Gale Boots

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Chen Mo already had an idea of how he might be able to kill the Mutated Slime King when he was searching for the conditions that triggered its mutation, but first, it was more important to find a pair of high-quality boots.

He only had one Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion left. The potion's effect only lasted for ten minutes. It would take him a few minutes just to lure the Mutated Slime King away. He had to lure it away since a lot of Players would keep showing up if he was to fight it at its original position.

The Mutated Slime King's HP was very high. He clearly needed more than ten minutes to kill it alone. Once the potion's effect ended, he was dead for sure.

Chen Mo was doubtful if he could find the boots he wanted in Rookies Village.

He was currently wearing the Goblin Boots with +1 to movement speed. The Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion could increase his movement speed by 3, which meant he needed a pair of boots with at least +4 to movement speed.

If it was any other attributes, the difference between equipment with just a few more or fewer points was not much, but when it came to the movement speed, each extra point would double the price of the equipment. It was already difficult to find a pair of boots with +3 to movement speed, let alone a pair of high-quality boots with +4 to movement speed.

That being said, no matter how difficult it was, he still had to get the boots at all costs, even if it meant visiting the three main cities and spent a fortune on it. He would have to kill himself to return to Rookies Village since Players were not allowed to return to Rookies Village after leaving it unless they were doing some special quests.

Chen Mo was still equipping the title "The Corrupted", thus he had to wait for a while before entering Aiur Town. However, the guards at the entrance of the village would not bother him as long as he did not enter the town.

"Selling Low-level HP Potions, only a limited number left, come and get them before they run out!"

"Looking to buy equipment above Level 5, White Equipment and above, price is negotiable!"

"Pure melee party with high DPS, looking for one more member to grind in the Slime Valley, first come first serve!"


Chen Mo could hear Players shouting at the entrance of the town from a distance away. Many Players were looking around. Some were buying, others were selling, or recruiting Players for their parties, resulting in a bustling scene.

"Looking to buy boots with +4 and above to movement speed with real money, PM me if you have them!"

Chen Mo joined the others and started yelling at the town entrance.

Many people immediately looked at him when they heard he was looking to buy something with money in real life. However, they soon lost their interests when they heard he was looking for boots with +4 and above to movement speed.

Chen Mo kept shouting for some time, but no one had approached him apart from a few Players who were curious how much Chen Mo was offering even though they did not have the boots he was looking for.

Chen Mo was not feeling impatient. He had always been patient. It would be strange if he was able to find a pair of high-quality boots so easily.

Chen Mo sat close to the entrance and would yell the same sentence at times. An hour later, almost everyone in the Rookies Village knew someone was looking to buy a pair of boots with at least +4 to movement speed.

The sky was already dark. Meanwhile, at the spawning area of the Man-Eating Flowers, a female Assassin around the age of sixteen and a female Priest around a similar age were killing the Man-Eating Flowers as a party.

The Assassin did not have trouble killing the Man-Eating Flowers with the heals from the Priest.

"Feifei, did you hear? Someone is asking to buy boots with +4 to movement speed at the town entrance," the Priest blurted out in excitement after casting a healing spell on the Assassin.

"Xiaoyun, are you seriously going to sell these boots?" Hua Feifei gently touched the Gale Boots she was wearing. It felt like she was flying when she was wearing the boots with +4 to movement speed.

She really wanted to ask Mu Xiaoyun to sell the boots to her, but she withheld the urge instead.

She came from a wealthy family, but Mu Xiaoyun was from a single-parented family. Her mother had been sick for a long time, and she still had a younger brother and sister to take care of. She was interested to test her luck out when she heard it was possible to make a fortune in the game, but Mu Xiaoyun could not even afford the VR Helmet. In the end, Hua Feifei told her that she ended up buying two VR Helmets. She was meant to give her cousin one, but her cousin already bought one too, so she told Mu Xiaoyun she could borrow her the helmet for the time being.

They were best friends with one another. They never talked about money. Mu Xiaoyun did not even know Hua Feifei was from a wealthy family. Hua Feifei did not dare to tell Mu Xiaoyun too. She did not have many friends. If Mu Xiaoyun knew there was such a huge difference between them, they might not be able to stay friends with one another.

Mu Xiaoyun was an optimistic and cheerful girl. She was perfect apart from a slight fear of strangers. Hua Feifei believed Mu Xiaoyun would distance herself because she would feel inferior after knowing Hua Feifei was from a wealthy family. However, Hua Feifei had seen a lot of messed up things about money growing up, thus she did not want to take the risk.

