
The next day...

Guinevere failed to buy another copy of the special edition of the AlucardxGranger comic book. Apparently it was the last copy. But she bought a much better merch!

Since today was a lovely saturday afternoon, most Land of Dawn Heroes were in the arena for Match Up Games. The streets were empty, so she took off her purple cloak and vanished it to her bag along with the newly purchased signed poster of AlucardxGranger ship. Three signatures! From Mister Alucard, Mister Granger, and from the anonymous author herself! The handwriting was awfully familiar though, especially the letter S.

Guinevere skips happily until she bumped into something as she turned around the corner. Or someone because the person grunted. She almost fell down.

'Wait...dejavu?' Her forehead hurt. What did she bumped into?

"Oh Miss Violet! I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

"E-Eh? M-Mister Granger! Oh it only hurts just a little bit! I'm sorry I bumped into you again..."

Guinevere apologized but she regretted saying it. And she suddenly felt queasy. Granger was probably from the arena since he was wearing his combat attire.


"Oh nothing! Hehehe Is it just me, or the road is moving?"

"Uhh your forehead is bleeding Miss Violet-- Miss Violet?!"

Everything went black.


"...Harith! Where are you? I know you just came home from the arena and your hair is filled with dirt!" A familiar emotionless voice said.

Guinevere woke up and sat right up.

"W-Where am I?" She muttered to herself.

"Miss Violet! I'm glad you're awake." Granger set a tray of tea and cream puffs on the table and sat beside her.

Guinevere scanned the room and it looked so much like the Lightborns' room in the comics. Her wandering eyes stopped at the man beside her.

"W-What? Mister G-Granger?! Am I dreaming?"

Guinevere touched Granger's face and pinched his cheeks.

He looks so real. And so handsome! He wasn't wearing any mask nor his combat attire to cover his face. She also pinched her cheeks to see if this was reality. And it kinda hurt. She's not dreaming.

Granger chuckled. Guinevere looked at him like she saw a ghost.

"I'm the real Granger, Miss Violet. And you're in the west court of the Lightborn Squad Castle."

'IT IS THE ICONIC LIGHTSBORN ROOM! Oh my gosh! I'm in this holy room where all the fluffs and even lemons occur!!' She confirmed.

"Huh? Wait... let's back track a little bit. How did I end up here? Did I snore while I slept? Did I drool? Oh my!" Guinevere panicked. Oh her priorities!

"No. You slept like a baby." He laughed even more.

'Woah! He can actually laugh??? It wasn't my imagination earlier?!' Guinevere was puzzled. Wasn't he usually emotionless?

"Actually M'lady, you bumped into my shoulder and got injured so I brought you to Dr. Rafaela's clinic but it was closed due to the special event in the Arena.

Then I brought you here, so Estes, our resident doctor, could heal the wound on your forehead. It's gone now, but it left a small bump. He said it'll wear off in four hours," Granger said as he poured some tea on two cups.

Guinevere nodded as she digested all the information.

"Thank you Mister Granger!" She bowed her head gratefully.

"My pleasure. Care for some tea, Miss Violet?" He offered.

"Oh why, thank you! What kind of tea is it?"

"It's chamomile tea. Here, have some cream puffs. I heard it's your favorite," Granger said and handed her a cup of tea.

'Wow! Who knew Granger would be so caring huh? He must be the bottom of the two!' She thought. And blushed at the thought. How naughty and inappropriate!

'Hold yourself together, Guinevere Baroque! You are not in your room!' She grounded herself.

"Ooh chamomile tea, it soothes the pain in my head! Thank you, Mister Granger!" Guinvere smiled politely. She took a sip and savoured the taste.

"Oh my! It's delicious Mister Granger. Did you brew this yourself?"

"Yes, Miss Violet, though I only started learning how to brew common teas recently. I can brew some more tea... if you like...that is..." Granger asked hesitantly.

'Wow what a wife material! Mister Alucard is so lucky to have Mister Granger around as his lover!' Guinevere smiled to herself.

"No, it's okay. I might be bothering you if I come here for tea--"

"You're not a bother, Miss Violet!" Granger cutted her off. Guinevere jumped at his sudden mini outburst.

"Sorry for cutting you off...but if you'd like, I could invite you for tea. I heard you're a tea connoisseur. And I would like to learn more about teas. Well, only if that's okay for you, Miss Violet?" Granger's eyes had a pleading look.

'He might be asking for my opinion on how to be a much better wife material to Mister Alucard! Oh how exciting! I might see them doing lovey dovey things in real life! Oh my! I shall teach him the dainty ways of a lady!'

"Oh sure, Mister Granger! I would gladly help you learn!" Guinevere nodded and smiled sweetly.

'Ohohoho! What a twist! I lost the special edition comic book but got this opportunity in return! The BL shipping goddess is blessing me too much!' Guinevere thought.

The two were both sipping their tea when they heard a knock on the door.

'Oooh is it Mister Alucard?? Oh my OHOHOHO! I'm gonna see them in action now!? Oh what a treat!' Guinevere was internally fangirling.

'Contain your excitement Guinevere! You don't want them to be grossed out. Not now that Granger is an acquaintance!' She scolded herself.

"Oh hello! Mister Death Chanter! I'm Wanwan, may I look inside?" She heard a girl's voice, and Guinevere was disappointed.

"Pewboom!" She pouted. It wasn't Mister Alucard.

"Let's make this quick. State the reason why you are here, Agile Tiger. " She heard Granger's emotionless voice.

It was very different from earlier which was gentle and warm.

"Well, I saw my friend, who is a boy by the way but he looks feminine, ran to this room earlier. You see, we're newbies here in the Capitol and I was chasing him, because he refused to wear this cute skirt!

Speaking of this cute skirt, you might also look good in this hehe-- wait don't close the door! I was only joking! Look! See there's one of Ling's feather on the floor! He's totally here! I can even smell him!"

'The girl might be talking nonsense--'

Guinevere thought as she sipped all of her tea. Suddenly, a droplet of water landed on her forehead.

She almost had a heart attack at what she saw on the ceiling. Thankfully, she already gulped down the tea or else, it would come out of her nose. That would be embarrassing.

"U-Uhhh...Mister Granger? How many roommates do you have?" She asked when she stabled her breathing.

"Two. Only me and Harith..why?" Granger said, he was still at the door.

'Wait what? Mister Alucard doesn't live here?' Guinevere shook the idea down, it wasn't the important thing at this moment.

She got up from the sofa and sought out the Death Chanter. She was totally creeped out with what she saw on the ceiling.

"O-Oh umm...t-then who are the people on the ceiling besides Harith?"

"Huh?" Granger was confused.

Guinevere pushed him towards the lounge area and pointed her dainty fingers up while she hides behind his back. The twin bunned girl followed them inside.

"Ling!! I found you! Hihi! Come down! The skirt is waiting!" The girl said happily.

The white-haired guy hissed. Apparently, it was the famed Cyan Finch.

"Harith! I told you to bathe! Miss Natalia and Mister Hellkitty get down from there!" Granger was kind of pissed off now. His face was red!

The other three hissed at him.

"Get down or I will make the greatest sonata of your corpses!"

Granger was now angry, his guitar case and gun magically appeared on his hands. His body was filled with a blood red aura.

'Eek! Scary!' Guinevere soullessly thought.