The Plan

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

A job that would pay more than ten million. If it was true, it would be paying more than the job they had accepted which was asking them to stop the traditional network from being replaced by the full-dive virtual reality network!

If they could complete the quest, the money was more than enough to support the rest of their lives regardless of whether the traditional network would be replaced or not.

Everyone looked at Black Fox with eyes burning passionately amid the astonishment.

However, many people were chuckling on the inside too. Black Fox had mentioned that the total reward was ten million, which meant no single person was going to get ten million!

"Everyone, please calm down, the total reward is very handsome, but the most that a person could get is only a hundred thousand. I'll now explain the details of the job. Glacier Gaming Club supported by Glacier Corporation Studio is planning to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. Anyone that is interested can apply for an interview with Glacier Gaming Club's representative. You will be paid at least five thousand once you passed the interview."

Black Fox immediately answered everyone's question with the explanation. Nevertheless, the job was still very appealing to them.

"Mr. Black Fox, can you elaborate on it? I'm quite interested," someone asked.

"Of course, the Players would have to gather in the same instance of the Rookies Village to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, and the only way to do so is to kill the character and restart. Therefore, everyone that passed the interview will be paid five thousand as compensation. The Players that are assigned to the right instance will be paid at least ten thousand. The pay will be adjusted based on the Players' strength and their contribution in the battle. The highest pay is a hundred thousand. That being said, Glacier's Gaming Studio's representative also mentioned that if anyone, in particular, has an outstanding performance or provides them with crucial items to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, they won't mind multiplying the reward by two or three times!"

The gaming studio was planning to use such a brute force method to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. It explained why the total reward was over ten million.

Even though they knew each person could only earn a certain amount of money from the job, they were still dumbfounded by the amount of money that Glacier Corporation Group was willing to spend on it.

Was it even worth to spend ten million on killing a Boss Monster of the Rookies Village?

Many among them shared the same doubt.

The few hundred thousand that the Nouveau Riches Club had spent to kill the Slime King was clearly worth it, but Glacier Gaming Club was obviously just trying to make a name for themselves by spending over ten million to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. The value of the loots they would obtain from killing the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf would not even be close to the amount they spent. It might even be better to just spend the money on advertising themselves.

Black Fox did not explain why Glacier Corporation Group was willing to spend such a fortune on it. Chen Mo suddenly asked, "May I ask when the deadline to register our interest it? If it's possible, I would like to know when they are planning to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf too. It's not worth spending so much time if we are only going to earn a few thousand yuan from it."

"He's right."


Many agreed with Chen Mo.

Black Fox nodded and said, "These are no secrets. The deadline is midnight of the day after tomorrow. If I'm not mistaken, they will be doing it two days after the deadline."

It was unlikely that anyone would disclose the time so easily, but since Glacier Gaming Club was obviously trying to make a name for themselves, there was no need for them to keep the time a secret. Besides, they would not have to worry about someone else showing up to intervene with their plan.

"That's all for the meeting today. We do have other jobs apart from the one from Glacier Gaming Club, but we won't be disclosing them today. Feel free to contact us about the other jobs."

Black Fox declared the end of the meeting when he did not see anyone asking questions.

A few that were interested in the job went up to Black Fox. Although Chen Mo had asked a question, he did not approach Chen Mo. He turned around and took his leave.

A virtual avatar suddenly showed up in front of him.

"You're Chen Mo?" the avatar with the nickname "W.X." said.

"M.C." was the acronym for "Mr. Chen". It was not Chen Mo's first time using the nickname, thus the person must know who he was!

"Wang Xu?" Chen Mo guessed seeing the avatar's nickname. He did not sound pleasant.

The person's voice was slightly different than reality, but it still sounded familiar to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo and Wang Xu were both hackers in Nanhua City. As the saying went, one's peers were usually his enemies; the two had been competitors for a long time, and Wang Xu usually ended up losing, resulting in great losses. He had become a hacker a lot earlier than Chen Mo, thus he was reluctant to admit his defeat. He kept figuring out ways to set Chen Mo up.

