
"Are you being serious right now?" Granger deadpanned.

"Yes! Duh!" Guinevere retorted as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

"That was your million diamond question??" Granger couldn't believe she went all the trouble to ask him this. He almost misunderstood her intentions.

"Uh-huh. I'm just returning back your shamelessness earlier, Granger. Ah!-- hey, don't change the subject. Go on then, answer the question!"

Granger sighed. She really won't let him go if he doesn't answer.

"Well...I only use--"

Before Granger could mention the only facial wash he uses daily, the double doors of the lounging room slammed open, even destroying the other half. Lancelot burst through the doors and roared with all his might.


"YOU RAVENOUS WOLF!! GET AWAY FROM-- huh?" Lancelot screamed at the top of his lungs.

The swan servants behind Lancelot let out a collective gasp, protecting the two young Leonins' eyes from the scene. Lancelot wanted to faint at the nightmarish sight but Swan butler beat him to it so no one could catch him if he did lost his consciousness. If only he didn't shooed Tigreal out of his castle earlier! He would have been useful as catcher of the fainting people.

Who wouldn't be surprised to see their own precious little sister on top of a man! Not just any man! But a tall, lanky, emo marksman! Obviously his sister looked more buff than Cringer. The girl he was worrying about wolves is a she-wolf herself!!

'What sorcery is this?! My innocent baby sister is not like that! Or was she??'

Lancelot has been deluding himself that ever since he found a delivered parcel for Guinevere. There was a note too.

This must be yours, Miss Violet.

- Vagrant Poet

P.S. I didn't open the parcel

He was curious since his little sister had no friends outside their castle and so someone has gifted his little sister something!

'Her admirers have become so bold huh?! So that Alucard's younger subordinate is one of them!'

When he ripped the paper covering, he was shocked, his soul almost left his body! The lewd cover of the comic book greeted him. It was an illustration of Alucard biting Granger's neck. It was even rated 18+ and huge writings of Special Edition was plastered on it's spine. His hatred towards Alucard extended to Granger aside from the fact that he was hitting on his sister but because of this cursed book.

'He dared sending such unholy thing to my sweet baby sister!'

He scanned the comic and his eyes burned from the sinful illustrations.

'Does Guinevere enjoy reading adult comics?? She doesn't look like the type! This must be a prank!' He thought.

So later that very night, he showed the comic book to Alucard and Granger in front of their drinking friends. But judging from their reactions, these two didn't know about these horrific fictional comics.

Lancelot shivered at the sudden flashback of his memories. There's no way his little sister would read such horrendous comic! It must have been a prank on her and Cringer!

'Yes, someone must have used Cringer's name and pranked my innocent little sister!' He concluded.

"Guinevere Baroque! Granger! Explain yourselves!" Lancelot demanded.

This is the second time Lancelot barged in on them whenever Guinevere was asking Granger his secrets to his self-care. Her anger rose up again when she remembered she still don't know the shampoo brand Granger was using.

Guinevere finally snapped!

"You!" Guinevere growled. She glared at Lancelot with murderous intent and he felt shivers down his spine.

"Huh? Me?" Lancelot squeaked as he pointed to himself.

"You disturbed us again. I won't let you get away!"

"D-Disturbed???" Lancelot gasped.

His previous conclusion shuttered.

'So my previous theories were correct? That my sister wasn't as innocent as I thought she was?!' Fainting really was a good option at the very moment.

Guinevere prepared herself to launch her energy wave targeting Lancelot when she heard Harith's innocent voice.

"Look Nana! Miss Violet and Grangey are making babies just like what our teacher said in Biology class!"

"You dumdum! My eyes are covered! How can I even see!"

"E-Eh?!" Guinevere's concentration was disturbed so the glowing purple energy missed Lancelot by a hair strand.

Guinevere finally noticed that there were other people outside the lounge room other than Lancelot. It felt like a bucket full of water and ice were thrown at her. Harith's remark sobered her up. No, it sobered both Guinevere and Granger. Both siblings and Granger were disturbed by the little kid's view of their current predicament.

"B-Babies....? Oh my. Oh my! No! That's!" Both Guinevere and Granger jumped away from each other. Guinevere landed gracefully while Granger fell to the carpeted floor with a soft thud.

The look of horror was evident on Guinevere's jade orbs.


"Hah~" Guinevere sighed in relief. She was so exhausted after all their morning itineraries.

Guinevere adamantly and fiercely defended her and Granger's side by explaining why she was shamelessly on top of Granger. She didn't want to tarnish both of their reputation. And Mister Alucard might also misunderstand so she had to nip the bud from its roots before any disaster happens again (*cough* her fave ship sinking *cough*). Thankfully, the misunderstanding was resolved when Granger backed her up. He was the victim in the eyes of the onlookers after all.

Lancelot kept on sighing in relief when he finally knew the truth and he suddenly became all chummy with Granger! It really weirded Guinevere out of her skin.

