
Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"Only I can take the job? The others aren't allowed to?" Chen Mo asked.

"Yes, that's what the client insisted! Brother Chen, you're truly impressive, no wonder you aren't interested in the job from Glacier Corporation Group!"

Fatty Tian had no clue how Chen Mo was doing in Genesis. He only knew the company had tried to introduce some professional players that were more impressive to the client to secure the job, but the client rejected the offer without any hesitation. The client insisted that Chen Mo was the only person that was allowed to take the job.

Chen Mo fell into deep thoughts. The request was very odd; the client seemed to know what he did in the game last night. Otherwise, the client would not specifically appoint him for the job.

He had been wearing a mask at all times last night. However, Players could learn the skill "Inspect" after they visited the three main cities. They could still find out his in-game nickname even if he was covering his face.

Chen Mo was not surprised that someone had managed to learn his in-game nickname. If he could learn the skill "Capture" in Rookies Village, it was not impossible for someone to learn the skill "Inspect" too.

The problem was, the person most likely knew him and had seen him without the mask in the game, hence why the person had asked for him in real life.

That being said, there was a chance that the company behind Genesis had leaked his information too.

The other Players might have no idea about his details, but the company behind Genesis would have records about everything he did. It was very easy to find out who he was.

Chen Mo had seen many cases where workers of a company would sell the details of their customers to earn some extra money. Someone in the company might have sold his information to the client, allowing the client to learn who he was.

It was possible to do anything with money, and judging from the pay that the client was offering, it was very likely that the client had bought the information about him.

"Brother Chen, don't tell me you're going to turn it down?" Fatty Tian asked nervously when Chen Mo remained silent for a while.

"Of course I'm going to take it, why wouldn't I? So does that mean I'll be getting a hundred thousand US dollars as the deposit?" Chen Mo gladly took the offer after collecting his thoughts.

Worm had made it clear that they would not return the deposits despite the outcome of the jobs. If the client already knew about him, it was meaningless to keep concealing his identity. It was free money anyway. As for the job, he would worry about it later. He would not believe that the client had any way to force him to do the job even if he was unwilling to do it.

Besides, his character was only at Level 10. The impressive equipment he had would only be helpful until Level 20 at most. After reaching Level 20, he might not do better than other Players if he did not make any progress in the game. He was very curious about the client's identity for willing to place so much hope on him.

"HAHAHA, Brother Chen, that's good to hear! A hundred thousand US dollars is yours as soon as you agree to take the job! However, the client also requests that you will do the first job for free," Fatty Tian burst out laughing when Chen Mo agreed to take the job.

"What's the first job about?" Chen Mo asked. There was indeed no such thing as a free lunch. However, he still had no reason to reject a job that would pay him a hundred thousand US dollars.

"Brother Chen, which city are you in now? The client will only tell you what the first job is about when you're in the Dark Shadow City."

Dark Shadow City?

The three main cities were a huge distance away from one another. It was impossible for a Player around Level 10 to travel to another city. Fatty Tian was tactfully implying that if Chen Mo had chosen to be teleported to cities other than the Dark Shadow City, he might have to kill his character so he could teleport to the Dark Shadow City instead.

Chen Mo was still in the Rookies Village. He would have no problem going to the Dark Shadow City, but he would have to wait for two days first.

Having this thought, Chen Mo said, "Old Tian, I'll need at least three days before I can go to the Dark Shadow City. Please ask the company to tell the client about it. If the client can't afford to wait, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

If Chen Mo was willing, he could make it to the Dark Shadow City in just a day, but he would have to give up on his lackey Boss Monster. As a matter of fact, his Boss-level lackey was clearly not worth of a hundred thousand US dollars. After all, the monsters that a Hunter captured would not level up until the Hunter's job advancement of choosing to specialize in fighting with pets. Even though the Boss Monster was very strong, it was only a Level 10 Boss Monster. Most people would choose to give up on the Boss-level lackey, Big Fatty for a hundred thousand US dollars.

However, Chen Mo had decided otherwise. He wanted to know what the client's attitude was. He could only act passively since he knew nothing about the client.

"Brother Chen, you won't have to worry about that. The client has given us plenty of time to finish the job."

However, Fatty Tian's words immediately ruined Chen Mo's plan.

