A Job That Pays Over Ten Million

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"Brother Chen, you're pretty carefree aren't you? Were you sleeping?" the image of a perverted-looking fatty crossed Chen Mo's mind when he heard the restless voice from the other end of the call.

"Oh, Old Tian, what do you want?" Chen Mo asked after collecting his thoughts.

This Fatty Tian never called him for no reason.

"Seriously, Brother Chen, didn't I tell you not to call me Old Tian? I'm only eighteen this year!" Fatty Tian said furiously.

Chen Mo rolled his eyes. Did the fatty really think he was Guanyin or something? Chen Mo clearly remembered the fatty telling him he was eighteen years old two years ago, yet he was still eighteen years old after two years. Did the fatty really think he could trick him so easily!?

"What do you want? I'm going back to sleep if it's nothing important," Chen Mo was reluctant to waste his time.

"Ah, wait, I do have something to tell you. Brother Chen, I remember you've accepted the strange job before, right?" Fatty Tian blurted out.

"What kind of crap are you talking about? Weren't you the one that introduced it to me?" Chen Mo grumbled.

Fatty Tian was not a hacker. He was working in a special agency that served as an intermediary between clients and hackers. The agency would allocate jobs they received to the hackers. Chen Mo had received the special job of stopping the rollout of the full-dive virtual reality network from Fatty Tian.

"Well, I want to know if you've started playing Genesis."

"I did, why? Is your company planning a business reform?"

"Mm, something like that, to be honest, our company has received news that the traditional network has reached a point of no return. Our company is going to close down eventually if it doesn't reform its business now. I'm calling to let you know that my company has decided to focus on Genesis for the time being. The superiors are planning a meeting with you and the others to discuss how we can continue working together," Fatty Tian explained.

"Focus on Genesis? Is your company planning to become a gaming studio?" Chen Mo was a little amused.

It was weird to hear a hacker agency being reformed into a gaming studio. Regardless of how well it was going to work out, it already sounded quite lame.

"Not a gaming studio, we are just trying something new. If we don't act now, the company is only going to close down in the end, which means I've wasted two or three years working here," Fatty Tian grumbled. He finally made some progress after working in the company for two years. He did not expect it would come down to this. If the company was to close down, he would lose his job too.

"Alright, when and where is the meeting?" Chen Mo asked.

"Our company has set up a virtual meeting room in the virtual network. I've already sent you an invitation to the meeting. It will happen at six o'clock tonight. You just need to connect to the virtual network and accept the invitation to join the meeting."

"Alright, I'll be there."

Chen Mo had no reason to reject the invitation. Besides, he had always been curious about the hacker agency called Worm. Chen Mo had never met a second worker from Worm apart from Fatty Tian. He tried asking Fatty Tian about the company before, but the guy never told him the truth.


Six o'clock at night...

Chen Mo spent the afternoon leveling up his character. He logged off when it was almost six and connected to the social platform of the full-dive virtual reality network.

The social platform of the full-dive virtual reality network was currently in beta still. Users had to specifically register to gain access to it, and apparently, it was quite difficult to be approved too. However, the hacker agency Worm seemed to have the right connection. It had already helped every hacker that was working with them to acquire access to the social platform.

Everyone had a unique nickname on the full-dive social platform. The users were able to see the information that a person was willing to disclose by inspecting their nicknames. Chen Mo's nickname was "M.C.".

The invitation worked similarly to the traditional network, but it could only be accepted by the person with the nickname that the invitation was meant for. Chen Mo found his avatar being transferred to a spacious, modern, white meeting room after accepting the invitation.

A dozen virtual avatars with different appearances were already seated in the meeting room. They were waiting silently.

A few of them looked at Chen Mo when he showed up, but they did not converse with him.

"Brother Chen, you're here," a voice said. Chen Mo knew it was Fatty Tian without having to turn his head around.

The social platform of the virtual reality network was similar to Genesis. They were different chats available. The others would not know that Fatty Tian and Chen Mo were having a conversation.

"Where are the superiors of your company?" there was no one at the podium in front of the room. It did not seem like any authority of the hacker agency Worm was around either.

"They are almost here. Patience, Brother Chen."

A middle-aged man suddenly appeared at the podium when Fatty Tian was in the middle of his sentence.

"Good evening, I'm the person in charge of the meeting and the proposal for the company's reform. You can call me Black Fox. Everyone here is an elite hacker that has been working with Worm for at least a year. I'll cut straight to the topic instead of wasting too much of everyone's time.

"I've mainly called you here to announce three things.

"First, from today onward, Worm is going to have a business reform. We'll still be taking jobs related to the traditional network, but we've withdrawn most of our resources. We'll gradually accept few jobs related to the traditional network too."

"Mr. Black Fox, pardon me for interrupting, but is the company's decision an indication that the traditional network's downfall is inevitable? Does that mean we won't be able to complete the job we took before?"

Someone interrupted Black Fox's speech.

"Regarding that, I'm sorry to say that the company doesn't have an absolute answer either, but according to the information I've received so far, I'm expecting the traditional network to go down within a year. Of course, it's only my personal opinion instead of the company's. You can still continue on with the job, and the reward remains the same for whoever that completes it," the Black Fox answered the person's question patiently. He was not annoyed that the person had interrupted his speech.

It was a very ambiguous answer, but everyone was smart enough to learn some information from it. Worm was not willing to give a clear answer, but judging from Black Fox's attitude, it was very likely that Worm had learned some important information that they were unaware of. The company believed it was only a matter of time for the traditional network to be replaced. Otherwise, they would not decide to reform the business all of a sudden.

Chen Mo fell into deep thoughts after hearing Black Fox's response.

He wanted to stop the full-dive virtual reality network from replacing the traditional network, but if it really was inevitable, he would not bother wasting his time on it.

However, he was not the kind of person to give up halfway either. He was about to conduct a series of experiments in the game. He would decide to continue with the job or give up on it after he was done with the experiments.

"Second, the company is allocating most of the resources to the game Genesis. We'll be putting up jobs that are related to the game. Feel free to contact us if you think you can complete any of the jobs. Everyone here is very talented, so I believe most of you already had a go at the game. I believe you all are going to achieve great results even if it's a game!" Black Fox said.

Chen Mo sent Fatty Tian a private message, "Old Tian, is your company that unreliable? I don't think a person's skill as a hacker has anything to do with his skill in playing games. Isn't it weird for your company to think a bunch of hackers are competent enough to take on the jobs?"

Fatty Tian chuckled and said, "Old Chen, tell you one thing, make sure you don't tell anyone else. The people here are only a portion of the people that the company has contacted. We have also arranged meetings with professional players and gaming studios too."

F**k! That explained everything! Chen Mo was utterly confused about why Worm would consider letting a bunch of hackers to take on the jobs! It turned out that the company was only interested in their talents as hackers, and since there were all elites in the field, they might be able to achieve some unexpected results when playing the game. The company was betting on it, and it was not going to bring them any huge loss either.

"Third, I will now announce the first job that our company has accepted after the reform. The total reward for the job is more than ten million. Our client is Glacier Corporate Group, so you won't have to worry about not being paid according to the deal!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing the third announcement from Black Fox.

A job that would pay more than ten million?

The game was only released less than half a month ago. How was this even possible?