A Group of Enemies

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Slime Valley...

The place was extremely crowded. It was bustling like never before. The Players were surrounding the spawning point of the Boss Monster.

An enormous purple Mutated Slime King was massacring Players in the middle of the circle. The Players fled for their lives, but they were clearly no match for the Mutated Slime King's speed. Each of its attacks would kill a bunch of Players.

There were a lot of Players around, but not many among them were able to deal damage to the Mutated Slime King. Even though the Players that were chased by the Mutated Slime King would turn around prior to their deaths to attack the Mutated Slime King, the damage they dealt was almost negligible.

Apart from a bunch of Players with impressive equipment that engaged the Mutated Slime King right at the beginning, the mutated Boss Monster was basically unstoppable.

"Brother, it's going to be tough to take down this Boss Monster," among the crowd, Wang Xu said to a young man beside him sternly.

If Chen Mo was around, he would surely recognize the young man. Even though Chen Mo had only seen the man a few times, he still managed to leave a strong impression on Chen Mo.

He was Wang Xu's elder brother in real life, Wang Wen. Unlike Wang Xu, Wang Wen who was around the age of twenty-six had a slightly more mature demeanor.

"Mm, that's as expected. A single team is not going to take down the mutated Boss Monster. Brother Xiaolou, what's your plan?" Wang Wen did not express his opinion. He asked the Magician with a small build beside him instead. The Magician's in-game nickname was Xiaolou Fengyu (A pavilion amid the wind and rain). 

Xiaolou Fengyu said with a smile, "Of course we're going to kill it. We've already suffered a great loss after losing the deal from before. We must cut some losses after knowing there's a mutated Boss Monster here. Don't worry, I've already contacted the members of Glacier Gaming Club who are still in this instance and the Players we hired. We shouldn't have any problem defeating the Boss Monster. We were taken by surprise before. This time, we are well-prepared for it. We should be able to kill it as long as we stop it from fissioning."

The Mutated Slime King's clone from fissioning was not as strong as its actual self, but the Players would still struggle against it.

They had no trouble enduring the Boss Monster's attacks as long as they had a Paladin as their tank and a Priest healing the tank. However, the party was doomed when the Boss Monster split into two.

"Stop the Boss Monster from fissioning? How?" Wang Xu frowned. He asked with a confused look.

"Aren't Leng Xiaoliu and the others here? Their equipment has the Silence debuff," Xiaolou Fengyu glanced in another direction and saw Leng Xiaoliu and his party looking at him too.

Leng Xiaoliu came up to them with a smile, "Brother Xiaolou, your reputation precedes you. I heard that you've joined Glacier Gaming Club. Congratulations!"

Xiaolou Fengyu was an expert in competitive games in China. His skills were remarkable. Normally, someone like him would rarely have any interaction with a gaming studio like the one Leng Xiaoliu was managing, but Leng Xiaoliu's team would also work as boosters when they were not busy with other jobs. They would only accept well-paid jobs too, thus Leng Xiaoliu had bumped into Xiaolou Fengyu in a few ranked matches. He ended up losing badly to Leng Xiaoliu most of the times, which meant he had to spend more time on completing the jobs. On top of it, the guy was called Xiaolou, and the people usually called him Xiaoliu. Their names sounded very similar, thus it was not difficult to remember one another.

Xiaolou Fengyu chuckled in his heart after hearing Leng Xiaoliu's words. Even though Leng Xiaoliu might be congratulating him, everyone knew that Glacier Gaming Club had failed miserably even before it was established officially. It was already difficult to say if Glacier Gaming Club was going to keep going. Even if it was, it was most likely not going to receive huge support from the others. Leng Xiaoliu must be very pleased by the outcome.

However, Xiaolou Fengyu could not be bothered wasting his time with the narrow-minded and cunning guy now that they had a Boss Monster to deal with. He nodded and went straight to the topic, "Boss Xiaoliu, I know you have some equipment that can silence a Boss Monster's skills. I doubt if any of our parties could take on the Boss Monster alone. Why don't we team up for once?"

