Full Set of Equipment

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Once the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was slain, everyone could easily get their hands on the Slime's Poison. It would be a lot harder for Chen Mo to kill the Mutated Slime King, thus he decided to acquire the Slime King Necklace before the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was killed.

To Chen Mo's surprise, when he killed the Mutated Slime King when the clock struck midnight, an unusual-looking amulet falling to the ground.

Slime King Necklace

Description: A necklace that belongs to the Slime King's collection. One of the Slime King's accessories. Collecting all three accessories of the Slime King's set will grant the Player hidden attributes.

Quality: Purple, a piece of a set

Requirement: Level 10 and above


Base Physical Damage +20

Base Magic Damage +20

Strength +25

Intelligence +25

Dexterity +20

Additional Effect(s): Slime King's Roar

Slime King's Roar: Using the skill will increase Player's movement speed by 3 and allow Player to jump two meters high. It also increases Player's damage by 10%. Duration: 10 seconds. Skill Cooldown: 1 minute.

Special Effect(s): Collecting all three Slime King's accessories will activate the set attributes.

Chen Mo had collected all three Slime King's accessories!

Chen Mo was having a difficult time believing it. Even though he knew it was only a matter of time for him to collect all three Slime King's accessories, he was still shocked that he had managed to collect the full set so quickly.

After standing still for some time, Chen Mo quickly equipped the Slime King Necklace without caring about the rest of the loots on the ground!

The three accessories instantly glowed, followed by a notification from the system!

System Notification: The Slime King's special set effects have been activated!

Chen Mo inspected the set effects of the Slime King's accessories.

Special Effect: Slime King's Dominance

Slime King's Dominance: Significantly improves the effects and skills of the Slime King's accessories!

Slime Poison: Every time the Player attacks a target, there is a 50% chance to poison the target. The poisoned target will lose 25 HP every second. The poison lasts for 5 seconds, and it can be stacked up to 5 times.

Slime King's Summon: Summon a Level 15 Mutated Slime to fight for the Player. The color of the slime is randomized. Duration: 3 minutes. Skill Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Slime King's Roar: Using the skill will increase Player and allies' movement speed by 3 and allowing Player and allies to jump two meters high. It also increases Player and allies' damage by 10%. Duration: 10 seconds. Skill Cooldown: 1 minute.

The set effects did not seem too special, but Chen Mo's eyes glittered as soon as he read the description.

The set effect had significantly improved the additional skills from the three accessories. The chance of applying Slime Poison and its damage had increased. The buff from Slime King's Roar would be applied to the whole party instead of himself. Most importantly, the Slime King's Summon was now able to summon a Level 15 Mutated Slime instead of a normal Level 13 Slime!

Chen Mo never fought a Mutated Slime before, but he did fight against a Mutated Black Goblin. Even the low-level goblin was more than twice as strong as a normal goblin after it mutated, let alone a Mutated Slime! Chen Mo was more confident in taking down Inoch with the help of a Mutated Slime!

Chen Mo had collected all Slime King's accessories, but he was still two pieces of defensive Purple Equipment short, but after seeing the attributes of the Slime King's accessories, he believed he was strong enough to take on Inoch now.

However, Chen Mo was not in a rush. He still had some time left. He still had two days until Glacier Gaming Club's attempt to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. He could still kill the Mutated Slime King twice. If he was in luck, he might be able to collect a full set of Purple Equipment, giving him a better chance to defeat Inoch.


Genesis' forum, reality...

In the past two days, Glacier Gaming Club and Glacier Corporation Group had gathered every Player's attention.

Glacier Corporation Group had invested ten million to establish Glacier Gaming Club, which was planning to eliminate the only Hidden Boss that was discovered in Genesis; the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf!

Everyone had heard about the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. Seven out of every ten Players had visited the Wolf Valley to check out on the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. They were well aware of its overwhelming strength!

Furthermore, both Glacier Corporation Group and Glacier Gaming Club were pushing the wave and adding to the billows behind the scene, thus almost everyone had heard the news about Glacier Gaming Club's plan to eliminate the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf.

In addition to it, Glacier Corporation Group also announced that a few popular television stations in China would be broadcasting the epic battle with the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf live at 9:00 p.m. in two days!

The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was basically unbeatable for most Level 10 Players. Someone even asked the person-in-charge of Binghe Gaming Club, Lofty Glacier about it, but Lofty Glacier only told the person that Glacier Gaming Club had already figured out a way to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. The death of the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was inevitable!

Chen Mo went to the northern part of Aiur Town the day before Glacier Gaming Club's scheduled operation.

Knock knock...

"Adventurer, please come in."

It was the place where Inoch had asked Chen Mo to meet her. He heard Inoch's voice when he knocked on the door.

He pushed the door open and went inside.


The door behind him slammed heavily.

Chen Mo quickly set up a Dazing Trap. Inoch's voice immediately turned cold, "Shameless adventurer, have you decided to confess your sin?"

"What sin?" Chen Mo said. It did not matter what his answer was, as the outcome would always be the same.

"Humph! Still trying to play dumb? I've called you here to punish you on behalf of every woman in Aiur Town, so you could turn over a new leaf!"

Inoch straightened her face and lunged at Chen Mo.

Inoch was wearing a skintight armor instead of her usual black dress with a dagger in her hand. She was an NPC Assassin!

Inoch's first attack was utterly terrifying. Regardless of its damage, it would seal off Chen Mo's movement once he was hit, preventing him from doing anything!

He had already lost to Inoch once. He knew he had to dodge the attack at all costs!

How could he dodge it?

It was very simple!

Dazing Trap! Detonate!


The Dazing Trap exploded, knocking both Inoch and Chen Mo back instantly!

The explosion had knocked Chen Mo two meters back and Inoch one meter back. Inoch had missed her first move too!

Chen Mo had no idea what Inoch would do next. He quickly used Slime King's Summon as soon as he had the chance!

A Green Slime appeared.

It was a poisonous Mutated Slime!

"Not bad!"

Chen Mo was overjoyed when he saw the Mutated Green Slime.

Chen Mo believed it was ideal to summon either a Black Slime or a Green Slime in the battle against Inoch.

The Black Slime had an outstanding defense. It could endure quite a number of hits from Inoch. On the other hand, a Green Slime could poison its target it was attacking, but the poison was not the kind that would inflict extra damage on the target. It would reduce the target's defense and movement speed instead!


As soon as the Green Slime was summoned, it slammed its head into Inoch who had yet to recover from the explosion of the Dazing Trap!


A not-so-high damage indicator floated above Inoch's head. However, her actions had noticeably slowed down!