new tactics Plethora used were unexpected, even if they on themselves weren't all that special.

The distance is closed, a sound of a bell is heard, a needle shaped weapon hits the back of Wall's helmet. Another muffled sound is heard, a dagger finds itself sticking out of the neck of one of his helpers (or well, the collapsing wooden dummy of one.) without even turning around to show his dominance Wall speaks. "Your tricks are useless Petherton, even without these two I can continue leading this army, let alone with Hawk still next to me. Or do you think" His words are stopped by a deafening bang. A huge hammer comes flying in, poofs both Plethoras out of existence and hits the needle full on Wall's helmet.

The needle pierces through the metal and embeds itself deep into the wood.

"The battle is done!" Lee's voice sounds in everybody's ears. Everyone drops their weapons and cheers or grunts. Jumps or let's himself fall on his but. The battle is won once again against all odds.

Percy feels absolutely proud but he stays level headed, he needs to know what the trainers will say, what his father will say, before he can be truly happy with the result. And thus he walks towards the gathering spot. Meeting his army along the way, receiving both gratitude, admiration, apologies and congratulations.

But the scattered wooden dummies make him realise that even though they won, though he knew taking the win wasn't going to be easy, seeing the price of winning makes him want to improve. Makes him want to be able to create so many clones that he can take a bigger part in the war. And makes him realise that sacrificing his clones to take down wall was a safe move for dagger group, but it might have been smarter to take down Wall with all 20 at once, giving him no time to even think.

At least Wall underestimated Plethora as much as he did, even thinking that there was no back up from behind. Maybe even now Wall doesn't realise that they just walked around to get to them.

Arriving at the gathering point, standing all the way at the front, standing the closest to the trainers, looking up at his father who starts to speak.

"I thought I made it clear that I expect people to learn from their experiences, but Wall, you learned the wrong thing."