Setting the Boss Up

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

The quest of giving the beggar wolf meat and the quest of Slime's Poison were repeatable, but the number of pieces of wolf meat that a Player had to give every time would increase by ten. Chen Mo decided to collect some wolf meat since the other Players could not enter the Wolf Valley for now.

Around half an hour later, Chen Mo had collected more than a hundred pieces of wolf meat from the Wolf Valley.

He unequipped the title "The Corrupted" and went to Aiur Town. He completed the beggar's quest twice and handed in fifty pieces of wolf meat in exchange for two "Old Liquid Containers". Chen Mo put the remaining wolf meat into the storage and visited the vendors. He bought a quiver of bolts, some ropes, and a few shovels.

He had done all the preparations. All that was left was coming up with a plan to kill the Mutated Slime King.

If other Players heard someone mentioning they were going to challenge the Mutated Slime King alone, they would think that the person had lost his mind.

A Boss Monster's attributes significantly surpassed those of a Player. Even though the Mutated Slime Valley was only a low-level Boss at Level 10, a Player had no chance of winning against it in the Slime Valley that did not have any obstacles.

The Mutated Slime King's aggro radius was extremely huge, but Chen Mo could not lure the Mutated Slime King away from the Slime Valley, nor could he find any obstacles that he could abuse to kill the Mutated Slime King.

However, Chen Mo had thought of a different plan.

Chen Mo went to the Slime Valley and spent all the money he had to buy 100 Green Slime Poison from the Players. After obtaining two bottles of Slime's Poison, he found three male Players and asked, "Brothers, are you interested in earning some quick money?"

"Quick money?" the three Players looked at Chen Mo excitedly.

Chen Mo did not just find the Players randomly. He was able to tell if a person was in need of money or not. With just a quick glance, he already knew the three were living a poor life in the real world.

"I found a quest to dig up some treasure, but I need to dig quite a huge hole for it. I'm thinking of hiring you for the job. I'll pay you two hundred yuan every hour," Chen Mo already came up with an excuse, and it was not just a random excuse either.

"Deal!" They were offered two hundred yuan every hour, not to mention that they were doing it inside the game. They agreed without any hesitation.

Besides, the three were intrigued by the mention of the treasure.

The payment was very simple. Chen Mo and the three agreed to trade on the traditional Internet. Chen Mo paid a set deposit, and the three would record their work as the evidence to make sure they were paid accordingly.

Chen Mo brought the three Players to a spot where no monsters would spawn in the Slime Valley. Since there was no monster, there was no Player too.

"Can we really dig up a treasure here?"

The three Players found it hard to believe they would dig up some treasure under the ordinary-looking grassland.

"An NPC told me about the secret. We'll know once we dug it up. You're getting paid either way, don't you worry about the details!" Chen Mo did not want to waste his time further. He gave them the shovels and urged them to start digging.

The three obediently picked up the shovels and started digging. If the man saw them slacking, he might decide not to pay them in the end.

The plan that Chen Mo had to kill the Mutated Slime King involved digging up a pit!

A huge pit over a meter wide and three meters deep!

The Mutated Slime King could only jump more than a meter high. If he could lure the Mutated Slime King into the pit, he would not have trouble killing it!

Chen Mo had no clue how long it would take for him to dig up the pit himself, which was why he had hired the three Players to dig with him.

Apart from saving himself some time, there was another reason why Chen Mo had hired the three Players to dig up the pit.

The three Players were observing their surroundings carefully while digging the pit. They had already made up their minds. If they really dug up a treasure, they would run away with it right away. Their wage of two hundred yuan every hour was obviously nothing compared to the treasure!

Chen Mo chuckled secretly when he saw the glittering eyes of the three Players.

If there really was a treasure here, why would he bother hiring them? How naive were they!?

The game was different than reality. It was quicker to dig a pit than in real life. Besides, the Players would not feel tired too. They would only be consuming their Energy. When they were running low on Energy, they just needed to take a rest to replenish it.

