A Demon in the Fields

A creature stalked through the grass its body slipping through each blade of grass smoothly and silently. It was near noticeable its eyes shown with maliciousness striding through the fields it followed a trail of parted grass. It inhaled the scent of life something living and breathing,

something soon to be flesh for the beast. Its face twisted into something careful, cunning yet ravenous. Its body stayed low to the ground a gloom emanated from the creature, its pelt black painted by the night its fur coarse and dense.

It sniffed around sensing Zi Xiang it circled him slowly, monotonously it slowly inched closer and closer to him. It moved one foot observing Zi Xiang before placing the next it stalking closer nearing Zi Xiang step by step. Its body tensed with killing intent ready for the finishing blow, it circled directly above Zi Xiang watching waiting. Like a shark circling its meal, it waited patiently for the perfect moment.

Zi Xiang let out a shallow breath exhaling slowly.

Then like a loosed arrow, the beast stuck for the neck pouncing with all the force its body could muster its jaws snapped down on Zi Xiang's neck. Before he could even take another breath. The monster's fangs sunk into Zi Xiang's neck about to crush Zi Xiang's windpipe piercing his vitals.

Zi Xiang awoke, his instincts violently stimulated, Zi Ziang grabbed the creature's muzzle sticking his hand right in between its teeth protecting his neck he pushed its head back. As the creature bit down on his hand it began to rip at Zi Xiang's hand violently shaking its head left and right. Its teeth dug into the skin and the tugging started to strip off the skin on Zi Xiang's hand. Zi Xiang tried to pull his hand out struggling the beast pulled its head in the opposite direction ripping apart the skin and flesh from Zi Xiang's hand all the way to his forearm multiple deep lacerations from the teeth were left behind.

Screaming Zi Xiang beat the beast with his other hand slamming his fist against the creature's neck every muscle in his arm strained his forearm and biceps flexed fully the adrenaline bringing out a large amount of Zi Xiang's repressed strength. He punched at the beast striking its face and its neck being met with a heavy thud and a squelching each time, he continued violently smashing down on the beast over and over with horrific force and monstrous strength until the beast pulled back. Zi Xiang quickly unzipped his jacket and held it in front of him.

The creature slowly circled Zi Xiang from the darkness doing his best to keep up Zi Xiang tried to keep the beast directly in front of him slowly it began to leave backing into the night. Zi Xiang checked his wound his right arm was horribly mangled and blood was pouring out there were six lines cut into the flesh from the teeth of whatever attacked him. His arm was shaking and most of the skin and flesh on Zi Xiang's hand was gone he could hardly move any of his fingers they could only lightly twitch. The muscle could be seen under the blood and the bones in Zi Xiang's hand were showing even some of the ligaments and tendons were visible though most of the ligaments connecting his fingers to his wrist were town apart. His other arm was so tensed it cramped and stuck in a tensed position spasming every so often.

Zi Xiang tried to relax his arm the extreme strength he exerted was probably from a bout of hysterical strength he got from the life and death situation. Zi Xiang punched the monster with over six hundred pounds of force. Though this strength came with incredibly serious side effects he could barely move his left arm it was intensely overexerted and his muscles were probably horrifically torn up internally. Though it was made much worse by the punching posture he used he wasn't a trained fighter and his knuckles were badly bruised and part of his index knuckle sunk into his hand.

Zi Xiang was in horrible pain feeling his neck with his working hand there were a few very shallow holes in his neck feeling them only a little blood flowed out he had been lucky enough to survive the attack but he probably wouldn't be able to survive the wounds. He wasn't able to do much but Zi Xiang got some grass and put it around the wound tieing it together was the best he could do. He tried to force them as tightly to his arm as possible cutting off the circulation completely if he was lucky he would only lose an arm and not his life. If the circulation didn't the infection would take his arm.

He was truly at the end of the line if he continued with his wounds he would inevitably die even if he got to a hospital he would probably lose his right arm or they would have to give him years of therapy and reconstructive surgery.

The scene was horrific blood dribbled down from Zi Xiang's fingertips ticking his arm with the warm liquid. Blood covered his shirt and even with the bands was still bleeding horribly, the blood swiftly flowed out of his veins and onto the ground. His very life was seeping out before him and Zi Xiang was helpless. Putting his jacket back on he tied more grass onto the jacket sleeve acting as a makeshift bandage it saturated with blood at a visible rate, it clearly wouldn't be enough to save his life.

Zi Xiang covered in his own blood started to travel west he had no other choice he was going truly going to die journeying out into the darkness Zi Xiang was going to find salvation or death he didn't have much time left.