Hell-Difficulty Trial of Innate Talents

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

"Miss Su," Chen Mo saw a tall pretty woman in black stockings and heels approaching him not long after he left the classroom. It was his class teacher, Su Yuehong.

Su Yuehong nodded and said, "Just in time, I happened to be looking for you too. I bet you've heard about the transfer. You're the only one that hasn't settled it."

"I just knew about it, I'm afraid I might need your help," Chen Mo blurted out. It would take him more than a week to handle the process himself.

"I knew it would be like this, here, sign your name on the form. I've already arranged for you to be transferred to the Chinese Language stream.

To Chen Mo's surprise, Su Yuehong took out a form that was already filled up. The only thing missing was his signature.

Chen Mo would not let such a chance go to waste. He did not really care about the stream he was being transferred to.

Chen Mo took a pen and quickly signed the form.

"Thank you, Miss Su," Chen Mo expressed his gratitude and prepared to take his leave.

"Wait," Su Yuehong stopped Chen Mo.

"What is it? Does Miss Su need my help with anything?"

It was not Chen Mo's first day interacting with Su Yuehong. It was very likely that the woman had stopped him because she had a favor to ask.

It was normal for students to skip classes in university, but it was still unacceptable for Chen Mo to not come to school for an entire month. Chen Mo was able to avoid the penalty mainly because of his class teacher, Su Yuehong's help.

He had to pay a price too. In return, Chen Mo agreed to take part in the Programming Contest during his second year and came third.

Since then, for more than a year, Chen Mo had helped Su Yuehong fix her laptop and recover her files numerous times. She would always ask Chen Mo to lend her a hand when she could not fix the problem herself.

"Forget it, it's fine. I can handle it myself. Don't forget to register yourself at the Faculty of Chinese Language when the time comes," Su Yuehong shook her head after a slight hesitation. She took the form and left.

Chen Mo was a little confused, but he did not ask any further. Su Yuehong would not hesitate to ask him for help if she really needed it.

Chen Mo rode his scooter back to his place on the outskirts of the city. He visited Genesis' forum and discovered an interesting post. It more or less had something to do with him.

The author of the post was recruiting experienced Players to do the Trial of Innate Talents at the Hell difficulty.

The game had entered the open-beta phase for more than half a month. The Hell-difficulty of the Trial of Innate Talents was the highest difficulty. No one had overcome it so far, but a few Players had already tried it out to see how difficult it was.

In terms of the Trial of Innate Talents, most Players would have no trouble passing it at the Normal difficulty as long as their luck was not too bad. There were also detailed guides on how to overcome the Trial of Innate Talents at the Hard difficulty. Players would have a chance to pass it with good equipment and reliable teammates. As for the Nightmare difficulty, Players would need high-quality equipment and outstanding teammates with great teamwork to pass it. The guides on the forum were specifically designed for parties with certain equipment and combination of classes.

However, there was not a single guide about the Trial of Innate Talents on the Hell difficulty.

It was not only because no one had completed it; normally, even if the Players failed to finish the trial, the people that had tried it could still describe what the trial was about even if they had failed very early in the trial.

However, it was not the case for the Hell difficulty. Unlike the first three difficulties, the rules and instances of the trial were different for every attempt, thus it was impossible to write a guide about it.

Every Player could only take part in the Trial of Innate Talents once every week for an account. Deleting the character would not reset the timer, thus most Players would choose the difficulty of the Trial of Innate Talents cautiously.

This time, the Players of Glacier Gaming Club and the experts they hired believed with their outstanding equipment, their skills, and their ability to work together, they were most likely the strongest party in the game for the time being.

After failing to kill the Three-Headed Fiery Wolf and the Mutated Slime King, they decided to challenge the Hell difficulty of the Trial of Innate Talents instead.

However, when they chose to take part in the Trial of Innate Talents at the Hell difficulty, they were surprised to see that the rule was different from ones that were known so far. It stated that the party would need at least sixty-four Players for the Trial of Innate Talents to take place. If they failed to gather enough Players in three days, they would be considered to have failed the trial.

They had no choice but to recruit other experienced Players on the forum to take part in the trial.

The group of experts consisted of over forty people. They only needed another twenty to start the trial. It was not difficult to recruit twenty Players considering how populated the Chinese server was.

But the truth was out of their expectation. The Trial of Innate Talents might either be a competition, or a cooperation quest.

It was fine if the Trial of Innate Talents required the Players to work together, since everyone was only going to benefit from it. However, if the Trial of Innate Talents was asking for sixty-four Players, it was more likely to be a competition. The Trial of Innate Talents at the Hell difficulty was already so difficult, not to mention they had to compete with a bunch of experts too. They would simply be courting their deaths. In addition to it, most Players that had the option to take part in the Trial of Innate Talents after leaving Rookies Village were newbies. Therefore, even though the post had gathered quite a lot of attention, not many had signed up for it.

"It's really difficult to recruit enough good Players at this time," the person that put up the post was Wang Xu, Xiaolou Fengyu, and a bunch of others. They did not expect this to happen when they decided to challenge the Trial of Innate Talents at the Hell difficulty.

"Worst come to worst, we'll have to hire some Players to fill up the spots," Xiaolou Fengyu said with a sigh.

It was their own decision to do the trial, thus they would have to pay the Players they hired themselves. It was not like they could not pay the Players, but there was a chance that they would fail the trial even after hiring the Players.

It would not cost much to hire normal Players for the trial, but they were completely unaware of what the rules of the trial were since it would only start after they had enough Players. If the trial required them to work together, hiring a bunch of normal Players was only going to make it worse. Therefore, they were only willing to hire normal Players as the last resort.

As the saying went, one was not afraid of facing a godly opponent, but a pig-like teammate. Even if it turned out to be a competition, they would rather have experienced Players instead of ordinary, unreliable Players.

Two days were gone fairly quickly. Some relatively strong Players had signed up for the trial over the past two days. They only needed a few more to reach the requirement.

"Only five left, we still have twelve hours until the deadline. We should be fine," Wang Xu was excited when another Player signed up for the trial.

"Another one, Holy crap, did this loli with huge bust sign up for fun!?"

Before the start of the trial, the Players would be on standby in an empty room, thus they would immediately notice the new Players that signed up for the trial.

It was a Loli Warrior with a huge bust in the default cloth armor with no other equipment. The Players were utterly dumbfounded when they saw her. 

Such an adorable loli could just ask to join teams that were interested in the Hell difficulty of the Trial of Innate Talents, and a bunch of perverted men would be willing to let her join their parties as a freeloader. Why would she bother challenging the trial at the Hell difficulty?