Fountain of Fate

Finally, all four of them reached their destination. The Azure Lake was breathtaking despite it being only a smaller carbon copy of the real thing. Living up to its name, the water was as blue as the sky.

"Meow, meow, meow! It's so blue!!" Nana jumped up in excitement.

"Why is the gate locked, Miss Violet?" Harith asked.

"Ah, that. It's for safety purposes. Someone almost drowned because we left the gates open. And that someone didn't know how to swim but likes the lake very much, so we locked it up. But I have the keys right here so we could see the lake up close." Guinevere took out a collection of jingling keys. She sorted out the biggest key and unlocked the tall gates.

"By the way, the water in this man-made lake is not as pure as the one in the real Azure Lake. But there are still magical properties, just not as strong." Guinevere started her fun facts.

"Oh-- Grangey! Have you tried applying healing potions or Swan Lake water on your scar?" The Auburn haired girl turned her attention to the young marksman.

"Yeah. But it didn't work."

"Oh no..." Guinevere's mood slightly dampened.

"Estes theorized that the curse was older than the first war so the modern medical and magical treatments won't work. Trust me, we tried everything. But it's okay since you're here now." Granger softened his gaze.

"I'll do my best!" Guinevere pumped her arm up and an idea suddenly came to her mind. "Oh-- how about asking the demon directly?"

"Uhh...that...the demon's already dead. Probably rotting in hell right now."

"What?!" The younger girl gasped. It was her genius idea yet!

"I kinda slain it. Wait-- you don't remember?"

"Remember what--" Their conversation was cut short when Harith grabbed both of their arms.

"Miss Violet, Grangey, hurry! We caught a wild black baby bird!" There was alarm in the little boy's tone.

"What did you say?? A black bird?!" Guinevere was shocked.

"Yeah! With purple eyes!!"

The three arrived at where Nana was squatting down. Her pet Molina was suppressing the small black bird.

"Miss Violet! Oh gosh, we were so so scared! I even threw Molina out of habit and it caught this crazy little black bird because it attacked Harith!" Nana explained the situation. Despite being younger than Harith, she really cares for the older leonin in her own little way.

Guinevere gracefully crouched down and took the neutralized baby bird.

"Oh my! It's a black duckling!" Guinevere exclaimed.

"Really?? That's weird." Nana stroked the sleeping duckling's fluffy feathers.

"Yeah! This duckling wasn't quacking or chirping. It was hissing! Almost like a cat! And it tried to bite my hands off!" Harith was also puzzled.

"Oh. It might have been a cat before." Guinevere said to no one in particular, earning odd looks from the three guest.

She laughed to herself because she didn't explained thoroughly.

"Our magical security system turns intruders into ugly ducklings. There are various colored ducklings over there, thieves are mostly brown colored so it's unusual to have a black duckling. In conclusion, this must have been a black stray cat since it was hissing and acting erratically due to the cold water."

The three gave collective 'Ooh's of understanding. The duck finally woke up and nestled in Guinevere's arms.

"Its smell is very familiar hmmm..." Harith said as he sniffed the duckling. The duckling let out a soft hiss and cowered in fear.

"Hey! Don't scare this little dark fluffball, you dummy!" Nana slammed her milk and coffee colored fluffy tail on Harith's face, pushing him away from the baby duck. He staggered back but thankfully Granger caught him just in time.

"You okay buddy?"

"Yeah." Harith pouted.

"You guys wanna take this cute little duckling as your pet?" Guinevere offered.

"Yes, yes! Please! We'll take good care of it!" Nana wiggled her tail as she gingerly held the fluffy duckling in her little arms.

"I'm not taking care of that. It almost bit my fingers off remember?!" Harith felt like he was betrayed. And the duckling was giving him weird looks as if it was...glaring.

"Fine! I don't need you anyway. I can raise this baby on my own!" Nana turned her back on Harith and walked out.

'Oh my! It's like I'm watching an afternoon soap drama! I just need some popcorn and some iced milktea...Milk tea! That's it!' Guinevere's brain is on a roll today. Another thing was added to their afternoon activities. She immediately messaged Swan Butler of her plan.


The four, plus the duckling, entered Guinevere's enormous glass roofed greenhouse. It housed various plants, especially exotic looking ones. But what really caught their attention was the different variations of the color violet on the flowers, from thistle to wine!

"Welcome to my humble greenhouse! Please heed the warning. Some plants are poisonous and there are carnivorous ones as well but they're at the back because they produce a nasty smell so don't touch them. Like, really, I'm serious. Don't touch the plants that have warning signs. Okay? Okay."

Guinevere blushed at their reaction especially Granger's teasing eyes.

"Don't you dare, Granger." She beat the taller guy from teasing her.

"Yes, yes. I won't tease you, Miss Violet. Your purplehouse is amazing as expected. Pfft-!" Granger winked and held his laugh.

Guinevere just groaned in annoyance and rolled her eyes. She then proceeded to act as a proper host for her guest.

"Oh! There's the lavender roses! Gosh, they're so pretty! Meow!" Nana skipped towards a bush filled with lavender roses.

"Good eye, Nana!" Guinevere patted the girl's head.

