The Bosses in the Rookie Village

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

There were currently two known bosses in the Rookie Village. One was the Hidden Boss, Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, and the other was a Level 10 Boss, the Slime King.

The Players had stopped getting themselves killed by challenging the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf after a few hours. Everyone knew that the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was not something they could kill by abusing their numbers. All the Players would still die if their equipment was not strong enough.

On the other hand, the Level 10 Slime King was a normal Boss. The Players could easily find it in the Slime Valley around twenty minutes away from the Rookie Village.

Every Rookie Village had a Slime King. Unlike the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, the Slime Kings were independent.

It had only been four hours since the Slime King was spotted, but someone had already managed to kill a Slime King.

To everyone's surprise, it was not a guild that killed it, but a new group called the "Nouveau Riches Club".

No one knew if the Nouveau Riches Club actually consisted of nouveau riches, or if the name was just to grab some attention. However, the way they killed the Slime King was pretty insane.

The Nouveau Riches Club managed to gather the members of more than ten guilds. It then hired hundreds of Players that were above Level 8 and used the human wave tactic to kill the Slime King.

A Player had written a post on the forum about it. The person roughly estimated that the Nouveau Riches Club had spent at least five hundred thousand yuan just to kill the Slime King.

Even though the Boss of the Rookie Village was killed for the first time, its drops were not even that impressive. The most valuable loot was a Level 10 Purple Necklace. It could be sold for at most forty thousand yuan. The rest of the drops were even less valuable.

However, no one dared to say it was a loss for the Nouveau Riches Club, since it did become famous after killing the Slime King first. Many people had learned about its existence since then.

Apart from killing the Slime King, there was another reason why they had become famous so quickly.

The words "nouveau riches" in their guild's name had caught many people's attention.

Chen Mo shook his head with a smile after reading the post. He felt sorry for the other guilds in the game. These guilds had an impressive number of members too, yet they were still no match against nouveau riches that were willing to spend a fortune on the game. The guilds were desperately trying to get the first kill on a Boss, yet the Nouveau Riches Club had secured it with money instead.

Chen Mo frowned when he learned the Nouveau Riches Club had only acquired a Purple Necklace after spending a few hundred thousand yuan.

If he was serious about fighting Inoch, he would at least need to have a full set of Purple Equipment, and the only way to get it was by killing the Slime King.

The Slime King was in the center of the Slime Valley of every instance of the Rookie Village. It was not difficult to find.

After the Nouveau Riches Club killed the Slime King for the first time, lots of Players had reached Level 10 too. Since there was no death penalty for dying in the Rookie Village, these Level 10 Players were not worried about dying. They gathered together and challenged the Slime King, to try their luck and see if they could kill the Slime King to earn a fortune.

Unfortunately, even though the Slime King was not as ridiculous as the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, it was not an easy Boss either. Without proper coordination, even a hundred Players would still struggle against the Slime King.

Even though the Players had leveled up fairly quickly, most Players did not have a single piece of equipment still. The Slime King could easily kill them in a single hit.

The Nouveau Riches Club was able to kill the Slime King mainly because every member had a set of Green Equipment. They were the main firepower when attacking the Slime King. The Players they recruited were just cannon fodder to distract the Slime King.

However, since there was no death penalty, many Players would still go to the Slime Valley when they reached Level 10 and

The journey to the Slime Valley took more than ten minutes. Not only was dying and reviving in the town quicker than running back, but they could also even tell the others that they had fought against a Boss before—even though they had died instantly to a single blow.

"It doesn't matter how I look at it, it feels impossible to kill the Slime King alone."

There was lots of information on the Slime King, yet Chen Mo felt his head hurting after spending some time reading through them.

The Slime Valley was a grassland with many Level 8 to 10 slimes of different colors. The only obstacles in the area were a few shrubs.

If there were some obstacles around, Chen Mo could think of a way to slowly wear down the Slime King's HP. However, if it was in a spacious valley, Chen Mo could only challenge it head-on. Even if Chen Mo managed to get a set of Blue Equipment, he still would not stand a chance against the Slime King.

Even a group of Players had no chance of defeating the Slime King in the Slime Valley, let alone taking on the Slime King alone.

"Mm? A Mutated Slime King?"

Chen Mo suddenly discovered a post in which the Player mentioned he had encountered a Mutated Slime King.

The Player was planning to die to the Slime King, but for some reason, the Slime King had mutated. The Player decided to live for a little longer after seeing the rare mutated Boss. However, since it was at night, his range of vision was limited. When he took a close look at the Mutated Slime King, the Mutated Slime King noticed his presence too.

The guy had no choice but to run since he did not want to be killed.

The Player had killed an elite monster that dropped a pair of Green Boots with +5 to movement speed with the special skill "Swift". The Player ran for more than a minute to escape from the Mutated Slime King. However, when he turned around to look for the Mutated Slime King, he discovered that the Mutated Slime King had returned to normal.

"Screenshot? Where's the screenshot?"

"I was too busy running, so I wasn't able to take a screenshot of it."

"There's no screenshot to prove it, you just wanted to seek some attention."

The post attracted lots of views, yet no one believed the Player since he was unable to provide any proof.

Chen Mo did not believe the Player, but he did not disregard it completely. He noticed something from the post that perhaps even the Player himself did not notice.

It was unusual that the Mutated Slime King had only stopped chasing him after he had run for more than a minute.

If Chen Mo assumed the Player was not lying, it meant the Mutated Slime King had retained its hatred over a long distance. Normally, a Boss would stop pursuing the Players and return to their territory after they had left their aggro range.

With such a huge aggro range, if the Mutated Slime King did exist, Chen Mo might be able to lure it to a certain spot where it could find a trick to kill it.

The question was whether the Mutated Slime King did exist. If it was real, how could he trigger the mutation?

Chen Mo did not overthink it. If the Mutated Slime King did exist, it would definitely appear for a second time. Chen Mo logged back into the game and focused on raising his level to 10 first.