Strange Commission

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

How strong was his lackey Mutated Slime King?

Without including the attributes from the title "The Heinous", Chen Mo's maximum damage was only around 270 with the set of insane equipment he had, yet the Mutated Slime King's maximum damage was already 500. That alone was unbelievable.

Besides, it even had 100,000 HP. It was truly a Boss-level lackey!

Chen Mo could not wait to summon the Boss-level lackey to admire it.

The Mutated Slime King appeared in front of Chen Mo following a purple flash.

The Mutated Slime King was not as fierce as it used to be after it became a pet monster. It was rather compliant.

However, the monster seemed a lot dumber to Chen Mo. It simply stood still on the spot after it was summoned. It briefly glanced at Chen Mo with its huge black eyes before looking at the surroundings. He could not tell if it was looking for some monsters to showcase its extraordinary strength.

Chen Mo would not mind letting his Boss-level lackey show off its unusual strength if there was any monster nearby. However, most of the monsters in the Slime Valley apart from the Black Slime were most likely going to die instantly against it. Chen Mo was too lazy to run too far away to look for a monster. It would be troublesome if his new pet was spotted by someone else.

Hunters had the chance to rename the pets they had caught once. The name would show up above the pets when they were summoned, so the other Players could tell that these pets were not monsters and not attack them. That being said, Hunters could choose to hide their pets' name too, but they could only blame themselves if their pets were killed by other Players. These pets were different from the summoned beasts and pets that belonged to a Summoner that could be summoned as soon as the skill was off cooldown. When a Hunter's pets died, the Hunter could only revive them through specific NPCs in the cities.

Chen Mo thought the name "Mutated Slime King" was a little too long. He decisively renamed the enormous monster to "Big Fatty", a suiting and easy-to-pronounce name!

He could not return to Aiur Town, interact with NPCs, and killing monsters would not grant him any experience either. There was nothing he could do in the game for now, and the available playtime for today was running out too. He logged off after renaming the Boss lackey.

When Chen Mo went offline to enjoy some supper, the forum was in great chaos.

"Glacier Corporation Group, Extreme Joy Turns To Sorrow!"

"The Biggest Joke of the Year!"

"Analysis of the Mysterious Masked Player's Identity!"

"The Strongest Player in China!"

"The First Blacklisted Player in the Game!"


Almost every post was related to Glacier Corporation Group's attempt to kill the Hidden Boss and the mysterious masked Player.

Glacier Corporation Group had been putting up a lot of advertisements for the past few days. A lot of people were extremely annoyed, thus they could not help but add insult to injury when Glacier Corporation Group's plan failed miserably. The posts about Glacier Corporation Group were all filled with disdain.

The Players that enjoyed looking on were very pleased with the outcome.

However, the hottest topic among the Players was still the masked Player without a doubt.

The guy had used an unknown method to help the Hidden Boss, the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf evolve, ruining Glacier Corporation Group's attempt to kill the Boss Monster. All the efforts that Glacier Corporation Group had put in were all in vain. It even ended up suffering a double loss as its reputation was damaged as a result too!

Many people on the forum were also discussing the system freeze that lasted for slightly over a second. Some say the masked Player was the cause of it.

Not long after, news was spreading around Rookies Village again. The Mutated Slime King that a bunch of experts was killing had disappeared mysteriously after the masked Player did something to it.

It was said that the mysterious masked Player was a Blacklisted Player with insane movement speed and strength!

Every piece of news was enough to grab everyone's attention!

The news just kept coming. The masked Player had only made an appearance less than four hours ago, but many Players were already worshiping him like a god and treating him as their idol.

"Humph! Strongest Player in China my ass, he's just lucky. I'm going to beat the crap out of him until his mother can't even recognize him when I see him again!"

The Players that believed they were stronger and should be making a name by now immediately expressed their disdain toward the masked Player whose reputation had skyrocketed all of a sudden.

There were actually quite a lot of these Players.

What was the quickest way to become famous?

Similar to challenging a dojo in the past, the easiest way to earn a name was defeating a reputable skillful Player in the game! They would easily become famous once they were able to crush a fairly famous Player in the game!

If Chen Mo dared to disclose his in-game nickname to the public, it would guarantee that not a single day would go by peacefully for him. Many reckless Players were going to challenge him to a duel for sure.

"He's basically unbeatable in our Chinese server!"

Even though the young workers in Canglan Tech's headquarters already knew how impressive Chen Mo was, they were still dumbfounded when they saw him successfully captured the Mutated Slime King.

Even they were jealous when they saw Chen Mo able to capture a Boss Monster to be his lackey. If any other Players knew about it, they were clearly going to lose all hope.

"I can't wait to see how he will be doing after leaving Rookies Village."

The group of young workers let out a sigh.

They were very interested to see the guy's performance after leaving Rookies Village with such a great start in the game.

Unfortunately, they were no longer allowed to observe Players that left Rookies Village as they pleased.


After a good night's sleep, Chen Mo woke up early in the morning. He brushed his teeth and went for a jog.

Having a healthy body was the capital of a revolution. He could afford to miss classes, but he could not afford to skip exercising.

Chen Mo had pulled quite a few overnighters as he was too busy with killing the mutated Boss Monsters. Even though he had been exercising in the morning still, it had been half a month since he last went for a jog. Chen Mo had long been reflecting upon himself. He had planned his gaming and exercise respectively.

Chen Mo had breakfast after he went for a jog. He was not in a rush to log into the game. He only reached home around nine. He noticed a few messages on his phone.

The phone started ringing when he was about to read the messages.

"Hello, Old Tian, how can I help you?" Chen Mo asked as usual. The call was from Fatty Tian.

"HAHA, Brother Chen, you were so smart that you didn't sign up for the job from Glacier Corporation Group. Not only did the people that signed up for it only end up earning a little money, they are very vexed by the outcome too," Fatty Tian immediately mentioned Glacier Corporation Group instead of arguing that he was only eighteen years old like he normally did.

"What is it? You sound very excited and nervous. Did you just watch some "action" movies?" Chen Mo asked.

{TL Note: The "action" movie here is referring to an adult movie.}

"No way! Brother Chen, what are you saying? Why would someone as handsome and well-behaving like me watch those "action" movies...(Cough cough), enough bullshit, Brother Chen, I actually have good news for you. The company has asked me to contact you as soon as possible. Pardon me for calling you so early," Fatty Tian finally got to the point after boasting about himself.

"I've received a call from a company early in the morning. They say it's a huge job about Genesis with an insane commission, even crazier than the pay from Glacier Corporation Group. The commission is up to ten million!"

"What does it have anything to do with me?" Chen Mo frowned.

"(Cough), well, it has an insane commission, but the client requests that only you can take it. It doesn't only consist of a single job, but a series of jobs in Genesis. Brother Chen, you will be paid accordingly after finishing each job. If you're willing to do it, you will receive a deposit of a hundred thousand US Dollars now. If you don't agree to it, the client will withdraw the request," Fatty Tian said nervously.

It was the biggest job that the company had received since its restructuring. If Chen Mo rejected the offer, the client would withdraw the request, resulting in a great loss to the company. He would be held responsible too since he was the contact person for Chen Mo.

On the other hand, if Chen Mo was willing to take the job, he would no longer have to worry about his performance for the year.
