Unexpected Departure

"After Plethora used a tactic that hasn't been used before the only thing you've been doing was patching up all the problems that this created. You fell into his tempo. You are a great commander but you fail to respond properly on unexpected situations. Think about this." The comments were harsh, maybe a bit too harsh. And nothing was being said about how he got taken out.

"Plethora, for a first time commanding, without any prior notice or training, you did very well. It shows promise that you look beyond what you've seen before. Even though normally the two armies clash at the side with the shortest distance, you thought about taking the long way around. Even though the teams are set up to be used in their original setup, you saw the potential of concentrating the power you have at your disposal. Come to my tent for further instructions." The camp captain turns around at that, leaving the other instructors to speak to the teams they're responsible for.

Plethora started walking to his father's tent accompanied by Lee. "You did a good job kid, I'm looking forward to see you grow even further. But I'm not sure if I'll have the chance, your father might have a surprise for you. Your stay here might be shorter than any of us would have suspected." they arrive at the tent at those words, giving Plethora no time to reply to Lee. The walk was short, but protocol states that no recruit can go to the captain area unsupervised.

Plethora enters the tent and sees his father with a picture in his hand. He knows that picture. It's a family picture with both his parents and himself, about two years prior. Showing a true and happy family.

His father, Peter, looks up and stares at his son for a few moments before talking, as if imprinting the image in his memory. "You know, it was really hard to convince your mother to let you come here for this period. And now you go and show talent that is beyond this camp. I don't want to say it out there as everyone will think I say so because you are my son, and they look at you with distaste because of that already. And for those two reasons I've decided that this camp isn't the right place for you, but I will need to tell your mother something even worse. The military isn't the place to let you truly grow, you will need to go to a sect. Boundless Ocean is recruiting next week in the capital, return home, give this letter to your mother, and pass the examination."

Plethora is just standing there, not understanding what he's being told there and then. His father has never been as positive in his compliments, a single tear collects in Plethora's eye, but he doesn't let it fall. "Yes father, I won't disappoint! And thank you.." The last part is almost inaudible, but his father has extremely strong senses.

Peter breaks at that, he walks forward and hugs his son. "You make me proud son, your talent is immense. I would have given you those books either way. I wanted to send you to the sect originally, but I was selfish and wanted to keep you close. Go, and take everything you can from that sect before returning with your head held high. You'll be great, because you are a Hable!"

The tears fall from Percy's eyes as he just silently nods. He knows about sects, and he knows that one will not see their family in a long time, but it are lands of risk and opportunity both things he need. So he will go there, and become the strongest!

And this thought reminded him of a mission he was given, he almost forgot! He has been busy with everything. But now is not the time to think about that.

"Dad, I will return even stronger than you, so enjoy it while you're still stronger." Plethora jokes with half a smile, he will miss his parents, of course he will miss his parents, he's only 13 years of age. But he has something to push himself forward, the stubbornness to prove himself, a stubbornness inherited from both his parents. Like that they'll still be with him.

His father let's go and stands back up. "No matter what happens Percy, know that both your mother and I will always be proud of you. Now go, she's will love to see you again so soon and spend this week with you."

"Okay, I will go. See you again dad." And like that, while reinforcing his conviction, he turns around and leaves the tent. Lee walks besides Plethora as they move towards the edge of the camp.

"So you'll really be leaving us already?" Lee asks with a slight sad tone.

"Yes, this is not the place for me. That's what the captain said." Plethora replies shortly, Three voices this time, he doesn't trust his own voice to stay stable enough.

"What will you do with Bodach?" Lee asks.

Plethora hadn't considered him yet. They grew pretty close in the last week, that's what battles do two people. "What he does is his choice, he can do great things if he stays." Another short reply in three voices.

"Do we need to go to your tent to pick things up?"

"No, I'm good."

And like that they leave, not saying anything to anyone. Like the phantom in his techniques, coming and going like the wind.


On their way towards the Hable castle Plethora thinks about the thing he learned about sects.

Generally sects are truly powerful, this is mostly because a big sect makes about as much, if not more, money than a country.

They do this with their members. Generally there are two types of members,

The inner and outer members. These two kinds aren't separated by strength or talent, but by loyalty. Once in a sect it is easy to become an inner member, one just has to take an oath that binds one for life to the sect. An outer member can leave whenever one wants after a set amount of contributions have been contributed, but the conditions aren't as as favorable as being an inner member.

They get less recourses, need to do more missions, get less rewards for those missions, worse living conditions, access to less advanced techniques. But even though there are all these drawbacks many people would throw themselves at the opportunity to become an outer sect member.

This is because even though the sect takes a big part of the reward for missions, what's left is still a substantial amount. One can make more in a year than a regular man can make in a lifetime, if one is talented, productive and lucky enough to survive that is.

The sect also works as an umbrella of protecting, no one would randomly provoke a sect member. The sect sees their outer members as moneymakers, their golden gooses, so protecting them and making them stronger is in their interests. A stronger worker makes more money, a big cut out of a small reward is still a small reward, a big cut out of a big reward is a big reward for the sect too.

The biggest attractions for people to go to a sect are the techniques and connections at the end. Maybe especially so for the outer members. The inner members get a family, but they lose their freedom.

The techniques are easy to understand, sects collect thousands of techniques over the years. Only a select few will be privatised for the inner members, all others are free for the outer members on the condition that they have enough contribution points.

The connections are mostly for after one leaves the sect, when people leave they mostly become successful everywhere they go with whatever they decide to do. If one needs something good for a decent price you can just find an old sect member and say that you come from the same place, gaining instant favor from that person, as he knows you'll probably become successful in whatever you will do too.

But it isn't all good. Many members die after taking tougher missions than they can handle, but everyone knows the risks, there are no rewards without risks.

But this is what Plethora knows about sects, he's getting excited to go there. The idea of failing the entrance exam doesn't even pop up in his mind.

They arrive at Plethora's place. Lee looks at Plethora. "It was short, but I'm sad to see you go. We made bets under the trainers how long it will take before you'll overtake us in rank. But I guess that dick that said you wouldn't won all the money." he sighs. "But go and show them that even we have geniuses here in Verret!"

"I will Lee. But don't you come from somewhere else?" Plethora is genuinely curious about this.

"No kid, born and raised here, a true Verretian!" he pumps up his fist, making Plethora smile.

"I'll miss you too Lee. But I won't make my mother wait any longer. See you again!" And with that Plethora runs out of the carriage and into the castle.

"Mom I'm home!" Percy calls through the almost silent castle.