Chen Mo did not give up; he asked Fatty Tian for more information about the client, but Fatty Tian did not know much either. Chen Mo hung up the call when he failed to get the information he was looking for.

Chen Mo opened the unread messages after he was done with the call.

"Come to school in the afternoon, before 4pm."

"Come to school before 4pm, or you will bear the consequences yourself."

There were two unread messages. The first one was from his class teacher, Su Yuehong. The second one that sounded slightly aggressive was from the class monitor, Li Yun.

The two messages had the same content. It was likely that something had happened at school.

Now that he thought about it, it had been almost a month since he last went to school. He should really show his face around.

Chen Mo stayed at home until three in the afternoon before riding his scooter under the scorching sun to the University of South China.

Soaked in sweat, Chen Mo went into the self-revision classroom for the third- year second class Computer Science students. He was surprised to see only the class monitor Li Yun in it. His other classmates had all disappeared.

-Oh my, did the world change when he only skipped school for a month?-

"You're here? The school has decided to cancel the Computer Science stream. Here is the request form that the school has specifically given us to transfer to other faculties. The form is only valid until five pm today. Once it expires, you will have to follow the normal procedures. The others have already done it. You're the only one left."

Li Yun was wearing a white shirt and black formal pants. His gentle face was wearing a gloating look as he threw the form at Chen Mo.

"Five pm today?" Chen Mo frowned.

Chen Mo quickly glimpsed at the form. Even though the form did simply the procedures to be transferred to other faculties, there were still a few steps involved. It was impossible to get it done in just a few hours.

"What is it? You aren't pleased with it? Whose fault it is for not coming to school? I've already done my part notifying you about it!" Li Yun said with a cold grin.

Chen Mo glanced at Li Yun. He knew the guy had long been holding a grudge against him.

The reason was very simple; he was more brilliant than Li Yun in the class.

In the first year, Li Yun volunteered to be the class monitor. His skills were significantly better than his classmates too. He was quite popular in the Computer Science stream.

During that time, not only did Chen Mo did not skip classes, he actually spent most of his time studying diligently. He had finished learning almost all the courses for his degree by himself in just a year.

Starting from the second year, after Chen Mo was done learning all the courses, he rarely showed up in the class apart from those that were compulsory to attend.

In the second year, Computer Science students had the chance to take part in the annual Programming Contest that every Computer Science treated very seriously. Every class needed to have at least two representatives. For Chen Mo's class, it went without saying that Li Yun would take part in it, but to the class' surprise, the class teacher, Su Yuehong forced Chen Mo to take part in the contest too.

The result took every student in the class by surprise. Chen Mo ended up winning third place!

It was rare to see a second-year student being placed in the top three for the contest.

On the other hand, Li Yun whom they had high hopes in came tenth.

The students started placing their attention on Chen Mo. They were shocked to discover that there was more to their quiet classmate than met the eye. He often skipped classes, yet his results were still very impressive. He was able to answer the questions that most people struggled with. Even Li Yun did not know the answer to these questions.

Li Yun was no longer the prodigy in the class. He had lost his status and his sense of superiority.

Even though Chen Mo rarely came to school, he could easily sense the jealousy from Li Yun's eyes. However, he did not expect Li Yun would abuse the situation to get his revenge.

Chen Mo often skipped classes, but that did not necessarily mean he had a bad relationship with his classmates. He even asked two of his classmates to notify him if there was something important he should know.

Everyone had a phone nowadays. They just needed to give him a call or send him a message to tell him about it, but none of them told him about the transfer.

Chen Mo looked at Li Yun who seemed to be pleased with the outcome. He had a speculation in mind, yet he could not say for sure. After all, it was indeed his fault for not coming to school for a whole month.

"Got it, I'll handle the transfer myself," Chen Mo nodded. He kept the form and left the classroom.

The pleased look in Li Yun's eyes was replaced with anger as he saw Chen Mo taking his leave.

He had been waiting so long for this moment to watch Chen Mo going enraged and losing his calm, yet the guy was indifferent as usual; the same reaction he had even when he came third in the contest!

"Go ahead! Keep faking it! I'm going to tear off your mask one day!"

Li Yun slammed his hand on a desk heavily in the empty classroom!

He had lost too many things that were supposed to be his because of the guy!