
The squad was eventually led by another squad leader and guided them on their target practice. They were equipped with Slayers and the operators of the shooting range gave them different ranges. While they are busy, Kirin made her way there. She watched them from behind a glass window behind them. What caught her attention was Chirlin's performance, it was greater than the rest of her squad. "This kid is no ordinary..." She whispered to herself. She felt like they just started recently and took the opportunity to walk out to do something. "Ugh..." She wanted to go back up to Lonara's office. She lazily made her way there and faced Lonara again, who was now sitting in her desk on the other side. She saw the elevator climbed and saw Kirin once again. "Huh? What is it?" She asked. "About the Harvon family..." Kirin said as she approaches her. "The Harvon? What about them?" Lonara asked. "Well..." Kirin sat on one of the red and yellow patterned sofas on the right. "What I only know right now is their parents died during a Zakana attack... It would be good if you could tell me more about them" She said. "Why not use your eyes?" Lonara asked. "You have any idea how difficult it is to go through a human mind? It's like traveling a neverending tunnel. I can't specifically choose what I can dig within their minds, Lonara. Come on, you know better than I do..." Kirin said. "Also, digging information about them means staring at their head for hours" She added.

"And you think it's that easy? To know one's memories and dive deep in their personal life? It's an invasion of privacy if you think about it, Lonara. I don't enjoy meddling with people's secrets nor their whole life without them realizing, it's very disturbing" Kirin sighed. "But if you stare at them just like you said before, then they will know and therefore it's fine, right?" Lonara went sarcastic but totally understood her. "Oh shut up... I want to know more about what happened to their parents and why this Chirlin kid seems a bit mysterious..." Kirin said. Lonara then became serious. "If I recall correctly, few weeks after the death of their parents, Her sister, Niela, rushed to different hospitals to 'treat' her little sister. The doctors reported that it was the sudden change of the little sister, like, entirely. She changed so much that Niela didn't recognize her, her usual behavior changed, she quickly developed intelligence, her ways of communication changed, those kinds of changes. They said that Niela wanted to avoid this from happening further" Lonara said. "And that's because of their parent's death. She quickly matured as her anger grows inside her, right?" Kirin asked. Lonara nodded in response. "It was definitely the tragic event that led her to that state. It greatly affected the poor child and was forced to grow up without their love. With her mind developing at a fastened pace, which we consider as abnormal and unusual" She said. "But thankfully, after a week or two, the doctors reported that she will be fine and they have told Niela everything. Nothing bad's gonna happen on both her mental and physical health. Just really a rapid development" Lonara said. "I see..." Kirin nodded and there was silence. Lonara stopped what she was doing to talk to her and now feels awkward that Kirin was quiet.

"You could have just asked them about it" Lonara said as she continues working. "I don't want them to recall everything, Lonara. It's better that they moved on" Kirin responded. Lonara sighed and proceeded on doing her work. "Is that all? You came all the way back here just for that?" Lonara asked. "Yeah... why do you sound bothered?" Kirin asked. "Not really. Rather, I am amazed you made an effort making your way back here, knowing you..." Lonara glanced at her. "Well, it is about my squad after all..." Kirin laid her back on the chair, she looked at the ceilings. "I almost forgot, are there any Narukh'za or Zakanas on the route to Valorna?" She asked. "There are reports of multiple Demon Eagles orbiting around Valorna, a Narukh'za fleet, the Reanide Rhan, is also creeping around" Lonara responded. Narukh'za Loyalists are permitted to build a huge fleet of spacecraft for their own army but the lord and their troops are needed to build their own spacecraft for their fleet as the fleet serves as their personal army anyway. The Reanide Rhan is an identified huge Narukh'za fleet that is believed to be commanded by their first Loyalist. "Right now, they are on high alert and their AIs will shoot anything that flies on their skies. We can just contact their Manager, Kirin. That will be quicker" Lonara said. The Krygstek thinks of their faction as a very rich company and calls their founder or leader 'Manager'. "No way. We're gonna march there" Kirin shook her head. "Fine. Let's just at least warn them about your arrival. Can you use your eyes?" Lonara asked. "Yeah, but I blink" Kirin said. "Hmm... Let's use your voice communication then" Lonara said.

