Chapter 11 - Meeting(1)

I pray for patience. I pray for patience. I pray for patience.

I chanted what had become my daily mantra as I got ready for school. Ever since my meeting with Avery two and a half months ago, I had been going through metaphorical hell.

The man had sicked his sister on me!

Loretta Rockefeller. Tall, gorgeous, and a hidden genius. She was one of the most popular girls at the school. Her background was great, her personality was bubbly, everyone admired her.

But she wouldn't leave. Me. Alone.

She waited for me to come to school. She waited for me at lunch. She followed me around between classes, to practice, to meetings. Every public event I attended, she was there. Just staring at me from afar either alone or with some of her friends. Honestly, the only thing left was for her to follow me home.

Finals were finally over and the seniors were prepping for graduation and the last party, our Graduation Gala. I had been too busy trying to keep my standing as the valedictorian and so hadn't had the time or energy to confront her. Now that I was free, today was the day I would ask her what the hell she or her brother wanted with me.

I hadn't accepted or denied the contract so I figured it was about time I made a decision. I honestly wanted to accept it. The last couple of months had been terrible for me. My father kept finding fault with me for one reason or another. I knew part of it was he didn't want me to outshine my sister during the school ceremony as I would be called to give a speech but that couldn't explain all of it.

Still, I didn't care. It was something I worked hard for and deserved to do. And since I couldn't rely on my family for connections, I had to make an impression some other way.

I received about the same amount of pettiness at school. Almost everyone there was a son or daughter of some status. They all knew what had happened to me. Add in the fact that Loretta Rockefeller was basically stalking me, everyone felt I was a despicable woman as well as someone whose engagement was broken. It wasn't like they needed another reason to mock me through so mostly shrugged it off. Que sera sera and all that.

The only good thing that came out of the whole situation was my sister and her newfound fiance ignoring my existence. Praise.

Physically shaking off my dark thoughts, I grabbed my bag and began heading to school.

As usual, Loretta was waiting by the front gate of the school. Heading straight to her figure, I stopped in front of her and announced.

"We need to talk."

"Sure" was the chirpy reply, "where do you want to go?"

"Let's find an empty meeting room."


I began walking into the school and she followed behind me. As we walked I could feel people gazing at us and muttering to themselves.

Ignoring them, I quickly headed to one of the meeting rooms in the back of the second-floor library.

Locking the door, I spun to look at Loretta.

Looking her up and down, I could see the relation to her brother. Tall, around my height. Wavy long brown hair framing a beautify face, peaches and cream complexion. She made the basic school uniform look like it was from the runway.

"Why are you stalking me?"

She looked briefly surprised before circling me while looking me up and down.

"You're very different from the rumors."


"You're very different from the rumors. I wondered why my brother wanted me to befriend you but I think I got it a bit."

"What? Your brother wants you to befriend me? Why?" For a billionaire, he really had a lot of free time it seems

"I don't know." She replied innocently, "He did say to tell you to 'Say yes to the dress. This sale only lasts for two more weeks.' But what does that mean?"

"I don't know." I replied curtly, "But I don't want to be friends."

"Why not? Being friends with me brings great benefits?" She looked genuinely surprised that I'd refused.

"Like what?"

"For one I'm popular. Beautiful and famous. Amazing. Super sexy." I looked at her incredulously as she started listing her attributes proudly.

"Ehem-", noticing my expression, she leaned against a table. "Let's be honest. I don't know you and you know don't me and we can't be considered close" I nodded "But my brother is interested in you and wants me to be your friend so here I am."

Irritated, I almost glared at her. What the hell? You just become friends with someone because you're ordered?

"Miss Rockefeller, I think you're mistaken. Your brother is not...interested in me. He wants me to do something for him and I've refused."

"It's Lorretta, please. Why? If he's asked you to do anything I'm sure the pay is good because that's how he is. Unless... Is it extortion? Are you being extorted? Do you need my help?" she seemed genuinely anxious

"I'm not being exhorted" I hesitantly replied. That was a...dramatic turn of events.

"Oh whew, good!" she patted her chest. "Listen Canary, I'm kind of tired following you around. Let me get your number and let's do like a hangout on Saturday or on Sunday. As I said, this is what my brother asked me to do so I want to make an honest attempt at it and even if it doesn't at least I tried right? What do you say?"

I wanted to say no, but looking at her pleading expression I didn't have the heart to say no.

"Fine," I caved in.

Sighing as I gave her my number, I warned, "You have to stop bothering me though."

"Deal. See you later Canary." Smiling happily, she left the room.