Fun Park

The next day...

After a half day of matches, Granger invited Guinevere to the Land of Dawn Fun Park. Both were now dressed in their casual clothes and he was waving three tickets infront of Guinevere.

"Eh? But this ticket is for Mister Alucard though?"

Guinevere tried rejecting Granger's invitation. She earlier confessed that she haven't went to the park yet when he asked if she knows the place.

She left out the reason why she haven't gone out which was because of her shipping obsessions and book-finding at Diggie's bookshop. And of course, she won't be telling the person she was shipping with his friend of her obsession. It would jeopardize their friendship! It was bad enough that her big brother was getting suspicious of her.

"Alu's in a mission remember? So this ticket would go to waste if I don't bring someone along. Besides Harith is coming along! And I heard there are mini fast food chains there. Have you tried hotdogs? Cotton candies?" Granger once again tried.

"Oh my! Mini fast food chains?" Guinevere's eyes lit up. And the nickname Granger uttered didn't missed Guinevere's fangirling ears.

'Ohohoho! Grangey and Alu! So cute~ I wish Mister Alucard was with us!'

"Yes, my lady. And the rides there are to die for. You might like the roller coaster there. Oh and the horror castle as well!" Granger led the way so he could pick up Harith from the Magic Academy.

"There's a horror castle at a fun park? That's weird..." Guinevere mumbled.

"Oddly enough, yes. And they feature life-like abyssal monsters and other horrifying mountain creatures there. One of my friends even fainted when Claude pulled a prank on him when we went last month. I heard they changed the creatures there so it won't be repetitive." Granger explained and took out his phone to let Guinevere see the photos they took.

"Oh Gord! It's Gus! Hahaha!" Guinevere laughed at the picture.

"You know him?" She heard Granger asked.

"Yes. He was my silly crush back when we were students at the Magic Academy. Haha what a scaredy cat!" Guinevere muttered, Granger only hummed as a reply.

In the photo, a lot of things were funny to look at. Gusion and Mister Zilong the Dragon Warrior were scared at Mister Claude's chopped arms prank while Mister Chou was laughing behind them. Mister Ling the Cyan Finch was seen at the back meditating. But what made her smile was her fave ship sitting beside each other at the front! Mister Alucard looked like he was having a time of his life with the person he loves beside him!

'OH MY! THEY LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER! My fangirl heart is full! My eyes have been cleansed! My sadness is cured!'

Granger saw Guinevere's smile widen by the second. A giggle was threatening to escape from her fangirling lips.

"You will definitely have fun at the park, Guine. Let's take lots of pictures later, alright my lady?"

Before Guinevere could process what Granger said, a wild Harith appeared!

"Grangey! Miss Violet!" Harith hugged Guinevere when he came over to their waiting spot.

"Hello to you too, Harith!" Guinevere giggled at the little boy's warm greeting.

"Are you coming with us to the Fun Park? Are you?" The silver haired Leonin questioned, eyes were shining brightly.

"Yes, it will be my first time there." Guinevere ruffled his soft hair.

"Yay! You should try the sugar clouds first! I really love the sugar clouds, so tasty!" Harith licked his lips at the thought of cotton candies.

"Oh that sounds delicious! We should buy them together then!" Guinevere was pumped up. Harith was becoming his food buddy.

They totally connect since both of them loves sweets except for the fact that the younger boy prefers doughnuts and not cream puffs.

The trio made their way towards the famed Land of Dawn Fun Park. Where the inventors from Eruditio and mages from the magic academy hand-in-hand constructed their amazing fun rides and making the place both high-tech and magical.


Finally inside the fun park, people were slowly filling in the already lively place. Both joyous laughter of kids and adults alike can be heard from all directions.

Guinevere looked around,her eyes were filled with wonder. Harith pulled the two adults towards the Cotton Candy Booth.

"Three Sugar Clouds please!!" Harith eagerly said to the cashier of the booth.

"Comin' right up, young fella!" The seller cheerfully replied.

'Woah! The sellers are much more friendly than the ones at the cafè!' Guinevere thought.

All her life, she was just focused on her studies and magic inventions. Then after escaping the clutches from their controlling parents, she then dedicated her life on the matches at the arena, gardening and now the shipping. This was her first time going out to fun larks with friends.

'I'll bring my brother and Odette next time!' Guinevere grinned at her thought.

Guinevere saw how the Cotton Candy Seller skillfully use a stick to get the cotton like stuff that was made of sugar.

'Oh my, it really does look like clouds! Colorful clouds!'

Guinevere and Granger both insisted on paying the multi-colored spun sugar confection. So the two decided to do rock, paper and scissors. After so many retries, in the end, Granger won.

"Pewboom! Did you cheated? Were you reading my mind, Grangey?" Guinevere pouted because she lost everytime.

"I will never cheat, my lady."

Although Granger was wearing a mask, Guinevere can totally tell he was smirking. Then he patted the shorter girl's head.

Guinevere only grumbled and crossed her arms to which made the Death Chanter chuckle in delight.

"You're just too easy to read, my lady!"

Just then, the cotton candy seller announced:

"Here are the cotton candies for the family of three! Enjoy!"

Granger received the sugar clouds and distributed to the other two. Guinevere suddenly looked around. Maybe the family of three was just behind them!

"Hey Grangey? I think these are not for us. It's for the family of three, the cashier said so!" Guinevere softly reprimanded the red-eyed masked man.

Granger only laughed and walked towards the information desk so they could get a free map. Harith skipped infront of Guinevere who couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt from getting their cotton candies first instead of the family.

"Oh no. I should have worn pants!" Guinevere muttered to herself. Most of the rides were not skirt-friendly.

"Hmm? Sadly, the shopping mall is not yet done so we couldn't buy clothes here." Granger replied.

"Sorry for spoiling the fun guys..." Guinevere solemnly said as she ate her cotton candy. The sweetness made her souring mood a wee bit better.

"Don't worry Guine. We'll just have to go to fun rides where you could just sit in a covered seat..." Granger assured her.

"Yeah! Miss Violet, so don't be sad! Grangey and me will make sure you will have amazing memories here with us!" Harith nodded, his fluffy tail wiggling at the excitement. This made Guinevere's lips pull upwards.


'Ah! Such a cutie! This day would have been much more better if Mister Alucard was here. More real life fluff with Granger!' Guinevere sighed in her heart.

The three didn't know that they were being followed by various people.