Kirin gave her a disappointed look. "Oh come on... We're meeting a faction leader here, the highest person of a civilization, and you're doing voice communications like teenagers? You've got to be kidding me, Lonara!" She said. Lonara looked uncomfortable. "Fine. Let's go to the Communication center" Lonara said. She properly fixed her papers and sat them on the left side of the table. She then stood up. "Can we just call them radio buildings?" Kirin asked. The Communication Center is what they name after their buildings focused solely on communications around the place or, if the building has improved communication devices, in space. "Oh, was there one here? I didn't know" Kirin said. "Yeah, it was recently built" Lonara nodded and walked towards the elevator, Kirin followed her. Lonara pressed the button to go down and the door slides close. "A translator, huh?" Lonara looked at her. "Yeah, so we can communicate with the people on Earth. I bet the Krygs will make them for us, they are also in favor of knowing more about them anyway" Kirin said. "You're right. They told us that they will do anything to help us" Lonara nodded. "So... Are you going to depart once we're done?" She asked. "Hmm..." Kirin rubs her chin as she looks up in thought. "Maybe tomorrow... They are tired, and so am I. We're gonna do it tomorrow..." Kirin responded. "Alright, that's good" Lonara nodded with a smile. Once the elevator opened, they talked to the receptionist and went outside.

The field that was full of recruits before is now filled with troops and vehicles. They are doing maintenance on their Pura tanks, Shuttles and some Ruggers. They went to the left where multiple buildings are. They entered the one with a big radio tower beside it. The door slides open for them. Upon entering, operators are lined up sitting in front of their terminals on each side. In the middle ahead is a large projection of the region they are on. There are circles in every town nearby, showing that the towns have their own communication center to connect with. As they walk in, the circles on the projections disappeared with a loud noise. "Our signals are cut off! It must be the Narukh'za!" One of the operators nearby said, his terminal is flashing red slowly. "What now?!" Kirin suddenly became pissed off. "Those pests!" She shouted. "What do they want?" Lonara asked. "They left no message, Miss Lonara" The operator responded. "It was sudden..." He added. "I even walked all the way down here... Tch..." Kirin said. "Can you get it back?" Lonara asked the operators. "It will take us an hour, we haven't identified the intrusion yet" One of the operators responded. "You know what? Forget about it. We will just avoid their AIs. They will recognize us from far away" Kirin said as she left the building. "She sounds like she's planning on traveling to Valorna. May I know why?" One of the operators asked. "She will ask the Krygstek to make us translation devices, so we can communicate with the planet Earth" Lonara said. "She's planning on dragging her own squad tomorrow there. We must tell the Krygstek about it" She added. "She can be reckless at some time, isn't she? Her squad isn't that skilled and they are probably gonna encounter some patrolling Narukh'za on their way, which is very dangerous" The same operator said. "We can ask the Krygstek for assistance on the process, Miss Lonara. They might be willing to help" He added.

