You're lucky to have him

"Ahh….." he winced, his shoulder hurt badly as he moved it to ease the pain. Don't know what muscle or nerve Wang Shi pressed, it hurt at every movement. Monsters. He got monsters as brothers ah!

Rubbing the sore spot, Junjie stepped out of the elevator and saw Fei Hong waiting for him near his car. Instantly his hunched back straightened, pained face changed into that of swag.

"Were you beaten up?" her words followed by a curious gaze, running up and down over Junjie. Don't be caught in illusion! If Junjie was beaten up she would be the first in line to mock and laugh at him. "Don't tell me it's one of those hidden places!?"

"Why are you worried about my hidden places? Are you planning to use them?" he felt happy seeing the teasing smile on her face replaced by a scowl.

"You have been thick-skinned lately," she growled, hitting on his arm.