Leader's Badge

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

If Chen Mo was here, he would recognize them to be the group he saw in the recording on the forum, one of the two groups of Players that was hunting the Slime King.

"Strange, someone has killed the Slime King in this instance," the gentle young man leading the group said curiously staring at the empty grassland.

His in-game nickname was Musen. His class was Mage, and he was the leader of the party of six.

"Did Leng Xiaoliu and his party kill the Slime King before us?" Shallow Speech went forward to take a closer look.

Shallow Speech was the party's Priest, a quiet beautiful woman around the age of twenty. Musen, Shallow Speech, and the rest of the party were all from a small high-end gaming studio. Before Genesis was released, they were focusing on the games that only the nouveau riches played. They were offering their services to the nouveau riches. After the news about Genesis was released, Musen and the others decisively sold all the accounts and resources they had in the other games. Their gaming studio decided to focus on Genesis instead.

{TL Note: The gaming studios here refer to a group of people that could be hired by players or guilds to grind levels, materials, weapons, etc. They are pretty common in China.}

A full-dive VR MMORPG had always been a fantasy to every person that played video games. How could they possibly miss out on it now that it had become the reality? Most importantly, Shallow Speech, Musen, and the others believed they could earn a fortune from the game.

"I don't think so, I know Leng Xiaoliu and his party are currently in another instance of the Rookies Village," Musen shook his head.

"Leng Xiaoliu...humph, he's so lucky to get his way during the quest last time. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill the Boss Monster!" a Player called Steelhead in the party said furiously.

Steelhead was a bulky man. He was a straightforward person too. He always chose the class Warrior in every game he played.

"It's all my fault. If I was able to ambush Leng Xiaoliu back then, there's no way they could complete the quest," the Assassin in the party lowered his head in shame.

"Lil Six, don't think too much about it. It wasn't your fault. If Leng Xiaoliu is someone that would be ambushed so easily, we would have long come out on top instead of competing with them over three years," Musen patted the Assassin Lil Six on the shoulder.

Before the full-dive virtual network was rolled out, there were countless gaming studios in China. There were many gaming studios that were doing the same thing as Musen's gaming studio, and Leng Xiaoliu's gaming studio was one of them.

Normally, every gaming studio would avoid having a conflict with others. They would just mind their own business and earn as much as they could, but Leng Xiaoliu had a great appetite and a cunning personality. He was using all kinds of dirty tricks to entrap his competitors. Musen and his group were set up twice as they did not know what kind of a person Leng Xiaoliu was at the start. They ended up paying a huge sum of compensation to their customers, and their reputation was greatly damaged too. They almost disbanded too.

Since then, they had been holding a grudge against Leng Xiaoliu. The two groups had been competing for three years, but none of them had managed to come out on top.

Similar to Musen and his group, Leng Xiaoliu had also decided to focus on Genesis. Since enemies were destined to stumble into one another, the two gaming studios had shown up at the Dark Shadow City at the same time. They both left the city at night to kill monsters and met the same NPC that gave them a rare quest.

During the quest, Musen and his group had secured a huge advantage. They had no problem completing the quests, thus they tried to stop Leng Xiaoliu and his group from completing the quest. Unfortunately, they did not succeed.

Both groups completed the rare quests in the end. Each leader received a "Leader's Badge" too.

Both Musen and Leng Xiaoliu knew they had obtained something remarkable as soon as they saw the Leader's Badge. The Leader's Badge could be used once every day to teleport the members of the same party that completed the quest to the leader, if the members gave their consents!

They immediately thought of using the Leader's Badge to make a fortune from killing the Boss Monster in the Rookies Village. Currently, every Level 10 Blue Equipment and Green Equipment was sold at a relatively high price. If the Boss Monster dropped a piece of Purple Equipment, the single piece of Purple Equipment could easily make more money than what they would earn from a few jobs in the past!

They were planning to earn money from the game all along. Now that they were given the chance, they decisively chose to kill their characters to be reborn in the Rookies Village.

The Leader's Badge was bound to the Player's account. Since it did not grant the Player any attributes, it did not have a level requirement. They could summon their party to them as long as the members did not change their character names. However, the other members of the party would have to kill their characters too. The characters must be in the same map for the Leader's Badge to work. It would not work if the characters had left the Rookies Village.

Musen and Leng Xiaoliu began to hunt the Slime King in every instance of the Rookies Village. However, they did not expect there was a third group of Players that was capable of killing the Boss Monster too.

"If it isn't Leng Xiaoliu, who else could it be?" Shallow Speech frowned.

"Let's spread out and investigate it," Musen said to the party. He was eager to find out the truth too.

The others nodded and went into different directions.

The party of six regrouped half an hour later.

"I didn't obtain any valuable information. No one has seen a group of Players that is capable of killing the Boss Monster."

"Same here."


Musen and the other members shook their heads. They did not learn anything useful.

"I do find some useful information. One of the Players I asked told me that he saw a Hunter heading toward the Slime King. He saw the Hunter had some impressive equipment, so he was thinking of forming a party with him to kill the slimes. However, he wasn't able to catch up to the Hunter. He said that the Hunter was moving so quickly. He suddenly realized he had accidentally walked into the Boss Monster's aggro radius. It scared the shit out of him, but the Boss Monster did not show up to kill him. He curiously went to where the Boss Monster was, but it was nowhere to be seen," Shallow Speech shared her finding with the party.

"So you're saying that the Hunter killed the Slime King alone? In such a short period of time?" Musen's eyes flickered with astonishment.

"Could it be that the Boss Monster is already dead before the Hunter shows up?" Steelhead asked.

Shallow Speech shook her head and said, "No, the Player mentioned that he could still see the Boss Monster before it was dark. The Hunter only showed up at night, and the Boss Monster was gone several minutes after the Hunter appeared."

A Player that could kill the Slime King on his own?

Was there really someone so impressive in this game?


Chen Mo was unaware that someone had figured out he was able to kill the Boss Monster on his own.

Chen Mo had reached Level 10 again after killing his character. He was ready to kill the Mutated Slime King again. He hired some Players to dig up the pit, but he was surprised to see a group of Players fighting the Slime King.

The group of Players had impressive equipment. The equipment they were wearing was at least Green Equipment. They had great teamwork too. It was quite obvious that they were very good at the game.

The Players were different from the ones he saw on the forum. It must be the other team that was hunting the Slime King.

Chen Mo already paid a visit to the Slime Valley after leaving the Goblin Valley. He did not expect that the group that was hunting the Slime Valley would show up while he was leveling up his character.

The team that was killing the Slime King had noticed Chen Mo and the Players he hired before they could go any closer.

A female Mage glanced at Chen Mo and his group and said with a proud and icy voice, "Piss off if you don't want to die. Don't you dare disturb us when we are killing the Boss Monster!"