"Sure..." Lonara nodded then they focused on their task. Kirin headed back to the shooting range, but she caught her squad going back. "Oh? Are you done?" She shouted. "Ah, Miss Kirin!" Terra ran towards her while the others remained walking. "They are training something else now, we were the only one left on the shooting range" She said. "I see... Let's head upstairs, I'm going to discuss our mission tomorrow" As soon as Kirin mentioned mission, they all were shocked. "W-Wait a minute, mission?!" Niela shouted. "No need to get so noisy now" Kirin scratched her head. "We barely even had training!" Niela added. "Because! Your training will be on the battlefield!" Kirin winked at her. They can't believe what they just heard. "Right? Terra" She turned to Terra. "A-Ah... Yes..." Terra was surprised as well and was forced to smile. "Now, come on..." Kirin walked away and gestured them to follow her. "Hey, what's going on...?!" Marve nervously whispered. "This is the first time I have ever heard of battles becoming training..." Sterling sighed as she rubs her face with both of her hands. With their complaints, they hurried to follow her. On the elevator, Kirin was waiting there. The squad walked in with confused expressions. "What took you so long, geez..." Kirin complained and pressed the button. "Did... Lonara asked us to go early in the battles?" Niela asked. "No, I thought of it my own" Kirin's response made them even more nervous. Kirin noticed them. "If you'd like to, we can ask for some additional soldiers to accompany us, which I hate to..." She said with a sigh. They then regretted putting up such faces.

"You may ask me... 'Why are you sending us to battles without proper training?'" Kirin said as she leaned her back against the wall. "Listen, From the Ridna disaster, those soldiers who lost control of themselves and died cowards have trained for years. Look what those years have given them" Kirin said. "But that doesn't mean we don't have to undergo training here at the base!" Niela raised her voice, worrying the others. Kirin was expecting such responses and remained the same, but she was angered right after. She looked at Niela straight at her eyes. "So, you want to spend your life here training at the base?" She said with a serious voice, frightening them. "Fine. You can assign yourselves to other squads, I don't care. Just don't let us give the news about you dying before the heat of the battles even start..." She stared at Niela for few seconds who was now looking down the ground. "...I'm sorry..." Niela apologized. Kirin then quickly realized herself. "Sorry..." Kirin apologized as well. "I just don't really believe that you will never be the perfect soldier if you don't do the training..." Kirin leaned back. "The Narukh'za... Their second planet, Zalhan, is inhabited by their very hardworking people" Kirin recalled another history. Zalhan is the second, out of five Narukh'za planets. Every Narukh'za that has less purpose to their higher-ups are thrown into this planet as punishment. However, they were able to make it home and live safely. Starting from that day, The planet is considered the supplier of foods for the Narukh'za for having the ability to grow crops and plants and even raise animals. "One day, their Queen and her first Loyalist started to take the Zalhan people away to put them to their armies..." She said. They all remembered the event.

"The Zalhans were forced against their wills and became soldiers unwillingly. They eventually planned on retaliating and thought of going back here at Kryok if they are able to escape..." She continued. The Zalhan Rebellion is named after the rebellious act of the Zalhan people against their own leader or queen, due to harsh treatment. They finally reached the floor and they walked in. "However, the Zalhan was heavily guarded by the fleets of their lords... their Loyalists... Making the plan impossible..." She said as she made her way to the room to their left. The squad sat down before the same table as before. Kirin then proceeds to make another coffee. "Long story short, the Zalhans are simply their civilians, working hard for the sake of their power. They fought and severely damaged the Narukh'za after several battles. Their queen, despite losing counts of manpower, gave them a final chance to cease the aggression and in exchange, she will never do such things again" Kirin stopped for a second before continuing. "The Zalhans weren't able to control their emotions and didn't think things through. They continued on fighting and damaged their own military more... This snapped their queen and ordered the whole goddamn faction to mass murder the Zalhan population..." Kirin finished from there, and so her coffee. She went to the table and placed her mug on it. "Imagine that. Civilians, ordinary lives, no military training, just weapons and military vehicles and they were able to mow down a lot of their own soldiers. The Narukh'za fought those rebels as if they were real enemies, yet the rebels didn't lose in a second nor lose their coordination, unlike our soldiers in Ridna" Kirin said. "So, that's why I want you to get experience through real battles, and if you success, you will be higher than the other soldiers. Our squad will become different from common squads" She added.

