
A lot of stumbling is heard through the hallways. After a minute and beautiful woman walks into the entrance hall. Although her hair is messed up and she's only wearing a bathrobe and very big socks she still excludes a beautiful and mature aura.

"Percy! Nobody told me that you'd be coming home!" Her beauty disappeared after the tears and snot came out of her eyes and nose. "I thought I'll be alone for sooo long." Her arms wrap around Percy and the tears and snot fall in his hair.

"Moommm, stooop." Percy complains with a smile on his face. It hasn't been long since he left, but he's only 13, of course he missed his mother. He knows he will leave soon, and he doesn't know when he will see his mother again, but he will just enjoy their time together now.

"I thought you'll be gone for three years! I told your father that you're too young to go there, and you were going to be the odd sheep out. Coming in later and being his son to boot! Crazy man." His mother starts ranting again while not letting go, but at least the tears stop falling.

"Mom." She just continues taking.

"Mom.." More talking.


"What's up Percy?" She finally replies.

"I'm not out of there because I was not good enough, dad said I was too good!" Percy says proud as a peacock. He's raised under code of chivalry, under which is being humble, but at home he can just let go and show when he's proud.

"Oeh, that sounds like a good story, come and tell me aallll about it!" She grabs Percy's hand and drags him to the living room. A long couch and two big chairs are centred towards the fireplace.

Percy sits on a chair while his mom lays on the couch on her side. Being the very best audience someone can be. Oeh at the exciting parts, and even laugh at Wall's arrogance and ignorance. She even applauds at the end.

She always knows how to relax Percy and put a smile on his face.

"So I should call you Plethora now too?" She asks with a smirk on her face.

Percy looks a bit shy and says, "No mom, I'll always be Percy to you."

Another Awh came out of his mother. Before she continues. "Now show me that letter your dad gave you?"

Percy did so, not thinking much about it, but as his mother reads the letter a pressure starts coming down on the entire castle. A pressure making everyone bow lower and lower as her eyes move lower over the letter.

Percy looks concerned and asks her, "Is everything okay?"

She smiles at him, a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Oh yes son, you did so good, I'm as proud as your father is. But I just need to talk with him after he comes home." A glint flashes through his eyes, reminding Percy about how scary his mom can be.

"Follow me Percy, let's go to the basement." Even her smile falls away as she walks away. Percy follows quickly, he was never allowed to go to the basement.

Arriving at the thick wooden door Percy's mother opens it with only a slight push, but he can feel there was more to it than that. When the doors open lanterns at both sides light up, showing a path deeper down than Percy would've expected.

They start walking down. His mother is extremely quiet compared to normal, so Percy follows by not saying anything.

After a while he notices that the stones used to make the walls look slightly different and the lanterns give a slightly different colour of light.

After walking for what seems like forever he starts daydreaming a bit. Thinking about his combined Atlas's Phantom and pondering on the deeper meaning, and in this dark stairway down he actually comes to a realisation. He tries and now he can make a fourth phantom! But when he looks up wanting to tell his mother he notices she isn't there anymore

"Mom?" He calls out, but to no avail. No response echoes through the hall.

Percy closes his eyes for a moment to calm down. He has been taught that it's better to calm down properly. After he opens his eyes again he finds himself in pure darkness. He closes his eyes again to calm down once more, it was so unexpected.

He opens his eyes, and still dark. "Fuck." He doesn't curse much, but now he does, even only a little.

He stands still and thinks about what he can do, he comes up with only two options. Go up and back, or move on.

It isn't really a choice. "Let's move on." He pumps up his fist in the air. But does decide to make a clone move back up, just to be sure.

In total darkness time is difficult to estimate, but it already feels like a long time. There's finally a chance, a change that made Plethora fall when it first happened. The step height changed, and it turned irregular. Something used in some defensive castles to make enemies who aren't used to it fall down the stairs. In the Hable House it is used on some stairs, like the one going to and from Percy's bedroom in his tower, for training purposes.

And exactly those steps are used here too! 'Did they do that to prepare me to go here, or purely just for training?' He thinks to himself. But at least he made progress again.

Sometimes he falls again, steps being a little different then he knows. Whenever that happens he steps back and makes the same steps again, learning things he never knew before. Through the refining of his technique he gets to refine his understanding too, the mysterious side of both Atlas's Phantom and Myriad Phantom becoming more clear.

Time passed quietly, quietly, and completely unnoticed.

Until, suddenly, there was no more steps, just flat ground and darkness.

After the second step lanterns light up again, showing an enormous room with a huge statue. This statue has long hair and stands between the black stone floor and the dark blue ceiling that reflects the weirdly white light from the lanterns.

Plethora walks to the statue, but after practicing Atlas's Phantom on the stairs he subconsciously continues walking like that. With every step he takes the statue doesn't appear to get much closer, pointing that the statue is even bigger than Plethora originally thought.

Walking further and further the statue appears bigger and bigger. The view of the 'stars' in the ceiling while moving quickly gives it an even more mysterious aura, and it connects to his understanding of Atlas's Phantom.

At an unknown time and distance later Plethora arrived at the foot of the statue, or well, as close as he could get. There's still a small distance, but an aura came down at him out of nowhere, a mountain crushing him down. Disabling him from moving.

"Small Hable, it's been some time since I saw the other one walk in here. Are you Primus's son?" A deep voice rumbles, it is so low that it shakes Plethora in his place.

He replies instinctively, "No, Primus is my ancestor, I kinda forgot how many generations ago it was exactly."

The mountainous voice replies. "Then it might have taken longer than I expected. Or you guys just live too shortly HAHAHAHA!" The mountainous voice laughs loudly, making Plethora feel like he will lose his hearing.

"But tell me, did you find Myriad Phantom at your age? I'm impressed you survived that place?" There's a genuine sense of curiosity in the voice.

"No, my great grandfather did. I only combined it with Atlas's Phantom." He replied honestly, unable to think straight enough to say anything else, ask anything else even though it's such a bizarre situation.

"Ohhh so a genius nonetheless! Tell me boy where are you planning on going?"

"I'm going to the Boundless Ocean sect to the east."

"Ohh then I'll send you to him first! I think he'll love some company after some time." The statue moves, and his eyes shine. Information pops up in Plethora's mind, but it's way cruder than what mother did. Plethora passes out in both wonder and pain.