
Guinevere giddily swayed the paper bag in her hand as she walked. The bag had the Land of Dawn Fun Park trademarked symbol on it and it holds the stuff they bought from the souvenir shop. It was nice that she can finally move her arms and shoulders.

"We safely arrived at our destination, my lady."

Guinevere giggled at his announcement. He totally sounded like a robot.

"Ah. Please do read the instructions written by Doctor Rafaela well and apply the cream daily. It's all here."

Granger put the smaller paper bag, where the cream and the doctor's instruction was packed, in the Fun Park paper bag.

"Again, thank you so much for today, Grangey." Guinevere bowed her to convey her heartfelt gratitude.

"Always a pleasure, Guine. But I'm really sorry about earlier. If only I found you sooner, you wouldn't have been hurt...I guess I'm not a good friend..."

Guinevere could tell Granger was frowning despite of the mask and the low light. He was wearing it again when they left the photobooth. An air of melancholt emitted from him.

"Hey, don't say that! You're an amazing friend, Granger! The best friend one could ever ask for!" Guinevere looked up to him. Jade green orbs looking at ruby ones.

She raised her heels so she could pat Granger's head but failed miserably.m because Granger backed away, teasing her. She wearing flats so she was naturally shorter. Oh how she wished she was wearing heels this moment!

"Goodness, you're so tall! That's unfair."

Guinevere pouted and stomped her foot which made Granger laugh and clutch his stomach. The vein on Guinevere's temple twitched.

Granger then arched his back forward, which caught Guinevere off guard  It startled the green eyed girl and froze on her spot.

"Now you can pat me, Guine." Granger's eyes crinkled in delight.

'He's so close...'

Despite the alarm bells in her brain, Guinevere's free hand automatically raised up and did the deed. She touched his hair like it was a sacred relic.

'Oh my!'

"It's so soft! What shampoo do you use?" Guinevere's mind and body seems to have no coordination. She gasped at the words that left her mouth.

'Guinevere Baroque! Why are you so creepy! Hold your tongue and stop asking weird questions!'

Guinevere to pull back her hand in reflex but Granger beat her to it. He firmly placed his hand on top of hers so she could continue patting his head. His pensive eyes looked so intense for a few seconds. It gave Guinevere goosebumps. A second later, his red eyes returned to normal and crinkled in delight.

"Pat me some more, Guine. It makes me feel like I'm a good friend."

Guinevere could feel the sincerity in Granger's words. Guinevere knew he was smiling underneath his mask when she patted his head in her own will.

"And to answer your question, I use Dove Men Plus Ca--"

The gates suddenly opened and an angry voice bellowed.


Guinevere was startled by the sudden intrusion and Granger immediately straightened up. But he still didn't let go of her hand. And what's worse, she didn't get to hear the full name of the shampoo brand! Oh her priorities!

"Good evening to you too Asslot, Hello Princess Odette! Pleasure to meet you." Granger tipped his head politely.

Lancelot's face visibly paled when he noticed the jacket Guinevere was wearing. There was no mistaking that it was not his sister's clothing because she does not own any black clothes. And most especially his eyes noticed the distinct symbol on the chest part.

"My dear sister...why are you... wearing...Cringer's-- H-Holding hands as well...I think I'm going to faint..." Lancelot's breathing became shallower.

"Lance, what nonsense are you sayin-- Lancelot my love!"


Odette and Guinevere panicked when Lancelot fainted and dramatically fell to the ground. He fainted so gracefully which puts female aristocrats in the capitol to shame.

"Ugh. He's so embarrassing!" Guinevere muttered to herself.

'Why is my brother so naturally dramatic?? And why does he look so sparkling??'

"Tch. Let me carry him inside..."

The two women let Granger through and carried the unconscious perfumed knight in a bridal style.



Guinevere's fangirling heart trembled with disgust at the sight.