"And if you don't like that idea, you can always transfer to any squads, just tell me and Lonara and she will do it" Kirin said as she walks towards a chair in the corner of the room. "Anytime, but I'm asking you right now before our first travel" Kirin then waited for their answers. After two seconds, Kirin grabbed the chair and went to the table. Terra and Niela were nearest to her and moved to give a space for her. Kirin placed her chair on the space given and sat. "Now's the best time, Niela. Once we're there, you cannot go back here until we're done" She looked at her. "No... Sorry..." Niela looked on to the table. "I'm just kidding..." She tapped Niela's shoulder. Niela looked up to her. "I know you're all confused and worried, but if you want to stick with me, I'll be damn glad. And I will make sure you won't die a pointless death..." She said. "Pass me my coffee..." She asked Marve who was nearest to her coffee mug. He passed it to Niela then she moved it in front of her. Kirin then took the mug and took a sip. "So... Tomorrow, we will visit the Krygstek. We will travel to Valorna" She started telling them her plans. "And you know why?" Kirin looked at each of them. "We will personally meet with their 'Manager' and ask a favor..." She said. "What do we need from them?" Sterling asked. Kirin looked at her and winked. "We will ask them for a device, a translation device, because!" Kirin then raised her hands, then projected an image of the Earth. Then she pointed at it. "We will be visiting the Earth!" They were struck with excitement and nervousness. "The Earth?!" Marve repeated the word in surprise.

"Yes. It is time that we acknowledge the Earth, communicate with the humans there and make them our friends. We will be the first one to ever befriend the Earth dwellers there" Kirin said in an inspiring voice. "No waaaaaay!!!" Terra shouted, cannot contain her excitement. "Don't be so hyped up now... Inventing and making a device takes a lot of time and effort. Inventing them usually takes two to three years to do and making them take another year. Then, we will be needed to bring an Earth human to the Krygs to borrow their memories and stuff... Then a few months of studying the language and implementing them slowly to the device... It's a very long process to make, so don't get your asses smiling right now..." Kirin said, which halves their excitement. "I too am excited but I cannot do anything else, so we just need to focus on our task at hand, don't get distracted..." She added. "First step, visit the Krygstek on Valorna..." Kirin then projected the space. Kryok was in the middle and surrounded by small figures of Arkulan fleets guarding the planet. Then a line proceeded to be drawn from Kryok to Valorna. The line met several Narukh'za spacecraft on the way. "We will meet multiple Narukh'za on our way there. So, obviously this is not children's field trip. We will use my fleet to go there..." Kirin said before projecting another two images. A small fleet then a medium-sized fleet. "We don't need to go with full strength. I will give you two options. A light fleet and a moderately armed fleet..." Kirin waited for them to choose. The small fleet consists of a single Porter, five Starfighters, and a single Kragnavaur. The Porter is an Arkulan transport spacecraft. It is unarmed in exchange for greater speed and agile maneuvers. However, there are small holes that can be opened from the cockpit for smaller guns for defense. It has three thrusters on its back and a single thruster on each wing. The wings and the wind tail displays the symbol of the Arkula.

The Kragnavaur is the Arkula's heavy battle spacecraft. It is large and long, leaving a very noticeable silhouette even from a far distance. It is piloted by ten crew. Its wings are placed near the cockpit as its weaponry is mostly in its rear. they have two large thrusters on the wings and a very large thruster that matches the size of the spacecraft on its back. It is armed with three large triangular-shaped laser cannons on the top of the rear fuselage and can be brought up by a pilot in times of conflict. There are five VS-13 laser Gatling guns and Justice machine guns on each side. Like all of their spacecraft, the wings and wind tail displays the Arkula's symbol. The