"I'm sorry, Feifei, my mum's condition is worsening again," Mu Xiaoyun looked at Feifei apologetically.

"It's more important to treat your mum first. It's actually better to sell it earlier, since it wouldn't worth as much once everyone continues to level up," Hua Feifei said.

She had thought it through too. She could just spend some money to buy another pair of boots later. It was the same as buying the boots from Xiaoyun. The money that Xiaoyun earned from selling the boots could ease the burden of her family too.

-Maybe I could help Xiaoyun by getting some rare equipment in the game and let her sell them for money!-

-Haha, why am I so smart!?-

"Let's go back to town!" Hua Feifei said joyfully. Mu Xiaoyun was a little confused. She had no idea why Hua Feifei was in such a great joy all of a sudden.


"You have a pair of boots with +4 to movement speed?" Chen Mo looked at the two beautiful girls in front of him. They seemed to be still in high school. One was shy and quiet, the other had an aggressive and cautious look in her eyes.

"Here they are," Hua Feifei displayed the description of the Gale Boots.

Gale Boots

Description: Wearing these boots will allow you to run as quick as the wind

Quality: Green

Requirement: Level 5 and above


Physical Defense +15

Magic Defense +20

Movement Speed +4

A pair of Green-Quality boots! It had +4 to movement speed and attributes for both types of defense too!

Chen Mo was overjoyed. He did not waste two hours waiting here for nothing.

"Nice boots, how much are you thinking of selling them for?" Chen Mo said.

"How, how about one thousand?" Mu Xiaoyun suggested the price timidly.

"Xiaoyun, that's too low!" Hua Feifei quickly dragged Mu Xiaoyun to her and glared at Chen Mo, "That doesn't count, she didn't really know their value. Uncle, you better offer a reasonable price for it. If you dare to trick us, I'll chase you down until the very ends of the earth!"

"What uncle? You should just call me brother! I'm only a few years older than you two!" Chen Mo's face darkened. He might be a slightly reputable hacker, but he was still in his prime years. He was only 21 years old! How could he allow the girls to call him an uncle!?

"Brother? Stop taking advantage of us, you're clearly an uncle! Hurry up and offer your price, Uncle. We won't sell them to you if it's too low!" Hua Feifei completely ignored Chen Mo's protest. She insisted to call him an uncle.

Chen Mo clenched his teeth. -This goddamn little girl really deserves a beating. Hope she could never marry someone and live as a single old woman forever!-

-Ugh, the curse sounds a little too vicious.-

-Forget it, if the curse really works, considering the girl's personalities, his curse is most likely just an extra among all the other curses she has received.-

"Five thousand. It doesn't worth more than that. After all, it's only a pair of Level 5 boots," Chen Mo did not want to waste too much time with Hua Feifei. It was important to secure the deal first. It would be troublesome if they decided not to sell him the boots after he stepped on her toes.

"Are they really worth just five thousand?" Hua Feifei looked at Chen Mo suspiciously. She wanted to know if the guy was lying to her.

"That's enough, Feifei," Mu Xiaoyun excitedly pulled Hua Feifei's shirt.

She was quite surprised that a pair of low-level boots would worth five thousand yuan. It was enough to cover her family's expenses for the month.

"If you think I've lied to you, feel free to chase me to the ends of the earth," Chen Mo looked at the annoying girl.

"Humph, don't you think I wouldn't dare to!"

Hua Feifei harrumphed and gave the boots to Mu Xiaoyun so she could initiate a trade with Chen Mo.

Considering the scale of Genesis, it was impossible to stop the Players from trading with real currency. Therefore, the game even allowed Players to trade equipment with real money, but the amount had to be above one thousand yuan, and the game would take 5% of the sum as a surcharge, which would be donated to charity.

"Alright, I've transferred the money to your card."

Chen Mo and Mu Xiaoyun took a longer time to complete the trade since it was their first time trading with real money.

"Thanks," Mu Xiaoyun said.

"Uncle, don't you forget my warning. If you try to trick Xiaoyun, I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth!"

Chen Mo left for the Wolf Valley as soon as he completed the trade. He heard Hua Feifei yelling behind him in the distance.

Chen Mo clenched his teeth again. He really had the urge to beat the girl up.