
"Where are we? Ahh...That's City Spire!" Suyin answered her own question, confused, seeing the twin skyscrapers.

"Yup….Didn't you ask for a house here?"

"That was fast,"

"I don't keep things pending," Wang Shi opened the door and proffered his hands.

"What?" she frowned upon him and tightened her hold on Honey. Wang Shi couldn't help but compare himself as a monster trying to separate the baby from mother bear.

"He's heavy. You won't be able to carry him,"

He took Honey from her and waited for her to get out of the car. "Hold on!" She said and opened the passenger seat to get Wang Shi's jacket to cover Honey. "And he's not heavy. I can see he's underweight. Feed him properly."

Wang Shi "…."

Again, momma bear!

"Mmmm…." Honey woke up feeling a loss warmth and showed his disappointment with a pout. With groggy eyes, he looked at his palms, confused. Rubbing them.

Wang Shi brushed his bangs off of his eyes, "What happened?"

"What was I holding?"

Suyin shook her head.