The other image is a medium-sized fleet, which consists of a single Porter, ten Starfighters mounted with Skybots, and two Kragnavaur. "If y'all wanted a quick trip, it would be the light fleet" Kirin said. "But if y'all are hardcore wanting some bloodshed against the goddamn Narukh'za, it would be the armed one. We will destroy as much Sthola spacecraft as we can on the way..." She said. "It would be wise to carefully think, because the results are real and we might mess up because of the wrong composition. So think about it carefully..." She suggested. "So? What's it gonna be?" She waited for their answer. "I go for the second fleet" Sterling went to answer first. "Alright, who's next?" Kirin and Sterling waited for them. "I would go for the first one..." Marve answered. "Fragile kid..." Kirin seductively pointed at him. "I just wanted to go for the safest..." Marve responded. "Nothing's safer than an armed fleet! I choose the second fleet!" Chirlin was annoyed and went for the medium fleet. "You do think that way too, right?!" She looked at her sister. "Ah, well..." Niela looked at Terra. "Oh? You want me to go first?" Terra looked nervous. They both don't know what to choose. "We can shoot from the Porter. From there, we can practice our aims. You can also volunteer yourselves to ride the Kragnavaur and mount the small guns. There's no need to go heavy" Marve said. "Like you know how many Narukh'za are patrolling the space. If we encountered a Loyalists' fleet, we're done for" Sterling said.

"Patrols and radars exist for a reason!" Marve started to raise his voice. "The Narukh'za is full of surprises!" Chirlin shouted. "Then we use our advantages on speed! The Porter has the time leap ability, FOR A REASON!" Marve shouted back. "They also have the same abilities, Marve! Are you trying to underestimate them?!" Sterling shouted. "We're not retreating and we're not wasting our efforts just because they have the same speed and abilities like ours!" She added. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down now..." Kirin silenced them and looked at Niela. "Well? What do you prefer?" She asked her. Niela was sweating bullets, seeing the two furious about their choices. "T-Terra! You go first!" She closed her eyes and dug her head down. "Ah... Well, Terra?" She saw Terra as the same, doesn't know what to pick. "Ahaha..." Terra nervously laughed. "I guess I will go for..." Terra noticed them burning their eyes on her as she was about to say which. "" She suddenly gulped unintentionally. "What's the matter? It's not like these guys are gonna eat you up if you go against their choice..." Kirin looked confused. "Even if they did, I'll make sure they will face severe punishment" She sounded serious on that one. "So, think carefully and be confident in your answer..." She added. "Well, I guess I will go for the first one..." Terra answered in a low voice. "You think clever, Terra..." Marve smiled at her.

"Not very clever, this trip being our training as Miss Kirin said, we will just go and evade them? We're soldiers..." Sterling sighed. Terra secretly glanced at her to see if she was mad. "The training there is experiencing what it's like on the battlefield. Not killing or destroying Sthola aircraft, nor holding off, nor striking them yet. We will get into that part soon enough..." Marve said. "Our goal is to visit Valorna anyway..." He added. Sterling couldn't answer back anymore. "Then I will go to the first one..." Niela finally answered. "Niela!!!" Chirlin shouted at her. "I believe in Marve... Our goal is to get there, not to focus on fighting them. We will soon focus on fighting them soon enough... Right?" Niela looked at Kirin. Kirin was silent for a second. "Yeah..." She nodded. "So, we will be using the light fleet as the majority vote..." Kirin started projecting an image again. She displayed the light fleet, it is in a formation, they are distanced to each other. The Kragnavaur was in front of the Porter and both are surrounded by the Starfighters. One in front of the Kragnavaur, one on each side, and the last two as the rear guard. "Oooh! Star!" Chirlin noticed the Starfighter's pattern, it resembles a star. "Star formation? Have they became what they swore to fight?" Niela joked and they giggled. "Hahaha!!!" Kirin laughed out loud and slams down her hand on Niela's shoulder. "Ow....!" It hurts, Niela had to carry her hand away.

