Leaving So Soon

~This Chapter Contains rated 18+~

-Read at your own discretion-

JinHai catches up with her when they reached his car. Then suddenly she turns around and hugs him secretly reaching into his pocket to get his keys

"I'm driving," She said, opening the doors to the car and getting in.

She drove into an empty parking lot behind an old building and turned off the car.

"Where are we?" He asks looking around but before he could get a response Min-Ju gets on top of him and unzips his pants.

He pulls out his already hardened length. Min-Ju pulls her panties off and mounts him. Inserting his length into her

"Fuck" he groaned. As she rode him moaning to the pleasure

"I'm gonna cum" He managed to grunt out. Her hips wouldn't stop moving pleasure was all she could think about

"Do you want me to stop?" She groaned

"No" He moaned kissing her

"Cum inside me" as her hips continue to circle him

A few seconds later JinHai came letting it out inside of her. She sat back in her seat and turned on the car

"Let's go. You have to get back to work"

Before they both got out of the car JinHai asked

"Do you love your husband?" He said looking into her beautiful brown eyes

"Do you love her?" She asked, wanting to avoid answering the question. They looked at each other wanting the another to answer first

"I have to go back to the office"

"Okay, I'm gonna get going" as she leaves to go to her own car. JinHai watched her leave in her car and lets out a sigh of frustration and he didn't even get to see his son

- 3 days later-

"Do you still want this Yong-Sun? If you don't we are leaving this here" she asked as she started packing to go back home. It was getting late and their flight was early in the morning

"Did you pack all the things you want to talk back home?"

"Yeah. Are we coming back here Umma*?"

"I don't know sweetheart. I really don't know" She said going into a daze

"Okay. If you are done we are going to say goodbye to everyone"

Min-Ju and Yong-Sun both first to the restaurant to say goodbye to Mr.Song and Mrs.Kwan

They ate dinner at the restaurant before Min-Ju hugged them goodbye

Min-Ju then brought food to the lawyers and told them to continue working hard. She might with BiYu who was enjoying the Kimbap that Mrs.Kwan made

"When are you leaving?"

"Six in the morning, so Yong-Sun could have a night sleep instead of sleeping on the plane"

"You know you don't have to leave. You can tell Su-Hyung you don't want to go back just yet"

"But it's not just me anymore. I have Yong-Sun and he has school and he misses his friends. I have to go back and I promise I will visit more this time"

"You better keep your promise"

"I will. This month changed me. I will definitely come back" She meant it. Her happiness was here with her family and friends. She came back and she was happy again but she needed to go back to her old life but she will come back and enjoy happiness again

"It's almost 9. Yong-Sun needs to go to sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning" she said as she gets up to hug BiYu. She also said goodbye to GuoWei. Who wouldn't dare talk about JinHai per BiYu's instructions. BiYu felt like she was saying goodbye to her for the first time

Min-Ju left without talking or mentioning JinHai. She wasn't going to tell him she was leaving. She couldn't muster up the courage

When she got to the parking lot carrying Yong-Sun. She looks back regretting not saying goodbye to him but she wasn't his anymore. They weren't friends after their argument 10 year ago. But she had a sense of responsibility to tell him but she couldn't. Her heart wouldn't let her.

Min-Ju gets back home and puts Yong-Sun in bed. She packs all the things they need back to Korea. Leaving only the non-essential things behind

She double checks everything and takes the old VHS tapes and puts them into the closet. She goes into a daze thinking about the past. How she always thought this place wasn't her home. Like she doesn't belong here. But now she thinks that was a mistake of thinking like this

Then suddenly Su-Hyung calls Min-Ju breaking her from her daze


"Yeobo* when are you coming home"

"We have a flight at 6 so we'll be back at 9"

"Okay, I'll send someone to get you"

"Okay. I'm hanging up"

"I love you" Su-Hyung said, shocking Min-Ju. He had never said that over the phone. She was the one who did that but these few weeks she stopped saying it

"Me too. I'll see you soon" she said with a smile on her face. She didn't know why that made her happy it just did

She went to check on Yong-Sun who was still sound asleep. She placed a kiss on his face and fell asleep in her room

The next morning came and it was five in the morning

Min-Ju has to wake a very sleepy Yong-Sun up

She got him dressed and Mr.Song was waiting outside for them

"You're here? I thought you would be late"

"Never I wouldn't miss this. It feels like the first time again"

Mr.Song drove them to the airport and went with them to get checked in

When they reached the gate. Mr.Song couldn't go any farther so they said their goodbyes. When Min-Ju was about to go into her gate. She heard her name being called

"MIN-JU!" It was JinHai calling her. She turned around and freezes. JinHai stops running watching her frozen in place. They were looking at each other.

Frozen in time

*Yeoboseyo 여보세요= Hello (on the phone)

*Yeobo 여보= Honey/Dear