This World is...!?

Somewhere near the vast mountain ranges lay a village where beings of all races reside. There were quite a lot of houses that were built here, yet one of them housed a child whom was unrelentingly hugging a sword almost as tall as he under the light which permeated the room through the window. After what seems to be a long time of slumber, his eyes showed finally signs of awakening.

"Ugh, why is it so bright?"

I spoke aloud while trying to get into an upright sitting position. I then looked towards the wound on my shoulder to see what happened to it. There, I saw a clean piece of cloth dressing the wound, a sharp difference from the dirtied piece of cloth that I ripped out of my clothes from before. While I was trying to poke the area of the wound to see if it still hurt, the door creaked open as a young girl, seemingly a bit older than me, came through. On her hands was what looked to be like soup which was still warm, signified by the visible steam coming out of it. Then, as the girl made eye contact with me, she suddenly froze. We stared at each other for a few minutes, which made me feel awkward and uneasy. So, I decided to try and break the silence

"So, uh, how are-"


She shrieked as she was startled by me trying to speak. She then started to back away towards the door and ran away

"*** ** **** ***** ** ****!"

She spouted some indecipherable language with a loud voice as she ran away. It was then that it clicked to me.

"I am in another world... Which means, another goddamn language."

I sighed to myself and lay back down onto the bed, frustrated at the fact that I would need to learn another language before being able to actually get anywhere. As I laid down there in frustration, an old man with graying hair came from the door, accompanied with the little girl hiding behind him. He came to the side of the bed that I laid on and knelt down. Then, he spoke while looking at me with questioning eyes.

"*** ***** *** ******?"

I had no idea what he was saying at all so I just blankly stared at him so as to try to give him the hint that I had no idea what he was talking about. Luckily, he got the hint and stopped trying to talk to me. He put his hand up to his chin for a bit then went to get a book off of the shelf in the room. He then sat down on the bedside as he pointed at the different symbols and started pronouncing weird sounds. It was then that I realized that he was trying to teach me the language that they were speaking. And, for the next year or so, that was what he did. I didn't just lay down on that bed for a year by the way. After the first 2 months, my shoulder injury finally healed and I got around to helping the two do some chores.

"Caam, m-me he-l-p yo-you."

Was my first sentence after the first 2 months after starting to learn the language of this strange world. Afterwards, I got to know the other children under Caam. There was Brian, Arzea and Lina, the girl who was going to feed me some soup when I woke up. During the year, nothing much happened other than me learning the language from Caam and a few shenanigans from the other children from time to time.

After that year, I think that I've now turned 11, and luckily, I seemed to have an early growth spurt as I was now around 5 feet and even then, it seemed like my growth spurt wasn't finished yet as I was still growing at a slow, yet visible pace..

"System, display UI."



Helm: None

Arms: None

Chest: None

Legs: None


Blade: Blade of Sirius

Hilt: Hilt of Daidalos

Guard: Guard of Gardakan


Level: 0 (1/10)

Power: 60 I

Endurance: 63 I

Dexterity: 59 I

Agility: 60 I

Magic: 0 I


[The Rogue Warden]

Rank: SSS

A knight whom fights for himself and his ideals. Greatly enhances the user's understanding of the longsword and the potential of the user's physique at the cost of magic.


Rank: F

Good things comes to those who wait. Should the user perfectly anticipates a move of an aggressor, all damage shall be deflected and they shall be stunned. Results shall vary depending on the timing of the user's parry.


Rank: D

With a sword in hand, all is understood. Enhances user's understanding and execution of sword techniques.


Rank: D

With a sword in hand, those whom stand against you shall fall. Enhances the power of the user's slash.


Rank: D

With a sword in hand, you shall pierce the Heavens! Enhances the power of the user's pierce.

[Shoulder Bash]

Rank: F

Against all odds, I trod onward. Breaks the aggressor's defense. Can be dodged and has a chance of failing depending on the capabilities of the aggressor.


Rank: SS

I am he who brings death. When the aggressor has been defeated by the user, the user can choose to execute his aggressor. When executed, the stats of the user will increase in proportion to the stats of the enemy and their own level.



Although I didn't go hunting for monsters or anything like that, I did was doing a couple exercises here and there alongside practicing with the longsword, which allowed my swordsmanship to move up a rank. Add on to that the growing strength of a child, I did have quite the increase during the year. However, even this rate of increase was disappointing to me. Because of this, I decided to speak with Caam about leaving the town.

"Caam, can I talk with you for a bit?"

"Oh, Reza. Sure, just give me a second while I feed Little Rhea."

Caam recently adopted another child that was still very young and knew nothing about the world. Deep down in my heart, I really had a lot of respect for this person that helped me out immensely and provided me housing over the year. So, I simply just waited there in silence as he finished up feeding Rhea.

"So Reza, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to talk to you about leaving the the village to go adventuring, Caam."

Seeming like he anticipated my answer, he simply sighed and signaled for me to come with him to his room. He then told me to take a seat while he went to go grab something from his shelf.

"Uh, Caam, what are you looking for?"

I asked curiously as he gave me no hints to what he was trying to do. He didn't answer me while continuing to look for whatever he was looking for. Then, after a few minutes, he finally found the thing he was looking for, which was a map, and laid it down in front of me.


I exclaimed in my realization of how other than what this village was named, Edea village, I never really knew much about the locations of the world. Caam smiled at my exclamation as he began to start speaking.

"Reza, this will be the final lesson that I shall teach you, so please be attentive as this could determine your life and death in the future."

He spoke seriously as I also listened seriously. However, somewhere along the discussion, I lost focus as I saw a place which sounded like a place that I knew from my previous world. Then, I thought dazedly muttered in a low voice while Caam was going over all the places on the map.

"That place, Orario... Isn't that a place in the anime called Danmachi!?"