It's Actually Really Easy

Zhang Yong's jailbreak shocked the entire Liwan Prison, but the prison guards in the special prison area did not seem to be affected. No matter how far it was outside, the prison guards in the special prisons were like the restless people.

After the beast Wayne was transported away by a body bag, the special prison area did not happen like anything.

After working for a few months, Yang Yi is of course familiar with every prison guard, but only became a friend with Clint.

Only George, let Yang Yi hate to itch and want to kill him.

But today there is no problem, because today is not a Clint class, but it is not George.

Yang Yi still wants to know how the beast Wayne opened his handcuffs and ankles. Now Brian can open his own handcuffs, because of his help, but how the beast Wayne did it.

But Yang Yi can't ask, he can't just ask a prison guard in a special prison area to say whether you died here last night, because this kind of thing should not happen, and what shouldn't happen is of course that everyone needs to be tight-lipped. Even if you know, you have to pretend not to know.

Unless someone takes the initiative to tell him.

"Oh, you know, the beast died last night!"

The first prison guard that Yang Yi met wanted to tell him what happened last night.

I leaned forward and pressed the sound lower, then the prison guard looked mysteriously: "Do you already know that the beast is dead, but do you know how he died?"

"Hey, how come to die?"

"He wants to be jailbroken and killed!"

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "Jailbreak?"

"Yes, jailbreak, he opened his own handcuffs and ankles, but do you know how he did it?"

Yang Yi was very curious, so he really curiously said: "How do you do it?"

"He used salt water to erode his own handcuffs and ankles. Can you imagine it?"

Yang Yi was completely stunned, and then he looked strangely: "What joke are you making, salt water? Corrosion?"

"I know you won't believe it. In fact, I can't believe it. But that's it. You don't understand how to do it right? Let me tell you that the beast Wayne has been locked up here for a long time. Every day, he will Applying soup to the weak position of the handkerchiefs and ankles is that every day, he drinks salt in the soup, and the salt water is very corrosive!"

Yang Yizhu lived on his forehead. He thought for a moment, then he was still surprised: "But this is not right, man, if he used his salt water to erode his handcuffs, it seems feasible, but he is It's been a long time here. Haven't you checked his handcuffs? I mean, if his handcuffs are corroded, no one will find them?"

"Oh, man, his handcuffs have never been opened, and his ankles, we will see if his handcuffs are still intact, in case he breaks on the ground, but no one will open the check, understand? He used salty soup to penetrate the joints of the handcuffs and the ankles, the parts that could not be seen without opening, and then wiped the rust outside, so that at a critical moment he only had to use a force, handcuffs and ankles. It's broken, that's it."

This method, Yang Yi did not expect.

Looking at Yang Yi's face, the prison guard smiled smugly and said: "The beast Wayne succeeded, but he was killed by the police who was on duty when he planned to escape from prison last night. I really don't know how he is. I thought, I came up with this method. Also, someone outside the prison area was jailbroken. With a helicopter, did you see it?"

"Oh, I saw it."

"I suspect that they are going to jailbreak together, but it is just a mistake, so one person left but the beast Wayne failed to succeed, maybe they made a wrong time, haha."

Obviously, the death of the beast Wayne will be treated as a jailbreak, and what happened last night, it is estimated that only a few prison guards on duty at the time know.

So of course, this is someone who has lied. This prison has to go through this thing from top to bottom, so the prison guard said of course the wrong version, but Yang Yi knows how the beast Wayne can open the handcuffs and ankles. It is.

Beast Wayne has this condition, because the prison guard only needs to see his handcuffs and ankles intact, will not open the check, and will not change the market, but Brian is not the same, he will be checked for handcuffs and ankles every day, sometimes Open the check to give him a medical examination, so Brian does not have this condition.

There is salt in the food you eat, and there is salt in the soup. If you use salt water for years and years to erode the handcuffs and ankles, you can make it rust, and you don't have to completely smash it. If you make it fragile, you can break it with brute force. The degree is enough.

Therefore, the method of the beast Wayne is completely feasible in principle, and Yang Yi is willing to believe the prison guard's statement.

"Really? It's incredible."

"Of course it is true. Many people have seen the handcuffs of the beast Wayne. The only thing left is the embroidery. It is absolutely correct."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's really incredible, but you frustrated his jailbreak plot. Hey, the one running outside is just a small character, as long as the beast Wayne didn't run."

"Yeah, the prisoners outside are not responsible for us. We stopped the beast Wayne from escaping."

This prison guard was very useful to Yang Yi's words, and after Yang Yi's feelings for a while, he left Shiran.

The biggest doubts were solved. Yang Yi had a feeling of relief, but Zhang Yong left, but he was unlucky.

Zhang Yong, this jailbreak success does not next Tsuen Wan prison will definitely strengthen the guards, and Zhang Yong is still very unruly to go, then Yang Yi wants to escape from prison is also difficult to add .

Very depressed, but also very helpless, Zhang Yong escaped from prison is the ability of others, if you want to leave, you still have to rely on yourself.

Now Yang Yi wants to go back earlier, so I can see what Zhang Yong left behind.

Today is the day when Zhang Yong escaped from prison. It was also the day when Brian was released. Yang Yi did not intend to meet Brian today, but after all these things, he felt that it was better to meet Brian.

Now that things have just happened, before the supervision of the special supervision area has not been tightened, it is better to meet quickly when you can see it. If it is explained, it will be better to explain clearly. Otherwise, in case the special supervision area has to undergo a major rectification. It is very likely that there will be no chance to see you again in the future.

It's just Zhang Yong's departure. It's estimated that Brian's want to escape from the special prison area is also difficult. So at this time, Yang Yi is really complaining about Zhang Yong. If you want to go, you can say it in advance. It's good, it's all ready. No, the Tsuen Wan Prison must be strictly for a while, and the time for Yang Yi to escape from prison must be pushed back.