Leng Xiaoliu was a professional too. He put his thoughts aside when there was business at hand. He had only approached them since he too was sharing the same idea. He said after a slight hesitation, "I have no problem working together, but how are we going to split the profit?"

"Our parties are still not enough to kill the Boss Monster. I've also called the members of Glacier Gaming Club and a few other experts to lend us a hand. We will have to split the profit among quite a huge group, but I can promise you to let you pick one out of the three most valuable loots that the Boss Monster drops."

"Sure, but who's going to pick first?" Leng Xiaoliu agreed without any hesitation.

Even if they were taking on a mutated Boss Monster, it would only drop around ten items at most. It was already good enough if he could obtain one of the most valuable loots among them.

However, even the three most valuable loots would still have some difference in value between them, thus it all came down to who was going to pick first.

"We'll all pick the three most valuable loots. If our choices do not clash, we'll claim them straight away. If we ended up picking the same loot, we'll decide its ownership by rolling the dice."

Xiaolou Fengyu had already come up with a way to split the loots. Leng Xiaoliu nodded in agreement since he believed it was a fair method too.

The others proceeded to make their preparations.

The Mutated Slime King was still massacring the Players that had crowded around the place in the distance. The Players knew they had no chance of killing the Boss Monster, but they still came to try their luck.

With so many Players around, including the Players that were hired to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf, it was only a matter of time until the Boss Monster was killed. If they could pick up an item amid the chaos, it would be a great fortune for them.

"Those experts are making their move!"

The Players finally waited until Leng Xiaoliu, Xiaolou Fengyu, and the others to make their move.

They were eight parties with less than fifty people in total. The Mutated Slime King's HP began to drop rapidly when the Players engaged it.

"Paladins, focus on your defense, Priests, keep up with the heals!" Xiaolou Fengyu said.

The first wave of attacks had taken away a huge amount of the Boss Monster's HP. However, the teams were going to be wiped out instantly if they could not withstand the Boss Monster's upcoming attacks.

The Players involved were all experts. They were already using everything they had to defend themselves before Xiaolou Fengyu even mentioned it.

However, they might be able to block any other attack from the Mutated Slime King, but the Mutated Slime King's skill of releasing purple little orbs was not something that a bunch of Paladins alone could resist. The other Players were most likely going to die if they were hit by the purple orbs.

Xiaolou Fengyu already came up with a plan for it.

They gradually moved closer to the other Players surrounding the place. They would blend into the crowd whenever the Mutated Slime King released the purple orbs.

They were able to use the Players nearby to block the purple orbs for them. When the orbs disappeared, they would swiftly regroup again to continue attacking the Boss Monster.

"Damn it, these assh****!"

The Players nearby finally realized what Xiaolou Fengyu and the others were trying to do. However, Xiaolou Fengyu and his crew did not seem to be bothered at all.

Most of the Players that had gathered around the place were obviously here to steal the loots! If PVP was allowed in Rookies Village, Xiaolou Fengyu and his crew strongly believed that these Players would attack them when the Boss Monster was about to die to steal their loots! Therefore, they did not feel guilty at all using these Players as their shields.

"Lucky, I've made it in time."

Chen Mo finally arrived.

He knew there was still time when he saw the Boss Monster had only lost half its HP.

"Wang Xu, Wang Wen?" Chen Mo instantly recognized Wang Xu and Wang Wen when he looked at the Boss Monster.

The two brothers had slightly modified their appearance, but it was still quite easy to recognize someone you knew among a bunch of strangers.

"That Wang Wen is as steady as he is in real life. Impressive!" Chen Mo had only met Wang Wen twice in real life. He had no idea what the man did as a living, but his performance in the game was quite eye-grabbing.

"Those guys are here too. How small is the world?" Chen Mo recognized Leng Xiaoliu and Leng Xiaoqian too.

"Glacier Corporation Group, the Wang Brothers, and the hot-tempered lady with a foul mouth. I'm going to regret it if I don't steal the Boss Monster!"

The game did not forbid Players from stealing other Player's Boss Monster, but Chen Mo might feel a little guilty if he ended up stealing the Boss Monster that a bunch of strangers was attacking. However, not only would he not feel guilty stealing the Boss Monster from these guys, it would make him feel a lot better too!