
The peaceful breakfast ended without a hitch. Except for Lancelot, who occassionally spits out water and choke on his food from time to time. Now, Guinevere and Granger were walking, side by side, away from the dining hall.

She just realized why the other two were staring weirdly at her during their meal. Earlier, Guinevere unconsciously fed Granger like it was the most natural thing to do. Her cheeks immediately reddened at the realization.

'So that's why brother was glaring at Granger and sister Odette was smiling oddly at me. Ugh!' Guinevere cupped her cheeks to hide her embarrassment.

'Stop thinking about it, Guinevere Baroque. I'm the host for the first time in years. Look at Granger, he's walking like nothing is wrong! So stop over thinking!' Guinevere chastised herself after stealing a glance at Granger who was busy typing on his phone.

Guinevere saw Mister Alucard's picture on the bubble head.

'Oh my! They're chatting! Long distance relationships must be hard!' Guinevere sighed.

Guinevere's heels were clicking softly against the luxurious marbled floor. She made sure to use one of her tallest heels in order to successfully pat Granger when the time comes. It has become one of her missions for the day.

To overcome the awkwardness, Guinevere decided to initiate a conversation.

"I shouldn't have been surprised with your visit today since you told me last night, but you were quite early Grangey! I only prepared afternoon activities. Hmph!" Guinevere crossed her arms, acting like she was irritated but not really. It's now her time to tease Granger since he's in her turf.

"Sorry, Guine...I just thought it would be best to maximize today's free time since we'll be busy on the next few days for the special match up games." Granger frowned as he put his phone on his pocket. He still haven't put on his mask yet so his facial expressions were clear to see.

Guinevere laughed softly and patted Granger's head.


Finally, she can reach it! Granger stood there frozen. His ruby red eyes stared at Guinevere who suddenly became taller than usual. The top of her head now reaches his eyes.

"Haha! I was only kidding but no worries, I was just caught off guard with your punctuality, that's all." The Auburn haired girl smiled cheekily, showing her perfectly white teeth. Guinevere was so pleased with her little achievement.

'His hair is really soft! Even softer than Harith's! Ten points to Guinevere for successfully patting Granger's head!! Ohohoho!'

"What shall we do first?? Hmmm...." Guinevere retracted her hand and placed it under her chin, murmuring to herself but loud enough for Granger to hear.

Granger snapped out from his trance when Guinevere contemplated on what to do with the free time. She only prepared for the afternoon activities like teaching Granger tea and eventually having tea party so Harith and Nana could join them after their shortened classes. The classes in the academy are shorten to half-day classes in order to prepare for the various events celebrating the end of the war on the Land of Dawn.

" about you tour me around, my lady?" Granger suggested.

"Oh! You're right! I might get ideas for our activities while I tour you around the Swan Castle!" Guinevere pounded her right hand over her open left palm, gesturing that it was a brilliant idea.

"Lead the way, my lady!" Granger hooked Guinevere's arm to his like a gentle man. This made Guinevere giggle.

"Then let's be on our way, my lord!"


"Ack! M-My love! "

Odette dragged Lancelot by the collar before he could follow the unsuspecting Guinevere and Granger who were animatedly talking to each other while trudging on the long hallways.

"Ugh. Seriously, Lancelot Baroque, stop stalking those two! Go and get ready, we'll be late for our match up games." Odette's massaged her temple.

She was on her way to the main door when she found her husband tailing Guinevere and Mister Granger like a predator ready to pounce on its prey. Lancelot's killing intent was so obvious.

"But my love...I-I can't work at this state! My precious hair! Please send this letter of absence to Layla please!" Lancelot pleaded with his adorable puppy eyes, while holding out a letter he have prepared earlier. He dramatically swished his bob cut hair which was disappointing because it didn't held the same extravagance when it was longer. But despite that, his short hair made Lancelot look more handsome.

"Ugh! Why are you so cute and handsome at the same time!" Odette covered her blushing face. She was almost blinded by the charm Lancelot emitted.

"Fine. But promise me you won't disturb Guinevere and her dear friend. Or else! I might turn you to a duckling for a month!" Odette sighed in defeat. She was no match for Lancelot's charms.

"Y-Yes, Yes! I promise, my love!"

Lancelot hugged his wife and gave her tons of kisses on her forehead, cheeks and finally on the lips which made Odette's previous annoyance dissipate. Odette let go of her sword and magic staff to hold on to Lancelot's head.

Before the ambience got hotter and the kiss got any deeper, Odette's phone rang. Odette sighed at the disturbance.

"Hello? This is Odette Baroque. Yes, I'll be there. Yes. I got it, Layla. Thanks for understanding. Bye~ " The short call ended and she fixed her hair and battle suit.

"I have to go now, my love." Odette gave her husband one final kiss then picked up the staff and sword lying on the floor.

"Behave, Lance. If you do, I will reward you later." Odette winked.

In a blink of an eye, Odette teleported outside the castle. Only the caster of the castle protection spell can teleport in and out of the Swan Castle. Intruders can't enter due to the strong barrier that is protecting the whole vicinity. If they do get past the barrier, they turn to ugly ducklings forever.

"Ugh. My heart is torn! Odette's reward or getting Cringer away from my dear little sister? What shall I choose?!" Lancelot dropped to his knees as he clutched his chest.

The unfazed Swan servants just passed by him quickly. Their master has always been this dramatic so it was a natural sight in the household. The only shocking part was when he woke up with short hair.


Few hours later....

" the first floor is where most social rooms are. If second floor belongs to her highness Odette and Asslot then this third floor is yours. Did I get it right?" Granger's voice was filled with confidence.

"Half correct!" Guinevere giggled as she make a small cross using both of her index fingers.

The two of them were now on the third floor of the Swan Castle. They spent an hour on each floor, Guinevere was having fun telling Granger the history of each painting Lancelot made and other peculiar objects Odette collects. She would also share her fond memories of each room and floor they were in. She really was acting like a true tour guide.

"Damn. I almost got it perfect!" Granger's shoulders slumped. Guinevere held her laughter at seeing Granger's defeated state but soon giggled lightly.

"Don't worry Grangey, it's your first mistake in all of my pop quizzes! You're a genius at guessing games!" Guinevere patted Granger's head once more. She was shocked at how attentive Granger was. He was an amazing listener!

"If getting wrong answers warrant me a head pat, I'll gladly do it again. Guine's head pats are worth it." Granger smiled dashingly.