"Well, I believe what its name trying to say is, that they fight for the stars" Kirin said then returned the projection above the table. "I see..." Niela smiled painfully as she rubs her shoulder. "So! Let's say that we finally got pass through the Narukh'za patrols..." The projection focused on Valorna. Even though the blue color of the projection, they can see the gray lands of the Valorna, same as the Moon. "Since they are on high alert and our arrival isn't announced, dropping our fleet on one of their ports is risky. We will have to drop somewhere else and fly low from there to their main base..." The projection zoomed in to a certain location on Valorna. "Let's say we chose this place. We will be meeting a lot of Protectorates charging at our position" She pointed and encircled a spot. Protectorates are Krygstek's AI-controlled armed space buggy. "If they open fire, we do the same. The Starfighter's cannons should be able to destroy them with a single shot, so don't panic" Kirin said. "If they ever have any Chieftain charging at us, we will use the Kragnavaur's cannons, so don't worry about them either..." She added. The Chieftain is the Krygstek's main armor. They are AI-controlled and are armed with 8,8 cm cannon, Grinder machineguns on both coaxial and hull. Their armor is twice tougher than the Arkula's Pura. However, Krygstek still calls them medium tanks. "However, if there are multiple types of vehicles out there, I want you to focus your weapons on their Chieftains, no matter what. Their Grinders aren't named grinders for no reason..." Kirin warned. The tank-mounted machinegun 'Grinder' is known for its deadly rapid-fire, twice faster than a normal machine gun. It has two magazines on each side of the gun that contains fifty bullets. It can stay cool before it runs out of ammo, however, it can overheat if it continuously fired again once the gun is loaded once more.

"Their insane RPM can deal a huge blow on our 'crafts. So, try busting the Chieftains first before the others, alright?" Kirin reminded and they all responded. "Good. Once we bust through their AIs, we should be able to reach their base. It should be safe now then..." Kirin finished talking. "So? Any questions?" She asked the squad. Marve raised his right hand. Kirin and the others looked at him. "Why don't we just call them that we are visiting them?" He asked. They realized this and looked at Kirin confusingly. "Narukh'za busted our signals and messed up our comm. real good" She answered. "I think it will take a few days before they get it back up" She added. "Then we should wait until they got it fixed! There's no need to fight their AIs!" He said. They agreed on him and looked at Kirin. "Hm..." She looked impatient. "In the end, it's all up to you. If you really want to move tomorrow, we will do as you say. But if you go 'vote' on us again, we will all wait for the signals to get back up" "Tomorrow it is then..." Kirin immediately answered as soon as Marve told her. "Is that all?" She asked. Terra raised her right hand. "Do we get to wear armors tomorrow?"She asked, trying to hide her excitement. "Of course..." Kirin nodded. Niela sighed loud, Kirin looked at her curiously. "I even dreamed of finally wearing the armors after my years of training... It's like a reward after enduring the harsh training... but I guess that's just really a dream now" She sadly said.

"Hah, sorry to break your 'dreams'. Though, like I said before, it's not too late yet. You can always go transfer to a different squad" Kirin said. Niela shook her head. "No, I'm just saying" She said. "Well? Any more questions?" Kirin asked. "What time tomorrow, though?" Chirlin raised her right hand. "At twelve, sharp" Kirin replied. "Don't worry, I'll wake you up if you're still asleep" She said. "By giving you cold water, that is" She added. "Well?" She waited for another question. None of them looked like they have a question. "Ah, forgot to tell you..." Kirin projected an image of a base. "We will be moving to Base N6. Another long trip. That's where part of my fleet is parked" She said. The Base N6 is located far west of the Base C5. It is the first settlement to see before a big town. The base is fairly large and improved, the main building is huge and its radars and such are very advanced. It has a

wide aerodrome and multiple spacecraft is parked on it. Unlike the Base C5, it has a bigger field and there are more troops stationed. "Wow, so beautiful!" Chirlin leaned in in amazement. The three lined-up Kragnavaur's what got her attention. "Those are my Kragnavaur..." Kirin smiled. "Wow... That's your fleet..." Niela said. "Of course, that's not all. I have the others from different bases" Kirin said. Then Terra suddenly stood up, eyes shining. "The EJ-41 belongs to you, right?!" She asked in a very fascinated voice.

