Courting Death

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"B**ch, you better watch your mouth!"

The three Players that Chen Mo hired yelled furiously.

They had not been doing well in real life, and yet they were still being disrespected in the game. They immediately lost their temper. They were just passing by the area. They never wanted to challenge the Boss Monster, yet the woman was being so rude to them. How could they possibly let it go so easily?

"What? Am I wrong? You can piss off and die somewhere else. How are you going to compensate for our loss if we fail to kill the Boss Monster because of you? Can you even afford it judging from your poor appearance?" Leng Xiaoqian said with a cold smirk. Her gaze at the three Players was full of disdain.

The Players that Chen Mo hired were indeed living a tough life. Even Chen Mo could tell just by looking at them. It was not a surprise that the observant Leng Xiaoqian could tell it too.

"Boss, isn't your cousin going too far with it?" the Warrior in Leng Xiaoliu's team sent Leng Xiaoliu a private message.

"She's been in a bad mood for the past few days, just let her be. Besides, these Players are worse than the average Players, it's unlikely we're going to see them again. It doesn't really matter."

Leng Xiaoliu glanced at the three Players and shook his head indifferently.

The game was out for more than ten days. Why would he be worried about some random Players that had only reached Level 10 by now?

Leng Xiaoliu would be more mindful of his attitude if the Players were his potential customers. However, the three Players were obviously never going to be his customers judging from their looks. Therefore, he did not have to worry about offending them. There were so many Players in the game. If he tried to not offend anyone, how could he possibly enjoy the game?

Leng Xiaoqian's words had stabbed the three Players right on their weak spot. They completely went enraged.

"Brother, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you dig the hole. You might have to look for someone else."

The three Players left Chen Mo. They did not quarrel with Leng Xiaoqian any further. They charged at the Slime King furiously instead. They were trying to use the Boss Monster to kill Leng Xiaoqian and the others.

"Idiots! What could the likes of you possibly do?" Leng Xiaoqian giggled when she saw the three Players running at the Boss Monster.

When the three Players went up to the Boss Monster, Leng Xiaoliu and his team adeptly changed their positions.

The three Players were obviously trying to mess up the Slime King's hatred. They did gather the Slime King's attention, but the Slime King immediately targeted them instead. Leng Xiaoliu and his team had already manipulated the Slime King's hatred before the three Players showed up. As such, the Slime King immediately focused on the three Players instead. It was just as Leng Xiaoqian had mentioned, the three Players were merely courting their deaths.

The Slime King killed the three Players in no time. Their actions did not even result in any disturbance to Leng Xiaoliu's team.

Leng Xiaoqian was pleased by the outcome. She looked at Chen Mo who seemed to be in his thoughts and mocked, "Your friends are already dead. Why don't you come and join them too? Or maybe you're worse than those trash, you don't even dare to get yourself killed?"

Chen Mo was only equipping a bunch of Green and Blue Equipment since he had come to dig a hole first. He would only put on his best equipment when he was going to lure the Boss Monster to the trap he had set up. Otherwise, his equipment would easily attract other Players' attention even if he tried to conceal their glow. Therefore, Leng Xiaoqian assumed Chen Mo was the same as the three Players.

Chen Mo lifted his gaze. He stared at Leng Xiaoqian and observed her closely.

"What do you think you are looking at!?" Leng Xiaoqian yelled furiously when she sensed Chen Mo's weird gaze.

"Say, you're not that bad looking, but why can't your filthy mouth utter some decent words? Why do you have to be so rude?" Chen Mo asked curiously. He seriously could not understand what the woman was thinking.

"Son of a b**ch! I'm telling you, you're dead for sure. I'll kill you every time I see you in the game!" Leng Xiaoqian went enraged. She glared at Chen Mo and threatened him.

"Kid, you better watch your mouth. It's going to be tough for you in the game if you cross us," Leng Xiaoliu warned too.

-Seriously? Are these guys really feeling superior from playing the game? They even dare to threaten people?-

Even the Buddha would get angry. Chen Mo believed he would not get angry easily, but he too was a little infuriated.

"So what? You think you're so good because you can kill a Boss Monster? You think you're unmatchable?" Chen Mo said coldly.

"We can kill a Boss Monster, but a piece of trash like you can only watch us kill one. Of course we're better than you!" Leng Xiaoqian said proudly.

"Very well! You think you're so good right? Show me what you got then!" Chen Mo smirked.


The Slime King suddenly let out a furious roar when Chen Mo finished his sentence. Its size instantly doubled, and its color had turned from green to purple!

The Slime King had mutated!

"Watch out!" Leng Xiaoliu was shocked. He did not expect the Slime King to mutate all of a sudden.

They had slain several Slime Kings, but they had never seen the Boss Monster mutating. They were completely clueless about the details of the Mutated Slime King.

The Mutated Slime King did not go easy on them. Leng Xiaoliu and his party's attacks landed on the Mutated Slime King just when it had done mutating. It fired a bunch of purple orbs at its enemy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Leng Xiaoliu and the others who were taken by surprise were hit by a few of the purple orbs. The party of six died instantly when damage indicators in the range of 700-800 floated above their heads.

The Mutated Slime King did not forget about Chen Mo who had started it all. It started moving toward Chen Mo, but it soon came to a stop when Chen Mo used Disguise.

Chen Mo was more familiar with the Mutated Slime King's behaviors than anyone else after killing it ten times.

The Mutated Slime King had a large aggro radius, but the aggro radius could be separated into two circles. The inner-circle had a radius of thirty meters. The Mutated Slime King could see through a Player's disguise within it. However, using a disguising skill outside of the inner circle could get rid of the Mutated Slime King's hatred.

"Why did the Slime King mutate all of a sudden?"

Leng Xiaoliu and his team were wearing displeased looks when they came back to life in Aiur Town. The Boss Monster only had a third of its HP left, yet it suddenly mutated and killed all of them.

As soon as they looked down at the Hunter, the Boss Monster had killed them all and sent them back to town. It was definitely a huge slap to their face. Leng Xiaoqian completely lost the great mood she was in before.

"Boss, what do we do now?" the warrior asked.

"We'll have to start again. I remember seeing that a mutated Boss Monster will return to normal after some time," Leng Xiaoliu had already calmed down. He had had similar experiences of the entire party dying to a mutated Boss Monster over the years. He was not too fussed about it.

He would not give up on killing the Boss Monster of this instance, since it would mean they had wasted the whole day for nothing. Not only would they suffer a great loss, it would also place Musen's team ahead of them.

Around ten minutes later, Leng Xiaoliu and his party went back to the Slime King's spawning point.

Chen Mo casually showed up when the party of six started the fight with the Boss Monster.

The Slime King did not mutate this time. Chen Mo had already gone offline to get rid of the Slime's Poison's effects before the party returned.

"Weren't you saying how good you are? Why did you end up being sent back to town by the Boss Monster?" Chen Mo chuckled.

"Piss off! I have no time to spare on you!" Leng Xiaoqian said.

-No time? But I have plenty of time! I'm going to teach you some manners without having to do it myself!-

Chen Mo smiled upon seeing Leng Xiaoqian's reaction. He consumed a bottle of Slime's Poison again.


The Slime King let out a furious roar. It had mutated once again!

Leng Xiaoliu immediately glared at Chen Mo!

Even though he did not have any proof, he could tell that the guy had something to do with the Boss Monster's mutation based on his experience!