Super Mutated Slime King!

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"Is the full-dive virtual reality network really safe, stable, and bug-free as it was promoted?"

Chen Mo was not the only person that did not want the traditional network to be replaced. The freeze that only lasted over a second in Genesis immediately became the trending topic on the forum. Several articles that were voicing out their suspicions soon appeared on the Internet.

There were a lot of discussions going on. It was obvious that someone was pulling the strings behind the scenes, trying to get as much attention as possible.

Canglan Tech had also expressed their opinions on it, "First, a freeze did occur in the game; it is caused by a fault in the game's source code. Second, the freeze in the game did not influence the other functionalities of the full-dive virtual reality network. Third, if the same problem was to occur to the traditional network, the whole network is most likely going to crash, but in the full-dive virtual reality network, the A.I. Twilight has managed to fix the problem in slightly more than a second. In addition to it, the A.I. Twilight will also learn and adapt from the fault that occurred without human intervention. The same problem will not happen again."

Canglan Tech's statement was straight to the point. Half of the voices had disappeared as soon as it was released.

"As I thought, it's not enough still."

Chen Mo returned to Aiur Town and went offline to avoid arousing suspicion. He also used the opportunity to observe people's reactions on the Internet.

Chen Mo's expression was clearly saying "as I thought" after he read Canglan Tech's statement.

He might have caused the game to freeze briefly, but he did not complete the mission yet. He was actually far from completing the mission, and it seemed almost impossible that he could ever complete the mission through the game.

It was going to be very difficult to find any bug in Genesis after the first time.

Chen Mo was a hacker; he had been dealing with a lot of programs, thus he knew how terrifying it was if the A.I. Twilight was able to fix the bug in just slightly over a second! It simply indicated that the A.I. had a self-recovery ability that was beyond human capabilities. Chen Mo would not doubt that the pact that he had formed with the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, the action of the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf consuming the Icy Stone Water, and the creature's transformation that granted it a pair of wings after it evolved were the acceptable outcome that the system had calculated and implemented in just more than a second since these things were clearly not implemented in the game before the freeze!

If the system had such strong self-recovery and learning abilities, it was almost impossible to find a loophole in the game.

However, Chen Mo had no intention to give up yet. He still had an insane idea on how to crash the system!

He had discovered how extraordinary Genesis' A.I. Twilight was. She was most likely implemented with an Emotion Program too. Otherwise, the NPCs in Genesis would not behave and have emotions like they were real human beings!

However, it seemed like Twilight was not still familiar with handling these emotions. Chen Mo was most likely one of the Players that had interacted with the NPCs the most, not to mention that he had interacted with the same NPCs over and over again. Chen Mo could still sense the stiffness in these NPCs' reactions.

It was clearly the thing that Twilight was lacking still, and since the A.I. had the ability to self-learn, it would continue to improve its Emotion Program.

Once the Emotion Program became reliable, it was very likely that Twilight would grow into a massive program with her own consciousness.

Chen Mo was planning to influence Twilight's emotions and personalities through certain NPCs in the game. If Twilight ended up deriving two opposite emotions and personalities from the same incident, there was a great chance that Twilight would make a mistake!

If anyone knew Chen Mo's idea, they would think that he was completely out of his mind. His idea was a complete waste of time since its success rate was extremely close to zero percent!

Chen Mo knew his idea sounded crazy, but for some reason, he had a feeling that it was going to work.

"Could this be the so-called three greatest misconceptions in a person's life?" Chen Mo chuckled upon having this thought.

One of the three greatest misconceptions in a person's life—the Dunning-Kruger Effect!

{TL Note: FYI, the other two misconceptions are "Phantom Vibration Syndrome" and "Psychological Projection".}

There was no way he would admit that he would have nothing better to do, or it would be a waste of his character if he was to give up on the mission now.

"Huh? A Mutated Slime King that can fission into two?"

After Chen Mo decided not to give up on the mission, he was surprised when he saw an interesting post on the forum.

After the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was gone from the Wolf Valley, many Players were able to complete the quest where the beggar was asking for wolf meat and the quest that would reward Players with the Slime's Poison. As a result, the Mutated Slime King had become a lot more common.

Chen Mo already knew it would be the case, but even though he had killed so many Mutated Slime Kings, he had never seen one that could fission.

Chen Mo read the post and discovered that there was indeed a Mutated Slime King that could fission.

The Mutated Slime King was a strong Boss Monster. The Players in most instances of Rookies Village were struggling to take the Mutated Slime King on, but the Mutated Slime King in one of the instances was dying quickly after being attacked by a huge group of Players.

However, when the Mutated Slime King had half its max HP left, it suddenly underwent fission and split into two, before using its ultimate move to wipe out the Players that were attacking it, and other Players that were watching the battle nearby.

"Oh my, how crazy would it be when two Mutated Slime Kings joined hands! Besides, isn't this instance of Rookies Village..."

Chen Mo quickly logged back into the game.

He was right, the Super Mutated Slime King was in the same instance of Rookies Village he was currently in!

The instance of Rookies Village had the highest number of elite Players. After failing to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, the Players who had yet to leave the instance decided to form a team to kill the Mutated Slime King instead. If the Mutated Slime King did not mutate again, it was most likely going to die to the Players.

Chen Mo was guessing that the Mutated Slime King's mutation had something to do with the freeze and the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, meaning that he was the cause behind it!

Chen Mo changed into his high-quality equipment at the storage. He also took the skill book of the skill "Capture" and a Scroll of Skill Mutation.

After killing so many Mutated Slime Kings, Chen Mo had long wanted to test if he could capture a Mutated Slime King to be his underling.

Chen Mo believed the normal skill "Capture" was nowhere enough to catch a Boss Monster, but he still had the Scroll of Skill Mutation!

The skill "Capture" was one of Hunter's specialties. Chen Mo was definitely going to use the Scroll of Skill Mutation on it eventually. Since he had quite a few Scrolls of Skill Mutation to spare, he would not mind trying it on the Super Mutated Boss Monster!

System Notification: You have learned the skill "Capture". Do you want to use the Scroll of Skill Mutation on it?


System Notification: You have learned the skill "Capture (Mutated)"!

System Notification: The pet system has been activated. You now have three pet slots!

Capture (Mutated) (Novice Level): A mutated skill, using it will allow Player to capture a monster or a Boss Monster equivalent to Player's level as a pet. The success rate depends on Player's Strength and Strength. Using the skill on the same target five times will make the target immune to the skill!

HAHAHA, holy crap!

As expected of a mutated skill! He could actually use it to catch a Boss Monster!

Some Hunters had already learned the skill "Capture" after reaching Level 15. The normal "Capture" only had two pet slots, and the skill could only be cast on monsters that were at least two levels weaker than the Players. If the skill failed on the same target three times, the target would become uncatchable.

In comparison, the mutated skill "Capture" was significantly better!

-Super Mutated Slime King, don't you die so quickly! I'm coming to catch you!-