
"There was an accident last night."

"I know, I saw a part."

When Yang Yi saw Brian's first sentence, he wanted to tell him what happened last night, but Brian's words surprised him.

"you saw it?"

Brian nodded calmly and then whispered: "A Chinese man came in last night and killed the beast Wayne. I have been thinking about what it has to do with you."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "People have a relationship with me, but the whole thing has nothing to do with me. I always wanted to help him kill the beast Wayne, but he didn't need me to help, tell me what was last night. ""

Brian whispered: "At about three in the morning last night, I heard that there was movement outside. This time should not be moving, so I went to the door and looked out of the gap."

After making a gesture, Brian whispered: "I saw the prison guard who had a good relationship with you. Then I saw another Chinese. I didn't see it very clearly, but Clint opened the door and the beast Wayne. Just jumped out, about two seconds later, the beast Wayne died and his neck was interrupted."

With a sigh of relief, Brian whispered: "Do you know how hard it is to interrupt a person's neck?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it, and I haven't heard anyone say it."

Brian made a gesture and whispered: "The Chineseman was also injured. He had a punch in his right chest. At least he had to break two ribs, but he went to the beast Wayne in a very weird way. In the past, I made a few punches in a row. It was too fast. I couldn't see clearly. At that moment, I thought that the Chinese people were more like beasts."

No wonder Zhang Yong's footsteps are somewhat illusory, and he is also injured.

From the mouths of three people, the whole process of Zhang Yong killing the beast Wayne was put together. Most of his doubts have been answered. Now, just wait to return to the cell and see what Zhang Yong left, estimate the whole thing. It will be clear.

"Our plan is estimated to be pushed back. The beast of Wayne will definitely have to be reorganized. I don't think it will be as slack as it used to be in the short term."

Brian whispered: "I understand."

"I may not be able to enter the special supervision area in the future, and I will not be able to keep in touch with you. If this happens, I have something to tell you what to do?"

Brian shook his head and whispered: "No way, or we have agreed on a time. On that day, we will work together. I can open it and kill it!"

"This is not the case. I don't have a viable plan yet, so I can't agree on time."

Rejecting Brian's proposal, Yang Yi thought about it and whispered: "This is good, I will find a way to send people a message, and I will inform you when I am ready outside."

"Yes, but this is a slang word. The code for jailbreak is sunrise. The code for one day is a cigarette, but don't make the numbers particularly obvious. It is better to use decimal. Ten days is to eat, and one month is to go to the toilet... ..."

Brian and Yang Yi said a lot. After setting the code for what day and month, Brian whispered: "Can you remember these?"

Yang Yi whispered: "I am worried that you can't remember this complicated code. This is what you think of temporarily."

Brian shook his head and said, "This is a set of passwords we used before. I won't forget it. Are you sure you remember it?"

Yang Yi repeated all the codes that Brian said, and then in Brian's strange eyes, Yang Yi whispered: "Remember these are not problems for me."

At this moment, the prison guard suddenly opened the door of the chimney, and then hurriedly said: "Come out! Fast!"

Looking at the prisoner's panic, Yang Yi knew that he was worried about something earlier than expected.

I looked at Brian and gently nodded. Then Yang Yi stood up and looked puzzled. "What happened?"

"Someone is looking for you! Never say that you are here, just say you are going to clean the toilet!"

In a hurry, Yang Yi launched the chimney, and then the prison guard hurriedly said: "In the lounge, you can't say anything wrong, otherwise we will be unlucky."

Yang Yi pushed the tool cart and sighed: "I know, rest assured, I certainly won't talk about it."

Yang Yi pushed the tool cart to the door of the lounge, and the door was opened. Two prison guards who did not belong to the special supervision area immediately stood up after seeing Yang Yi.

One of them went straight to the front of Yang Yi, and put Yang Yi's hand behind his back with a handcuff, and looked impatient: "Go with us!"

At this time, there was nothing to say. Yang Yi was taken out of the special prison area by two prison guards and then went directly to the prison director's office.

The office is still the office, but people must have changed.

The new prison director is still young, only in his forties. After waiting to see Yang Yi, he can't wait to say: "There are people who have escaped from prison today, and you have a good relationship with him."

Yang Yi said with a very innocent expression: "Sir, I can't talk to him very well, we are just roommates."

"Shut up! Enough, shut up!"

The warden looked very angry. He stood up and rushed to the front of Yang Yi. He gnashed his teeth: "Don't want to talk about these nonsense in front of me. We all know that he has a good relationship with you. He just moved out of yours yesterday. The cell is jailbroken today, do you want to say that you don't know anything?"

Yang Yi is very helpless, he really does not know.

The warden stared angrily at Yang Yi, and then he said in a word: "Tell me! Tell me everything you know!"

Yang Yi thinks of what Zhang Yong said to leave for him. The biggest thing may be a But now, Yang Yi thinks things are not good, because the prison director is not stupid, it must be Searched his room, and he hasn't had a chance to go back until now.

"Sir, I really don't know anything."

The prisoner next to him got a stick on Yang Yi's calf. After the painful Yang Yi screamed, he immediately fell on the ground with one knee. He couldn't help it at all, so this is not pretending.

The prison director looked at the painful Yang Yi and whispered: "Your good day is over! It will end forever! Or tell me everything you know now, or just wait until you can't stand it and tell me. You choose it yourself."

Yang Yiren said: "Sir, what do you want to know? I just live with him, but I don't know anything."

The prison director sighed and then pointed to Yang Yi, facing the two prison guards: "Take him down and fight! Hit!"

Yang Yi was dragged up by two prison guards and went out. The coming violent temper is definitely not hiding. Yang Yi is of course very angry and helpless, but he feels strange that the warden does not seem to want to get from him. What news of Zhang Yong is like a venting anger under the temper.