
The sun slowly rose up to the skies, bringing light and warmth to the sleeping earth. This place is worthy being called "The Land of Dawn". The sunrise was a sight to behold!

The birds happily chirped around the trees surrounding the Swan Castle, but soon flew away the moment a dramatic scream erupted. Guinevere abruptly opened her eyes the moment she heard Lancelot's manly screech. She slowly rose up from her warm bed and stretched her muscles.

After yawning, a satisfied smile rested on her doll-like face.

If it was any other day, she would have grumbled on how it disturbed her beauty sleep and finally go out of her room to hunt down her big brother and then silence him. Afterall, Lancelot was very lively whenever he see his reflection in the mirror every morning. He was an effective alarm clock. But today was different!

Instead of being annoyed with Lancelot's cries of sorrow, she enjoyed the sound while hugging her beloved AlucardxGranger poster that she painstakingly framed last night. She found a large picture frame from the souvenir shop yesterday and bought it. It was inches smaller to the actual size of the poster to she used magic to enlarge the frame.

The poster was signed by the anonymous author who is known as "The Wordsmith". She disregarded the fact that the two demon hunters' signatures were just photoshopped as it was pixilated on closer inspection but atleast the author's signature was authentic and he or she really signed it with a sharpie. Guinevere knew it was a sharpie because of the smell as she collects different pens and markers.

It was a miracle that the framed poster was not cracked since she slept with it along with her top three favorite comic books and novels that were messily hidden beneath her fluffy blanket.

Last night after completing the punishment and resizing the frame, she was still too energetic to fall asleep so Guinevere decided to re-read some of her favorite comics especially the ones without Lancelot. She wanted her to engrave the romantic still pictures of Granger and Alucard in her brain so she could dream of her favorite ship.

Guinevere looked at the clock perched on top of her bedside table and it was exactly 7 in the morning.

'Brother is such an early bird...' She thought as she rub her eyes.

Guinevere stood up and gathered the books and made it float in the air using her simple magic. With the framed signed poster in her hand, she sluggishly walked towards the tall bookshelf and pulled a book about ducks. There was a small ticking sound and bookshelf slowly and silently swung forward.

Each room in the Swan Castle has a secret room which serves as temporary shelter, and only the room owner knows where it was located. But there was also another door in each secret rooms so that the room owners can exit the Castle safely for emergency purposes.

In Guinevere's room, the bookshelf was the door to the secret room which was half the size of her bedroom. She first found about it by accident after graduating from the academy, right before she joined as a Hero in the arena.

Guinevere was bored and read all the books in the bookshelf until she reached out for the book about ducks, entitled as "The Duck Book". She made use of the room as her extended library, where she hid her books and comics. The books there ranged from bizarre witchcraft and wizardry tomes that helped her magical experiments to her eccentric yaoi novels and comics that she's currently obsessed with.

In the middle of the room was a comfortable couch with big and soft pillows. This room was complete with a heater for winter, small air conditioning system for the summer, and a small fridge where she kept her secret stash of junk food and sodas. Truly, it was the ideal spot to binge read without any interruptions. And she calls it her safe haven.

After hiding her babies, Guinevere then went out of the secret room so she could prepare for Granger's visit. This day marks the first time a friend will visit her on their own volition. And she has to be the perfect host!

After her  ath and other morning rituals, she wore a long sleeved purple chiffon dress which she really loves as it was a gift from Odette. Her hair was still on the process of drying when Odette knocked on her door.

"Gwen? Are you awake? Can I come in?"

"Yes, Sister Odette!"

Guinevere answered and flicked her hands so the doors could be unlocked. Guinevere put the final buttons on the front of her dress and twirled.

"Oh! Thank goodness you're getting ready! I knew this dress will suit you, my dear! Let me help you so you could hurry up..." Odette giddily went inside. Odette made Guinevere sit down infront of her vanity mirror.

"Hurry up? May I ask why?"

Guinevere was puzzled. It was still early in the morning. Odette hummed as she brush Guinevere's hair.

"Oh your friend is here." Odette said nonchalantly and continued styling Guinevere's hair.

"Oh that's good-- Wait, what?! Oh my! Granger's here?!" Guinevere panicked and rose from her seat. She looked at the time and it was just quarter to eight.

'Why is he here now? He's too early! I haven't sorted out our activities today yet!!'

"Gwen, calm down. Your hair will be messy if you move now. And besides, the Swan Butler is entertaining him at the drawing room. He brought some boxes with him. He calls them take outs." Odette made Guinevere sat down to her seat once more.