Half an hour later, they managed to dig up a round pit over three meters wide.

"There's no sign of treasure at all," one of the Players glanced at Chen Mo with displease.

They had been digging with anticipation for half an hour. Even though they were still getting paid for it, they still felt as if they had been lied to.

"It looks like the NPC was lying. Alright, that's enough. You can go offline and receive the money now," Chen Mo waved his hand after seeing that the pit was deep enough. He tossed the ropes down so the Players could climb out of the pit.

The three left after receiving the money. Chen Mo took off his Gale Boots and placed them on the soil as if he had just dug them out. He then took a screenshot.

After saving the screenshot, Chen Mo climbed out of the pit.

However, he did not go far. He used his disguising skill and hid somewhere nearby.

A while later, someone sneaked back to the pit when it was night. The person was surprised that Chen Mo was not around. He clenched his teeth and jumped into the pit. He searched around for a while.

After failing to find anything useful, he climbed out of the pit miserably.

The surroundings were already in complete darkness. Chen Mo chuckled when he watched the figure slowly disappearing into the dark. The guy seriously never gave up, but it was unlikely he would return again. He could finally lure the Mutated Slime King to the pit.

"I must hurry!"

Chen Mo put the Gale Boots back and ran to the Slime King.

The game would restore a pit that Players had dug after half an hour if there was no activity nearby.

"Great, there isn't anyone around," there was no Player around when Chen Mo arrived. He immediately drank a potion of Slime's Poison.


The Slime King let out a furious roar and mutated instantly!

Chen Mo equipped the title "The Corrupted" and ran toward the pit he had prepared for the Mutated Slime King.

It was currently nighttime in the game. Players' vision was limited to only slightly over ten meters. Even though there were Players killing monsters in the distance, none of them had noticed that the Slime King had mutated, and was lured away by some guy with a ridiculous plan in mind.

The pit was only less than five minutes away. Chen Mo had already made sure that he would not stumble into anyone unless the person just happened to be passing by. After all, he had purposely chosen a spot where no monster would spawn to dig the pit.

Chen Mo sprinted while tossing traps at the Mutated Slime King.

The Mutated Slime King's HP was very high. Chen Mo roughly estimated it to be around a hundred thousand. It would require a whole lot of effort to slay it.

Chen Mo could only attack the monster a limited number of times in five minutes along the way. Even with the effects of the Slime's Poison, each of his attacks only dealt around a hundred damage to the Mutated Slime King. On top of it, the Mutated Slime King's HP recovery speed was not slow either, thus he did not really lower the Boss Monster's HP by much.

A few minutes later, he could already see the pit he had prepared. It was only a dozen meters away. The Mutated Slime King only lost around eight thousand HP. It still had around ninety thousand HP left.

Chen Mo was having a hard time in the few minutes that passed. It was fine when he did not attack the Mutated Slime King, but as soon as he started attacking, the Mutated Slime King was not only chasing after him. It would accelerate and roll in Chen Mo's direction at times.

If Chen Mo did not have the Dazing Trap to interrupt the Mutated Slime King's move, he would have died by now.

The pit was right ahead. The only problem was, how could he push the Mutated Slime King into the pit?

It was unlikely that the Mutated Slime King would stupidly jump into the pit after Chen Mo, thus instead of jumping in, Chen Mo started running along the edge of the pit.

The Mutated Slime King chased after him.


Chen Mo suddenly used the disguising skill. The Mutated Slime King froze for a moment, but it immediately saw through Chen Mo's disguise within an instant.

How could an unofficial disguising skill trick a mutated Boss Monster? The disguising skill was only enough to make the Mutated Slime King hesitate for a brief moment.

However, it was exactly what Chen Mo needed. He quickly moved to the Mutated Slime King's side and tossed a Dazing Trap at it.


The explosion knocked the enormous Mutated Slime King into the pit!