Chen Dong

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Chen Mo logged back into the game. He grinded the quests until five in the morning and went offline.

Rumors said that the VR Helmet had the sleeping mode, but it was still under testing, so it was not available to the public yet. However, he believed it was unnecessary to try too hard on leveling up the character. Currently, Genesis has limited every Player's playtime to 12 hours every day to prevent the Players from being addicted and reduce the load of the servers. The Players were forced to log off once they were online for more than 12 hours for the day.

The limit was meant to reset at midnight every day. Chen Mo believed it was unnecessary to be a try-hard.

"Vivid and lifelike, a brand new world!"

"A revolutionary game!"

"The era of full-dive VR network, there's no stopping to it!"

A new day arrived as Chen Mo fell into a deep sleep. Every Chinese media was publishing news as if they had all consumed some sorts of stimulants. The news was all about Genesis and the VR network.

The opening beta of Genesis had made it easier for the public to experience the charm of the VR network. Some people who were not that interested in video games were only trying Genesis for fun, but they had all indulged in the stunning world after entering the game.

It was like a second world in reality, but with the freedom that they did not have in the real world. Even though everyone was still not equal, and money was still driving the world, but the Players had experienced something different in the VR world compared to reality.

More people were intrigued by the new world. They had a new goal and motivation in life too.

However, there were lots of people that remained unaffected by it.

Yuhang City...

A glamorous lady with long black hair like a waterfall reaching her waist went past a huge billboard. The woman heard the passionate voice of the advertisement. She lifted her gaze and watched the advertisement about the full-dive VR network on the billboard.

Many pedestrians that walked past could not help but glance at the woman.

The woman with black hair had fair skin and an oval face. Her figure was slender with elegant temperament, leaving the people that saw her with a strong impression.

However, no one dared to went up to the woman to talk or flirt with her. For some reason, the woman had an unapproachable aura.

"Xiao Dong, Xiao Dong, come over here, I've got some nice vegetables today, have a try."

An old woman's voice interrupted the glamorous lady's thoughts as she walked past a small supermarket.

It was the supermarket's owner's mother, Madam Yu.

"Thank you, Madam Yu, I'll pay for it," it was not the first time Madam Yu gave her vegetables. Chen Dong quickly found her purse to pay for them.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a few stalks of vegetables, it doesn't cost much. I'm afraid I won't be here if it wasn't for your help before," Madam Yu waved her hand. She was unwilling to take Chen Dong's money.

Two months ago, Madam Yu tripped when she went to a huge shopping mall to do some shopping. No one dared to lend her a hand. When Madam Yu was about to fall unconscious, Chen Dong showed up and helped her to the side of the road. She called the ambulance and helped to ease her pain before the medical personnel arrived.

Just a month ago, Madam Yu surprisingly discovered that the pretty girl who did not leave a name after helping her actually lived close to her son's supermarket.

In addition to it, the pretty girl with the name Chen Dong was also a student of Yuhang University just like her grandchild.

After talking to Chen Dong a few times, Madam Yu noticed how nice of a girl she was.

She was pretty, polite, and well-mannered. When Madam Yu visited Chen Dong the other time, she discovered that she was good at playing the piano too!

Madam Yu was clueless about music, but even so, she enjoyed Chen Dong's piano. She simply stood outside the door listening to the piano and forgot to knock.

Madam Yu blatantly asked her grandson to ask Chen Dong out. It was difficult to find such a nice girl nowadays.

Her good-for-nothing grandson seemed quite interested at first, but he immediately gave up when he learned it was Chen Dong.

Madam Yu kept asking her grandson for the reason. The young man reluctantly told Madam Yu that he had already tried asking Chen Dong out, but the girl completely ignored him. Lots of people from Yuhang University tried asking her out too, but she never dated anyone. Even among the girls, the only person she was relatively close to was the daughter of the Hua Family.

Madam Yu struggled to believe it. From what her grandson told her, Chen Dong was an unapproachable icy beauty, but the Chen Dong she knew was a gentle girl despite her icy appearance.

Madam Yu insisted to let her grandson date Chen Dong, but her grandson was reluctant no matter how hard she was trying to convince him. Madam Yu could only murmur about how useless the young man was under her breath.

There was no way he could find any girl better than her!


In a spacious clean rented unit, Chen Dong lied on her bed on which her hair scattered with her eyes open.

The room was spacious, yet there was only a desk, a bed, and a black piano close to the bed.

Chen Dong was a third-year Computer Science student in Yuhang University. She was supposed to be attending a lecture today, but it seemed like it was only a matter of time until traditional computers were disqualified now that the full-dive VR network had appeared. Following the instructions from the education department, the university had asked the students studying Computer Science to switch courses, thus the lecture was canceled too.

Chen Dong picked up her phone and checked her email. She stared at an email from an unfamiliar address silently.

Someone had sent her an email saying that her brother whom she had not met since a long time ago and did not even know where he was currently staying was currently in the game Genesis. If she was interested in finding him, she could try her luck in the game. Perhaps she might be able to see him.

The person that sent her the email knew about her past. No one in Yuhang University knew she had a brother.


The memories hidden deep inside Chen Dong's heart rose like a strong tide. Her icy expression was replaced with a gentle smile. Her pale face reddened slightly.

Whether the person that sent her the email was stating the truth or not, she had to try her luck in Genesis!

Chen Dong immediately made up her mind!

Chen Dong picked up the VR Helmet on the bedside table. She adjusted her hair and gently put on the helmet.

It had been three years an a half. She could not help but imagine her reunion with her brother.

Chen Dong was excited just by having the thought.

Chen Dong dug her head into the pillow. She was finally able to calm her thoughts after a while.

Chen Dong took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She turned on the helmet and entered the game.

It was almost impossible to look for a person in the game considering how many Players it had. However, Chen Dong knew the chance of her finding her brother would be zero if she did not even try!