Eternal Justice or EJ is the largest space battleship of the Arkula, one of the three signature spacecraft of Kryok. It is enormous in size, its silhouette is feared by many even from a very far distance. It has a long rectangular body, with two large triangular that symbolize it's feet, fitted with four large thrusters and two larger thrusters in between the feet. The cockpit is large, shaped like the head of a spear. It has the ability to land vertically by the movable triangular feet. The whole body is full of deadly armaments. Unlike the Kragnavaur, it has five laser cannons and is bigger and box-shaped muzzles. They are displayed instead of hidden inside to show bigger size and bring more fear on the foes. However, there are EJs that uses the Kragnavaur's cannons as a major support weapon. In case of Kirin's, her EJ has smaller weapons like Justice machine guns and the Kragnavaur-exclusive VS-13 laser Gatling guns as support weapons.

"Yes. But it's resting on the Minalorna right now..." Kirin winked. Minalorna is the heart of the Arkula. The Great Fortress they name after the planet for having the largest military base there ever was. It has impressive impregnable defenses out of any other bases on every planet. This is the root of every operation of the Arkula and the home for their bigger spacecraft. Civilians aren't allowed to enter the planet without proper reason. Soldiers without higher authority aren't allowed as well. "Obviously, we ain't bringing her with us..." Kirin said. "Amazing... I wish one day I can ride an EJ!" Terra looked excited. "You will if you stick with me..." Kirin winked once again. "So! That ends our meeting!" Kirin then dismissed her squad. She led the squad on the barracks. "Whoa!" Terra and Chirlin express their amazement upon seeing inside the large barracks. Inside the barracks, numerous round-shaped glass doors with covers are embedded on the walls. The rooms are twelve rooms high and fifteen rooms wide. Small lifters separates each room in rows. A white sheet-covered soft bed, air-conditioner, a small orange light bulb and its switch, and a little radio is the content of each small room. "Soldiers' beds can't be this expensive..." Sterling said in amazement. "I can't believe the soldiers are sleeping more comfortably than I do..." She added. Chirlin and Terra went running to check them.

Since the recruits aren't done with their training, all of the capsule rooms are empty. Their voices and their steps echoed in the building. "Heh, since we got here first. You are free to pick your own rooms..." Kirin said. "REALLY?!" Terra and Chirlin turned around at the same time. "Yeah, just choose and I'll handle the rest..." Kirin nodded. "Cool! Let's all line up there at the edge!" Chirlin pointed at the other side of the building. "That's too far! How about we line up the third column?!" Terra pointed up. "I'm afraid of heights!" Chirlin shouted. The others slowly joined as well and argued together. Kirin watched them with a smile. "I wonder how far will you reach..." She said to herself as she stares at them. "It's always a happy start... Soon enough, they will be stained with blood and guts. And then eventually, one or two of them will be killed in action and disappear... When that time comes, I wonder if they will be able to keep up..." She said. "The possibility is high, but I'll make sure they have served well enough before dying a hero's death" Then she shook her head and snap back to reality. She approached the squad and told them that they should go for the third column. Chirlin whined over her suggestion but the rest agreed. Kirin then taught them how to get up there.

"You basically step on that lifter and press which column you wanted to go up. If a lifter reaches a column and stops, empty rooms should automatically open and extends the platform for you to step in and lie down. Don't worry about falling down, rooms that high is protected by a small barrier. Once you got into the platform, you should be able to climb inside, and there's a button for you to press to retract the platform back inside and automatically close the door..." She instructed the squad. They were very excited to try them out. "Alright. Have a good night, if you're gonna sleep early that is..." Kirin then let them go and walked away. Their excited voice filled the room. "Don't forget about tomorrow!" She reminded and they responded.