Is This Home?

Min-Ju came back to Korea. A place she called home for the past 10 years. But this time it felt different like something was missing

JinHai's confession shook her and she hasn't stopped thinking about it. Was she thinking of running away with him? No! Right?

She looked for her driver while holding Yong-Sun's hand as he was still drowsy from his nap on the plane

She didn't see her driver but saw someone she didn't expect. Su-Hyung

Su-Hyung was in the driver's seat. He waved at his family and getting out of the car to help Min-Ju with the luggage

"APPA*" Yong-Sun yelled running towards him to hug him

"What are you doing here? I thought that NamJin was coming?" She said shocked as she walks towards him

"I wanted to surprise my wife. I haven't seen her in a month and I realized I missed her"

Min-Ju smiled and kissed him

Su-Hyung then picks up Yong-Sun to put him in the back of the Jaguar

"Aigoo*, you have gotten heavier" Struggling a bit to pick him up

Getting in the car Su-Hyung asked "How was your trip?"

"It was good. I might with friends and family"

"How about your parents!" Min-Ju looks at him and looks behind her to see Yong-Sun watching his cartoons and proceeded to tell him

"You know I don't talk to them. I'm not ready yet"

"I know. Just know I love you" he said comforting her. But Min-Ju didn't respond to him. He found that strange as she always send it back

Then he look into the rear view mirror, looking at Yong-Sun watching his cartoons and looking sideways to see Min-Ju staring out the car window

They were close to the mansion. They had sat in silence for most of the ride

"You're wearing new clothes"

"Yeah. Do you like it?"

"I like it. I haven't seen you wear that in years. Why don't you wear this style anymore"

"Your mother said I looked like a slut wearing these kinds of clothing. So she bought me a whole new wardrobe"

"My mother did this to you?"

"Oh shit! What about your mother" she panics thinking that her mother in law reminds her of her father

"I'll talk with her. You really look nice" Min-Ju was happy but something was off about him. He never did this. He never picked her up from the airport, never stood up for her, and never took time off for her

He was a stressed man and she understood that when they got married but she could never adjust to his method of coping with it

When they reached the house they were greeted by their housekeepers and butlers

Min-Ju started to unpack her things when Su-Hyung came up to their bedroom and locked the door

He hugged Min-Ju from behind wrapping his arms around her waist and started to kiss her neck and shoulders

"What are you doing? I still have a lot to unpack" she said nudging him to let her go

"Let the maid do it. I haven't seen my wife in so long" he said in a soft tone

He starts to unbutton Min-Ju's blouse and unzips his pants

When they finished Su-Hyung came downstairs to see Yong-Sun already eating lunch

Min-Ju was standing in the shower. Letting the water hit her face. She was deep into her thoughts

She could stop thinking about JinHai

But she felt disgusted in herself for cheating on her husband and for having another man in her head while they were making love

She could stop thinking about his confession and about running away leaving everything behind for love

Her head hurts from having these nonsense thoughts. She was a wife and mother she would have never ever do such a thing

She got out of the shower and walked down the stairs to see Su-Hyung teaching Yong-Sun about whatever he was curious about

Her life was back to normal again or whatever you call it

But this time was different. He wasn't the one who was distant; it was her. She felt different when she came back. There was no sense of normalcy in the house anymore. She became a stranger in her own house

*Appa 아빠= Dad

*Aigoo 아이구= my goodness