Shadow Mask

Guinevere's patting hand paused which made Granger's head tilt in confusion. The purple dressed girl immediately retracted her hand and turned away from Granger. When Granger walked closer to Guinevere, he saw her trying to cover her face.


Granger was really worried that he teased her too much. His voice was softer than ever. There was deafening silence, it made the budding awkward atmosphere heavier.

Was he out of line, he thought. He was afraid that their friendship might crumble if he yearns something more.

All of a sudden, Guinevere giggled. Her jade green eyes were sparkling.


"Gosh, Grangey! Harith's adorableness is rubbing off on you! You're such a big kitty!"


'He really likes being patted. Maybe being Harith's roommate influences his likes and dislikes. Pffft! Kitty Grangey! What a sight!' Guinevere remembered Granger wearing cat ears last night. It was quite a sight indeed.

"I'll give you free head pats anytime. Even if you don't ask for it so you don't have to make mistakes, silly!"

"Yes...I will not make a mistake ever again." Granger nodded resolutely, his words containing various meanings.

Guinevere ruffled Granger's hair. She then walked towards the first room with double doors, leaving Granger in deep thought.

"Anyway...let's get back on track, Grangey~"

And with that, Granger snapped out from his own musings. The awkward silence was lifted and they continued their tour.

"Ooh! And this second largest room is used as a lounge area. I usually do my handicrafts here...."

On the other hand....

"Pfft!! Hah! Take that Cringer! My sister once again evaded his advances!" Lancelot snickered to himself.

He has been following the two since earlier. Of course he chose Odette's reward so he will only guard Guinevere from a far and try not to ruin their day. But if the situation needs it, he will surely kick that young scar-faced marksman out of their castle. That's a good enough excuse, he thought.

"Thank goodness my sister is little bit dense!" Lancelot wiped off the tears on his eye.

He was really enjoying Granger's suffering from the friend-zone. The only thing that was hindering his enjoyment was that he couldn't laugh out loud or else, his little sister will find out about it and would probably snitch on him. If Odette finds out, he will have to say goodbye to the reward and be an ugly duckling for a month or longer!

Lancelot shook his head an meditated. He has to think positively!

Lancelot imagines Guinevere using Athena's Shield while Granger shoots his shots filled with flirty words. Then Guinevere uses his sword that is dipped with Anti-Cringer potion he brewed in his imagination to slash and swish all Cringer's advances.

Lancelot sucked in air and breathed it all out. He smiled triumphantly. It is always good to think positive.

Going back to reality, he was relieved when Guinevere kept on evading his advances albeit unknowingly.

"I wonder how she became so oblivious to all her admirers?? Oh well, that works for me though...Maybe one of her magic experiments on herself went wrong that made her this dense?" He murmured to himself.

He shrugged and then made his whole body invisible using the Shadow Mask, which he accidentally found at the last room of Odette's collection rooms in the second floor. Now he was going to use it to tail behind the unsuspecting two.

Lancelot got out of the room he was currently hiding in so he could follow the two who were currently walking towards somewhere.

"Actually, this floor is where the guest rooms are. The last room over there is my room." Lancelot heard Guinevere's dignified voice.

He then settled behind the large pot of a tropical plant even though he was invisible, his still couldn't hide his presence. Guinevere was the one who decorated this whole floor so most plants here are enormous exotic plants that she personally tended.

"Oh. Figures." Granger chuckled.

'Huh, what's this fellow laughing about?' Lancelot thought to himself.

Lancelot peeked from the plant's leaves, the two were walking towards Guinevere's room.

'GAH!! OF ALL ROOMS, WHY ARE THEY GOING THERE?!' Lancelot panicked and accidentally pushed the plant forward. Making it rustle slighty.

Granger's head snapped towards the sudden movement. Lancelot sat there on his spot as if he was a statue. He silently prayed that he wouldn't get caught.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Guinevere asked so Granger's attention finally went back to her.

Lancelot heaved an inaudible sigh. He still couldn't believe that Granger had keen senses.

"Well...this is the only door that has various violet shades. " Granger grinned.

'WHAT THE FUC-- D-Did that walking angry emoji just smiled?! Is the world ending?!!'

Lancelot's eyes almost bulged out from his sockets. Earlier he could just see their backs, but now that he had the shadow mask, he could see the two in a closer range.

It was his first time seeing that emotionless jerk smile. Well he wasn't completely emotionless since he alwyas has that angry face on.

"Okay...and?" Guinevere asked.

'My dear sister is not fazed with that smile?! So he's always smiling at her?!' Lancelot's mind was almost in shambles.

"And you're Guinevere Baroque a.k.a Miss Violet. The girl who mostly wears any shade of violet." Granger smiled proudly at his conclusion.

'Everyone knows that you fool! Also she earned that nickname because she was great in her studies! Ah...but why is he bringing up that now?' Lancelot couldn't help but feel proud of his sibling.

"Ah! You're right! I guess I'm crazy over violet!?" Guinevere covered her flushed cheeks in embarrassment.

"You really live up to your name, Miss Violet."

"Don't tease me!" Guinevere grumbled.

'Why I atta--' Lancelot rolled up his sleeves like he was getting ready to a fist fight.

'No one has the right to make fun of my dear little sister!! Except for me!'

Granger laughed at the sight of a fuming Guinevere. Her cheeks were really red.

'WOAH-- BLOODY HELL! Did he just...laugh??' Lancelot couldn't believe his ears! Lancelot's mind was blown away as well as his fighting spirit.

"As you wish, my lady. I'll stop now."

Guinevere sighed and fanned herself. The two then continued their tour of each room in the third floor.

Lancelot numbly followed behind. He still couldn't get over that fact that the famous Death Chanter was capable of smiling and laughing! Heck, no one will believe him if he told this to his drinking buddies!

Guinevere and Granger stood infront of the violet double doors. Lancelot had a bad feeling about it.

"And finally, the largest guest room, which is now occupied by yours truly. Wanna take a look inside?" Guinevere's voice was laced with teasing.


Both Granger and Lancelot answered at the same time.