"It's me," Wang Xu answered coldly.

"I don't think we have anything to say to one another."

Wang Xu was a vengeful man. Chen Mo did not believe he was here to become reconciled with him.

"Hehe, we do have nothing to say to one another. Why don't we have a conversation about your sister?" Wang Xu grinned. It was quite obvious that he was trying to threaten Chen Mo!

He had been investigating Chen Mo's background for the past two years. He finally learned that the man had a beautiful sister a few days ago.

He could not do anything to Chen Mo, but he could easily pick on his sister, unless his sister avoided using a computer at all times!

Wang Xu could not wait to see Chen Mo lose his temper after he was threatened. However, Chen Mo simply glanced at him and said, "Wang Xu, it's not like I'm looking down at you, but I believe you should really focus on becoming better instead."

"Fine! Very well! You better don't come and beg for mercy later!" Wang Xu was stunned for a moment. He burst into hysterical laughter and vanished into thin air.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, aren't you going to sign up for the job?" Fatty Tian yelled when Chen Mo was about to leave.

Fatty Tian was responsible for contacting Chen Mo, thus if Chen Mo had an outstanding performance, it would give Fatty Tian lots of credits too.

Even though Fatty Tian had no idea how Chen Mo was doing in Genesis, he strongly believed in his instincts. He believed it was the right choice to maintain his relationship with Chen Mo!

"I'm not interested," Chen Mo shook his head. He left the meeting room without giving Fatty Tian any chance to convince him.

Not only was he not interested in the job, but he was also planning to intervene with Glacier Corporation Group's operation instead! He wanted Glacier Corporation Group to spend a fortune on it and return empty-handed, losing both its reputation and money!

He only asked Black Fox a question to confirm when Glacier Gaming Club was planning to make their move!


"Screw you! You think you're so good!? You think you can underestimate me!? I'm going to pick on your sister and make you pay for it!" Wang Xu furiously took off the VR helmet. He went to a spacious room where a row of high-specification computers were placed.

Wang Xu turned on a computer and grinned as he began his hacking.

He already found out Chen Mo's sister's IP address and the computer she normally used. Otherwise, he would not bother threatening Chen Mo today. He only dared to threaten him because he was feeling confident!

Once he hacked Chen Mo's sister's computer and acquired her personal information, he believed Chen Mo would have no choice but to compromise. He would easily forgive Chen Mo if he dropped to his knees and apologized!

"Humph! It's just a university student's computer. It would only take me a few minutes!" Wang Xu grinned when he learned his target was online. However, he completely forgot that Chen Mo was also just a university student.

"Great! Only one last step left...humph, Chen Mo, I can't wait to see you begging for mercy, HAHAHA...huh, what's happening!?"

Wang Xu adeptly found the vulnerabilities of the target's computer. He began to hack into the system. He was almost done hacking into the system when his hard disk started spinning crazily!

Wang Xu was dumbfounded!

He was being counter-hacked instead. Someone had injected the "Hard Disk Destroyer" virus into his computer instead!


"Glacier Gaming Club has been established!"

"Glacier Corporation Group is investing huge funds in it!"

"Glacier Gaming Club is aiming to take down the Hidden Boss, the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf!"

The forums were swarming with posts related to Glacier Gaming Club.

The posts were obviously pinned to the top as advertisements, but both the investor, Glacier Corporation Group, and the target were enough to attract lots of attention.

Glacier Corporation Group was one of the Ten Great Financial Groups in China, the first financial group to be investing in a gaming club!

If one financial group had invested in a gaming club, many people believed the other financial groups would soon be investing in their own gaming clubs too!

Glacier Gaming Club had entered the limelight among the Players even before it had done anything. It had gained a lot of attention.

Chen Mo smiled when he saw the posts.

-It sounds like a great idea, but unfortunately, the key to eliminating the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf is currently in my possession! Oh Glacier Corporation Group, I'm afraid you've made a huge mistake this time!-