Capture the Boss

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"It's almost at 50% HP, apply the Silence debuff when it's going to fission, don't miss the chance!" Xiaolou Fengyu reminded Leng Xiaoliu.

The Mutated Slime King would fission and produce a clone when its HP reached 50%. Its body would blur temporarily when it was undergoing fission. The Silence debuff was able to interrupt it forcibly.

"I got it, you don't have to remind me, I don't want to die either!" Leng Xiaoliu harrumphed coldly.

They only had one chance. If the Boss Monster successfully fissioned, they were all going to die!

"Toothpick, take note of the timing, don't mess it up," Leng Xiaoliu said. The Silence debuff was a special skill from their Magician's staff.

"Boss, don't worry, I won't mess it up," Toothpick was a reliable male Magician. Leng Xiaoqian was the only female Player in the party.


The Mutated Slime King's HP had reached 50% while they were talking. Its outline became blurry as it was about to split into two.

"Silence!" Toothpick raised his staff, firing a ray of black light at the Mutated Slime King when it was fissioning.

The Mutated Slime King froze for a moment. Its blurred outline became solid again.

"It worked! Make use of the chance, attack at will, don't give it any chance to use the skill again!" Xiaolou Fengyu yelled out in joy.

The Mutated Slime King's HP dropped rapidly as the Players used everything they had on it.

The nearby Players became restless as the Boss Monster's HP was almost empty. It was time for them to steal the loots once the Boss Monster was dead.

Even though they did not have the right to loot the items right away, they just needed to stand on top of the items to prevent the Players that killed the Boss Monster from picking them up. After the protection time was gone, they would be able to loot the items.

Even though almost fifty people had teamed up to fight the Boss Monster, the multi-party system was still not unlocked for the Players in Rookies Village, hence only a single party would have the right to pick the items up. Since they had so many Players on their side, they had a great chance of stopping the party from looting the items.

The Boss Monster's HP soon dropped from 50% to 20%.

However, the Players waiting to steal the loots remained in positions. They were only going to die if they were to go closer to the Boss Monster now.

To their surprise, a figure suddenly dashed out from the crowd, grabbing everyone's attention.

"It's a Player wearing a mask again!"

The Players looked at the figure and saw the person wearing a mask.

"Is he the same person that showed up in the Wolf Valley around an hour ago?" the Players were well aware of what happened in the Wolf Valley, thus they could not help but think the two masked Players were the same person.

"It looks like it, their builds are similar!"

Many Players immediately felt the person to be familiar after seeing his physique. They strongly believed the two were the same person even though they could not see his face.

"It's going to be interesting again!"

A lot of Players immediately became excited. Did the guy show up to steal the Boss Monster again?

It was quite possible knowing after knowing how mysterious he was!

"It's him again!" the surrounding Players were able to recognize the masked Player, let alone Xiaolou Fengyu and the others who had seen the masked Player at a closer distance.

The experts immediately went enraged. They were initially hired to take out the Hidden Boss, yet the guy somehow drove the Hidden Boss away, putting them to shame. They also lost half of their pay as a result.

If they were allowed to PvP, they would give up on the Boss Monster and attack the masked Player at once.

Chen Mo ignored Xiaolou Fengyu and the others. He ran directly at the Mutated Slime King and fired a bolt at it.

Many Players had been posting about capturing monsters on the forum. A Hunter must deal damage to the monster they were trying to capture. Otherwise, the chance of success would be zero.

In addition to it, the skill Capture at the Novice Level only had a range of five meters. The skill would not have any effect on a target that was more than five meters away.

"The guy is either a Hunter or an Assassin!" the Players immediately realized Chen Mo's class when he attacked with a crossbow.

"Kid, my boss Lofty Glacier is asking you if you dare to tell us your in-game nickname!"

One of the Players grunted. He had contacted Lofty Glacier as soon as he saw Chen Mo.

"Are you stupid or what!? I'm covering my face because I don't want anyone to recognize me. Otherwise, I won't have any chance to do bad things again, hehe!" Chen Mo purposely roughened his voice as he spoke.

Apart from the Players that were hired, the members of Glacier Gaming Club were extremely furious too.