This was probably because Guinevere whispered to his brother that she thought of Granger as,

"The best friend a girl could ever ask for".

After hearing that, Lancelot gave Granger some words of consolation which both youngsters found him weird.

Their luncheon ended merrily. All Guinevere's three guests found their food appetizing and scrumptious. She saw the Swan Chef wiping his tears of joy after hearing her guests' positive comments.

At the current time, Guinevere led Granger, Harith and Nana to the smaller replica of the Azure Lake. They passed by various colored rose gardens which were all groomed as Lancelot's gift to Odette for their first anniversary as a wedded couple. The scent of the budding flowers wafted to their noses.

"If you find the shapes of the rose bushes weird, it's because my brother instructed the gardeners to be like that. When the roses are in full bloom, you'll read I ♡ ODETTE in bird's eye view. The best view will be the couple's veranda but sadly we can't enter their room." Guinevere explained and showed them the picture she took when the Lancelot and Odette celebrated their anniversary at the said veranda.

"Oh gosh! That's so romantic!" Nana's eyes turned into hearts.

"That's so cheesy!! Eugh!" Harith cringed.

"You dumdum! Don't insult love like that! You don't know anything about a girl's heart!" Nana hissed at the older Leonin and turned to Guinevere. "I wish my future boyfriend would gift me flowers as well!"

"Oh my! You're still young to be in a relationship but in the future, I do hope so." Guinevere giggled at the girl's cute little blush.

"I also hope your future boyfriend should know what flowers to give you because each flowers have different meanings. Like these red roses, for example, means love and passion." It was Guinevere's first time giving advice to a younger girl, she was all giddy inside.

"Ooh! That's incredible!" Even Harith's attention was piqued.

"You're even well versed in Flower Language. Impressive." Granger nodded.

"But of course! So if you need advises on what kind flower to give as a gift, I'm your girl." Guinevere beamed proudly and flipped her curls.

Granger suddenly coughed up and hastily put on his mask. Guinevere was about to ask him if he had pollen allergies but Nana shirked her attention away.

"Miss Violet, what about those pink roses?" Nana pointed at the flowers in the middle of the heart shaped rose bushes.

"Oh, it means admiration, grace and sweetness."

"Oh meow! Sir Lancelot is really a romantic kind of man!" Nana gushed.

"Err...yeah. He's, umm, too romantic..." Guinevere cringed at the thought of her drama queen of a brother acting all lovey dovey with Odette. She was, after all, a daily third wheel, ever since she stayed with them for almost two years now.

"Anyways, I'm excited to show you guys lavender colored roses!"

Guinevere changed the topic before the children asked for the meaning of the orange and coral roses inside the letter O rose bushes. The meaning are not appropriate to tell the kids.

"Woah! Lavender roses exists?!" Both Leonins' tail wagged in excitement. Granger suppressed his laughter but Guinevere caught him and jabbed her elbow at his stomach. He really doesn't pass up the opportunity to tease her for her love of fave color.

"Yup! I cultured them in my own garden at my greenhouse. But for now, let's hurry up and bask in the view of the famed Azure Lake!"

Nana and Harith raced towards where the wooden ramp was located. Their sense of sight was incredible! Even Guinevere with perfect vision still struggled locating the entrance to the lake because it was very far. Leonins are a different breed!

"You okay?" Granger slowed his pace when he noticed the red head was slowing down.

"Uh, yeah. I was just trying to squint my eyes and check if I could find the ramp as well but... Anyways, those two's eyesight are amazing!"

"What do you mean? The ramp is right over there." Granger pointed at the horizon.

"Pewboom! You bully! Don't rub salt to my wound!" Guinevere punched the tall guy's arm, earning a yelp from him.

'Demon slayers must also have heightened senses huh. Lucky for them to be trained so well! Why didn't I train my senses when I was young?!' Guinevere grumbled.

"That's more like it. It's better to let out your pent up frustration than holding it in. It could be very toxic to yourself." Granger rubbed the area that was punched.

"Oops! Sorry, Grangey." Guinevere tried her newly acclaimed healing skill on Granger's arm. "Does it still hurt?"

"The pain is slowly disappearing...try patting my head." Guinevere did as instructed.

"Hmm. The pain's gone now. Thanks." Granger's eyes crinkled in delight.

The younger girl had a hard time believing him. She noted to herself to get Granger's body examined at a hospital to verify the effects of her supposed healing skill.

"I really improved my violent tendencies for almost two years now because I believe violence is never the answer but you're really trying my patience." Guinevere cracked her knuckles but instead of being intimidated, Granger just chortled at her antics.

"Be thankful that you haven't met my past self. Hurry up, Grandpa Granger!" Guinevere joked and ran away, leaving a laughing Granger still rooted on his spot.

"Oh but Guini, I already did..." He whispered to the wind, hoping it gets carried to the running girl's ear.

A sweet smile rested on his lips. Sadly no one was there to witness it.