"He brought take outs? Oh my gosh!"

Guinevere's eyes sparkled. She then proceeded explaining to Odette what take outs mean since she saw her confused expression on the vanity mirror.

"Oh! How thoughtful of him! So he brought food for all of us since he said that it was a Family-Sized!" Odette beamed.

Guinevere smiled proudly at Granger's actions.

"There! Finished! This hair tie is pretty, just like its owner. Where did you buy this?"

"Oh, Grangey bought it from the souvenir shop at the Fun Park yesterday. He also braided my hair!" Guinevere smiled fondly at yesterday's happenings.

"My gosh! He did??" The Swan Princess was shocked at the revelation. But soon smiled broadly.

"He really is a keeper. Please continue being friends with him, I think he's a good guy, Guinevere." Odette then linked their arms so they could go out of the room together.

Guinevere just nodded and siled ear to ear. Her new friend visited her with breakfast in tow! Who wouldn't be happy?

"Oh and by the way, I love Lancelot's new hair style. My love looks so sexy. It is definitely Odette-approved!"

Odette held out her hand showing thumbs up and winked which made Guinevere laugh heartily.


"Woah! Grangey, you shouldn't have bothered buying the family sized breakfast bundle at the Wackdonald's!"

Guinevere looked at the small boxes of various fastfood breakfast that were laid on the dining table. The Swan Maids hurriedly placed the wooden spoons and forks on each side of the box as if they were fine dining utensils. All the workers in the castle are all swans that are turned humans. Odette gave them the gift of having a human form in exchange of working here at the Capital.

"I don't mind, Guine. This was a last minute decision. I was supposed to cook breakfast for you but the market is not open yet, so I just bought these." Granger explained.

Guinevere was surprised at his generosity and thoughtfulness. She would have been burdened if Granger had brought breakfast that he cooked. She has to be the one serving the guest, not the other way around.

"Well...thank you!" Guinevere smiled warmly.

"Good morning, once again Mister Granger!" Odette entered the dining room with a cloaked Lancelot.

He was adamant on hiding hair cut. Lancelot walked past where his little sister and her visiting friend was sitting and did a double take.

"Ack! C-Cringer?! Why is he here?!"

Lancelot panicked the moment he realized it was Granger who was in his  casual attire. Lancelot hid behind Odette so the young marksman would not see his short hair. Oh his beautiful hair!

"A-Are you here to make fun of me, Cringer?!" Lancelot's index finger pointed at him despite shaking in fear.

"My love, Mister Granger is the one I was telling you about earlier." Odette tried calming the blonde man but Lancelot whined.

"You mean Guinevere's new friend who's gonna visit her today?! It's still early though!"

"Brother! Please respect my guest! Or else..." Guinevere finally interfered. Her aura had an ominous feeling as she hand imitated the gesture of a scissor snipping something.

"H-Hehe...y-yes,my dear little s-sister. W-Welcome Cringe--Granger to our humble abode!" Lancelot forced out a fake laugh which made Guinevere and Odette smile once more.

"Let's eat! I'm famished!" Guinevere urged.

"Hopefully this is up to your taste, Princess Odette, Sir Ass-- I mean, Sir Lancelot..." Granger held back his tongue. He knew Lancelot was in a foul mood and he didn't want to get kicked out of their castle.

"Yes go on. Make fun of me, Cringer!" Lancelot dramatically sighed.


Granger's eyebrow raised up in confusion. He still didn't know why the vain and confident Perfumed Knight was now acting like a scared child.

"Oh! Haha! Don't mind my sexy grumpy husband. I have yet to try buying from these fast-food chains but I have heard the praises from Guinevere for these food. So don't worry about it, Mister Granger. Let's eat!" Odette grabbed her spoon and fork and cut the chicken fillet.

"Lancelot, my darling, say 'ahh'"

Odette immediately put the food on Lancelot's mouth before he could say harsh things to Guinevere's new friend.

Lancelot almost choked on his food when he saw Granger taking off his mask. Why the hell was he hiding such beauty! Was he perhaps insulting all the handsome men in the world?!

But what made swallowing down the food hard was the one that his darling little sister was doing. He couldn't believe his eyes!

Guinevere Baroque was feeding Granger! And Granger put the sliced egg and bacon on his spoon in Guinevere's mouth as well!

"Lance-my love! Here! Drink up!"

Odette helped an almost soulless Lancelot empty the glass of water.