Their bright future had darkened significantly because of this guy, and it sounded like he was not done messing with them still!

"Kid, you better hope we don't find out who you are, or Glacier Corporation Group is going to crush you to death with money!" someone yelled.

"HAHAHA, I'm so scared!" Chen Mo burst out laughing. He did not sound scared at all.

Chen Mo quickly put on his best equipment. He fired an arrow at the Boss Monster, dealing more than two hundred damage.

"Such damage!"

The Players were utterly dumbfounded.

It was just a normal attack without using any skill! It was already impressive if they could hit the Boss Monster for more than a hundred damage!

They were already wearing a full set of Green Equipment. Wouldn't that mean the masked Player was wearing a full set of Purple Equipment instead?

The Players could no longer remain calm upon having this thought.

There were only rumors about having a full set of Purple Equipment on the forum, but no one had ever seen anyone with a full set of Purple Equipment until now. They did not expect to see anyone with a full set of Purple Equipment here.

Who exactly was the guy if he already managed to get a full set of Purple Equipment?

"Focus on the attacks, don't let him steal the Boss Monster!" Xiaolou Fengyu yelled.

The person's damage was too high. He was most likely here to steal the Boss Monster. Even though they had engaged the Boss Monster first, but if the party that engaged the Boss Monster first died, the person could still steal the Boss Monster if his damage output was higher than the other parties.

The experts were extremely nervous. They had already failed to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf. If the Mutated Slime King that was so close to dying was stolen too, it would seriously be a great loss to them.

Chen Mo glanced at the Mutated Slime King. Its HP was now less than 15%.


Chen Mo quickly moved closer to the Mutated Slime King and used Capture on it.

According to the posts on the forum, the chance of capturing a monster was the highest when its HP was below 10%.

However, Chen Mo could not afford to wait any longer. The Boss Monster's HP was dropping too fast. If he waited until the Boss Monster's HP to drop below 10%, he would have to use Capture consecutively.

The skill Capture did not have cooldown, but the chance of capturing a monster would drop significantly if he kept using the skill within a short period of time.

Every time the skill failed, the target's resistance against the skill would increase slightly. If he used the skill again before the resistance was gone, it would only make the chance of capturing the target lower.

System Notification: Capture failed!

Chen Mo was not surprised when the System Notification of failing to capture the Boss Monster appeared.

He was trying to catch a mutated Boss Monster. It would be insane if he managed to capture it when its HP was still at 15%.

Chen Mo backed away.

"What is he trying to do?"

Leng Xiaoliu was utterly confused when he saw Chen Mo backing away so quickly. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about it.

"Attack at will!" Xiaolou Fengyu was having the same feeling too. He immediately asked the team to attack the Boss Monster at will earlier than he had planned.

When the Boss Monster's HP was almost at 10%, Chen Mo believed it was time to use the skill again. He went up to the Boss Monster and used Capture.

System Notification: Capture failed!

The skill had failed once again.

It failed again, but there was still chance!

Chen Mo did not panic. He calmly backed away.

Xiaolou Fengyu and Leng Xiaoliu were both keeping an eye on Chen Mo. They knew something was not right when they saw Chen Mo repeating the same sequence of actions. They began to feel nervous.

They did not forget that the guy had helped the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf evolve so it could fly away just an hour ago. They would not be surprised if the guy was doing something they could not understand.

The Mutated Slime King's HP had reached 5%!

Chen Mo went up to the Boss Monster again!


System Notification: Capture failed!

"Crap! It's indeed not easy to capture a mutated Boss Monster. I still have one more chance left, but it's most likely going to fail still!"

After failing for the third time, Chen Mo had a feeling he was going to fail his fourth attempt too!

Players would feel something strange when using the skill Capture. Chen Mo felt like he was tossing a rope around the Mutated Slime King, but the monster easily broke free from the rope without even needing to struggle.

He had the same feeling three times in a row. He believed it would still be the same on his fourth attempt. As for his fifth attempt, the Boss Monster would be dead by then.

What now?

The Boss Monster only had a little HP left. Chen Mo was desperately trying to come up with a plan.