In her eyes, the scene looked like a cheap imitation of the one she saw in the AlucardxGranger comic she was reading. Guinevere looked fiercely at her older brother. Lancelot's long locks cascaded down gracefully and a wind which only exist for Lancelot's hair blew as Granger carry him. It was a picturesque scene.

'My fangirling heart cannot take this. I shall punish brother dear later! My ship shall sail!!'


"Thank you, Mister Granger for taking my sister home safely and also for helping carry my husband inside..." Odette smiled. Granger just finished explaining why Guinevere was wearing his jacket.

"No worries...and thank you for understanding. Don't worry, I will make sure to find the ones responsible for the incident."

"Thank you so much. That makes my herat at ease. By the way, are you sure you don't want to stay for tea? Guinevere makes the best tea!"

"So I've heard. But I'm afraid I should reject the offer, Princess Odette. It is a bit late now and I have to take care of the Harith back in our castle." Granger stood up and bowed.

"Oh...that's a shame. Well, it was nice finally meeting Guinevere's new friend. Please also take good care of her in the future as she is precious to me. To us." Odette looked at Lancelot's sleeping form and shook Granger's hand.

"Worry, not your highness, I will do my best. Oh and may you allow me to visit her often? Starting tomorrow? I might also bring Guinevere's other friends..." Granger asked.

Guinevere then came back with a floating tray of tea and a plate of snacks in her hands.

"Oh? Yes! Yes you may!" Odette enthusiastically agreed.

"What's the matter?" Guinevere asked as she put the tray and plate down.

"I will visit you tomorrow for tea. I shall take my leave now, Guine. Good night, ladies."

"Eh? Really? Sure, why not? Let me see you out, Grangey..."

The two then left the drawing room, leaving a dazed Odette with the unconscious Lancelot on the long couch. It will be hard for him to wake up since he's a heavy sleeper.

"Oh Lancelot my love, you're so cruel! Can't you be supportive of your little sister? Guinevere is finally going out of her shell! You handsome dummy!" Odette happily mumbled as she wipe her tears of joy. She then pinched Lancelot's soft yet manly cheeks.

She was happy that Guinevere finally found a good friend of her age. And he said he was bringer her other firends! What a relief!

Before, she was afraid that Guinevere won't be able to enjoy her youth since the girl always focused on her studies. She didn't have a lot of friends because of her background. And when she graduated from the magic academy, and left the shackles of their controlling parents and lived with them, she was free to do anything.

Yet Guinevere became a shut in despite working as a hero in the Battlefield. It was the only time she was in the outside world. She was always cooped up in her room and was reading various books, sometimes she was tending her garden filled with weird yet breathtakingly exotic plants and making excellent teas with her it.

But then something happened. It was after the losing match that Lancelot made a bet with Mister Alucard.

Guinevere, for the first time, actively went out of their castle in her own accord! She said she was going shopping! She weekly goes out now but still she had more time reading in her room. Nevertheless, it was an achievement. A wonderful achievement!

And now she made a new friend. It totally surprised Odette and most especially her husband. She had high hopes for the Death Chanter also known as the Vagrant Poet, Mister Granger. He was so different from the people that surrounded Guinevere her whole life. Hopefully their friendship would last for a lifetime...and who might bloom!

It was time that she forgets the Paxley boy!

Odette's smile turned wicked for a while but then softened. She knew it wasn't the boy's fault. No one was at fault. Guinevere was just a girl who fell in love with the person she was not destined to be with.

Odette sincerely prayed that her little sister-in-law would find true happiness.


Later that night, Guinevere tiptoed towards Lancelot who was still sleeping in the couch. With scissors in her hand, she vowed to make his brother...less beautiful...and more handsome.

A perfect punishment for the vain older brother of hers. Of course, this could only happen with Odette's blessing.

Happy and satisfied with her artwork, Guinevere sneaked out of the drawing room and dashed to her room.

When dawn came, the Swan Palace was awoken by a startled cry of a certain blonde.

"M-My..." Lancelot trembled as once again looked at the mirror.