
After Caam finished his painfully long lesson about all the major, minor, and dangerous areas of the world, it was already nearing dawn. I decided to depart the next morning. After a goodnight's sleep, day finally came which signified the beginning of my adventure.

"Big Brother, make sure to stay safe!"

"Make sure to come back to visit us and bring some delicious food."

The children alongside with Caam decided to see me off from the village so they each gave me a farewell. Then, Lina came forward and hugged me tightly as she spoke while crying.

"Reza, I-I'll miss you!"

She spoke sadly while stuttering for a bit due to her tears and snot. I was aware for quite a while now that the child had a bit of a crush on me for who knows what reason. I just decided to let it be as pushing her away now might be deeply devastating on her psyche. I hugged her back then spoke to her softly.

"I'll come back in the future and bring you some souvenirs, so don't miss me too much."

After quite a while of her hugging me, she finally decided to let me go and looked at me tearfully, along with all the other children. I then looked Caam deeply in the eyes. I said nothing as I bowed deeply towards him. He also said nothing as he merely nodded and sent me off with his eyes. Then, I turned around and started walking out of the village, officially beginning my journey.


Around 2 months later, I found myself finally back at the Beol mountains, where I first awoke in this strange world. Along the way, I found some goblins and kobolds which I delightfully executed and slaughtered.

"System, display UI."



Host: Reza

Steel: 540



Helm: Helm of Loran

Arms: Arms of Loran

Chest: Chest of Loran

Legs: Legs of Loran


Blade: Blade of Sirius

Hilt: Hilt of Daidalos

Guard: Guard of Gardakan


Level: 0 (10/10)

Power: 455 E

Endurance: 458 E

Dexterity: 454 E

Agility: 456 E

Magic: 0 I


[The Rogue Warden]

Rank: SSS

A knight whom fights for himself and his ideals. Greatly enhances the user's understanding of the longsword and the potential of the user's physique at the cost of magic.


Rank: B

Good things comes to those who wait. Should the user perfectly anticipates a move of an aggressor, all damage shall be deflected and they shall be stunned. Results shall vary depending on the timing of the user's parry.


Rank: C

With a sword in hand, all is understood. Enhances user's understanding and execution of sword techniques.


Rank: B

With a sword in hand, those whom stand against you shall fall. Enhances the power of the user's slash.


Rank: B

With a sword in hand, you shall pierce the Heavens! Enhances the power of the user's pierce.

[Shoulder Bash]

Rank: D

Against all odds, I trod onward. Breaks the aggressor's defense. Can be dodged and has a chance of failing depending on the capabilities of the aggressor.


Rank: SSS

I am he who brings death. When the aggressor has been defeated by the user, the user can choose to execute his aggressor. When executed, the stats of the user will increase in proportion to the stats of the enemy and their own level.


Rank: A

Death comes silently and swiftly. When used, highly increases the user's agility and conceals his presence while also leaving afterimages that could confuse enemies.


Rank: B

Insastiable lust for the blood of your enemies. Allows the user to control his bloodlust to scare the aggressor. Effects vary depending on the aggressor.



During the two months, I contemplated on many things, such as heading straight to Orario, joining a familia, how the status system of Danmachi works and many other stuff. I've even withheld my leveling up to level 1 so that I could grind my way up to the limit of the Danmachi world's Stats.

"Wait, now that I think about it, don't the adventurer's of this world usually start at level 1?"

A mind-blowing revelation crossed my mind as that would me that I would always be 1 level better in stats when compared to other adventurers since I started at level 0. That realization made me feel much better as only strength would be able to protect me in this new world.

"Now, all my abilities have been raised by a rank or two while my stats rival that of a level 1 F adventurer. I've even accomplished 2 orders and got myself the Loran armor using the rewarded Steel. And, I also acquired the [Phantom] and [Bloodlust] ability which makes me even deadlier than before. I've made quite a bit of progress if you ask me."

I spoke and chuckled to myself in the middle of the harsh terrain of the mountain ranges. After a while, my smile cruelly grew wide as I activated my [Phantom] ability to start my hunt for the tribe of that damn goblin that fucked me over when I first came over to this world.

"Ready or not, here I come..."

I then swiftly disappeared as my words echoed throughout the mountain range.


A few hours later, I finally found the goblin tribe of the area and scouted the levels of the monsters that it was composed of. I didn't have the amazing ability of inspecting the level and abilities of my enemies unlike the protagonists of the the novels of my previous world, but the appearances of the goblins often give away their power levels so I judged them based on that.

"There are around 20 scrawny goblins, 5 not-as-scrawny goblins and one buff goblin that was probably had the stats of a level 2 adventurer..."

Although I was outmatched in both numbers and stats, I didn't worry as I activated my [Phantom] ability once more and waited till dawn. Although the buff goblin was still awake, his senses have inevitably dulled due to the darkness and fatigue that it accumulated over the long day. Then, I finally went for an attack.


I pierced his neck from the back with my longsword, to which he responded by trying to shout and struggled to get try and get to me. Unfortunately for him, a little something called my longsword was getting in the way of him shouting. I then decided to finish him off.


With my longsword in his neck, I spun his body around until his head eventually fell off of his body. The power of a level 2 goblin now fulfilling my body, I let out a shout which attracted all the other goblins in the camp as they now rushed towards the area of the now-dead leader of their tribe. I waited for all of the to gather outside of the goblin leader's abode. Then when they were all finally gathered outside, I took a step outside then stared all of them down.

"Oh, how I've been wanting to slaughter the kin of that fucking goblin for so long already. Now, I finally have a chance..."

As I was speaking, one of the not-so-scrawny goblins came to attack me, to which I responded with slashing him then swiftly decapitating and executing him. Then, I softly spoke to the other goblins of the area while also activating my [Bloodlust] and [Phantom] ability as my sword glistened with blood of the two goblins under the moonlight.

"Although I killed your leader quickly, don't worry, as I will make sure you all die painful and heart wrenching pain."

That night was then filled with the maniacal laughter of a certain individual, accompanied with the shrieks and cries of many goblins.