Is This a Confession?

*A few hours ago*

GuoWei comes to JinHai's office

"She left"

"And?" He said thinking that Min-Ju was here to hang out with BiYu

"She's leaving tomorrow morning at 6"

"What tomorrow? She said next week"

"That's why she was here. To say goodbye"

"Shit. Tell ZhiFeng that I'm leaving" JinHai said brushing past GuoWei

"Where are you going?''

"I'm going to stop her"

"Wait! How are you going to stop her" He ask questioning his effectiveness

"I don't know but I'll know when I got there" He said

"How are you going to stop her? She's not going to come back to you just because you asked" But JinHai has already walked away totally ignoring GuoWei reasoning

He drove to Min-Ju's house and saw her cleaning and packing everything up

He went up to the house and was about to press the doorbell when he remembered what GuoWei said about how he was going to make her stay. He hurt her. He decides not to ring the doorbell and goes back to his car

*Present Time*

JinHai yelled her name at the busy airport and she didn't move. Frozen, thinking this isn't real

He calls her name one more time and Min-Ju goes out of her daze

Min-Ju gives a sleeping Yong-Sun to Mr.Song

Mr.Song gives her a look of 'know what you are doing'

"What are you..." Before she could finish her sentence JinHai pulls her into a hug

"Don't go. Please don't go" he begs with tears in his eyes. Stuffing his head into her hair

"I c-can't I have to go... My life is there" She said breaking JinHai's tight hold

He presses onto Min-Ju's forehead "I love you'' He confesses "I have loved you for the past 10 years and I love you now. Please don't leave me"

"I love you but we can't," She whispered, wiping his tears away, "What about Su-Hyung and LiQiu?"

"Leave them and let's run away far from this place and let us live happily. Just the three of us" Min-Ju smiles "You promise"

"Yes, I promise" He said in a low husky voice

"Then promise me not to drink and take care of yourself. Please" She whispered to him cupping his chin with both of her hands. JinHai nods

But then an announcement was made calling Min-Ju and Yong-Sun's names

"I have to go. When I come back, make good of your promise" She looking at him and kissed him on the cheeks

She walks back to Mr.Song and takes Yong-Sun back. "You better know what are doing"

"I know what I am doing. I love you"

"I love you too" She hugs Mr.Song and looks back at JinHai who hasn't taken his eyes off of her. She waves goodbye to him and he waves too. Not wanting to let her go.

Min-Ju leaves and gets on the airplane back to Seoul