"Um. Miss Violet what' the difference with this rose and that?" Harith pointed at the rose bush next to it.

"Oh, these? They're supposed to be purple roses but these are still prototypes. I was cross-pollinating lavender roses and midnight blue roses to make purple ones but I accidentally used a brush that I previously used from a white rose so it turned out to be a hybrid of the three." The red head explained.

"The purple color is there so you're close to getting the results right." Granger looked at the hybrid roses closely.

'Oh my! He can differentiate colors like a real woman! Ten more points to Wife-material Granger!! But 5 points shall be deducted because he keeps teasing me.' Guinevere fangirled in her heart.

"Miss Violet, That flower looks like the one on your wrist!" Harith're eyes shone in wonder. Guinevere patted his head for noticing her favorite flower.

"Ah. You too have a good eye! This is a Matthiola incana, obviously my fave flower. And it means beauty, happy life and contentment." Her voice were laced with melancholy. Guinevere shook her lonely thoughts away. She's contented with her life now without her toxic parents.

"The one on my wrist is the very first flower I successfully preserved. I could gift you three some preserved flowers, if you guys want? Just pick the preserved flowers you want after our tour." Guinevere clasped her hands together in delight. Today was a day she had a lot of firsts! It was her first time giving her friends tokens for their visit.

The three nodded vigorously. Preserved flowers! Who knew you could have a flower that will never wither! The pair of Leonins smelled the stock flowers to their hearts content! It truly has a very powerful captivating scent.

"You could really build a flower shop of your own Guini." Granger commented.

"Oh, are you striking up a business proposal with me?" Guinevere joked.

"Hmm. We could be business partners. A flower shop inside a pastry cafe. Not a bad idea at all." Granger seriously considered the idea.

"Wait you're really serious?! That's a genius plan!--" Their conversation was once again cut short when Nana butted in.

"Miss Violet, can I ask you a question? What's the meaning of the lavender rose?" Nana asked, she has been curious the moment Guinevere mentioned the flower.

"Ah! Granger hold that thought. Oho! This, my dear, is a flower of mystery, wonder, aaand enchantment at first sight!" Guinevere dreamily sighed. It was in fact her second favorite flower! When she see the flower, the song Enchanted will always play in her mind.

"Enchantment at first sight?" Harith tilted his head. He didn't understand a thing despite being hailed as the genius in his class.

"It's simply love at first sight, you dumbo!" Nana said, a matter-of-factly. Harith's mouth formed an 'O', ignoring Nana' snide remarks. He really was clueless when it comes to love.

"Yes, that's right. You're awfully well versed when it comes to love, Nana. Do you have someone in mind?" Guinevere teased the younger girl. The duckling in the female Leonin's arms cringed, but only the older Leonin noticed.

"I-It's not like a have a crush or whatever. I don't have anyone to like! The boys in my class are all stupid and not cute at all!" Nana stammered as she glared at Harith.

"Excuse me! I'm the Top 1 student in our class and year! And I'm cute, Princess Silvanna and Miss Violet said so!" Harith fumed.

He was hurt that he was lumped into the not-cute boys in their class when in fact even the most handsome demon slayer and even the Crown Princess of the whole Moniyan Empire have called him cute everyday! Even the emotionless Death Chanter admitted that he was cute when doing the Harley's Hat Magic Trick right!

The two Leonins almost quarreled using their deadly magic.

"O-Okay kids. Settle down. Both of you are cute. Grangey help!" Guinevere tried mediating for the two energized (and deadly) goofballs. She was afraid her plants might take the brunt of their petty fight.

"Harith. Nana." Granger called their attention as he summoned his guitar case.

Guinevere gulped.

'Is he going to shoot the two down? Oh no!'

Then he raised his dominant hand and swayed a long stick in the air. The two kids' head whipped at the direction of the stick's fluffy end. Nana put the duckling on top of a nearby bench and immediately went back to her position. Both their tails were raised, their eyes focused on the stick's end.

"A cat toy? Seriously?" It was Guinevere's turn to deadpan. Granger smirked in return.

"Trust me. It works. Every. Single. Time." Granger swiftly moved the stick at different directions at each word he enunciated and the two Leonins followed, jumping up to catch the fluffy end. They're really just big cats.


For almost and hour, the lavender dressed girl toured her finally calm guests around. She threw botanical fun facts here and there especially the medicinal properties. Guinevere also let them engage in planting their own flowers of their choice in a small pot. It was another token for them.

"After washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, please settle down at the table in front of the fountain. Oh and please be careful. The fountain is a bit slippery!" Guinevere warned her guests before going towards the closet where she store dried leaves and flowers for making herbal drinks such as tea.

The three made a bee line towards the place their host wanted them to be at.

In the middle of the fountain, three statues of women lifting up a basin can be seen. Each women held the basin with one arm, while the other clutches different things. The first one held a spool of thread on her palm, the second one held the connected thread close to her heart, and the third one cuts the connected thread with a scissor. The basin have writings of an ancient Cadian proverb that says,

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break."

But it was almost unreadable due to the algae that was covering the etched writings. It was after all, one of the few remnants of the Bloody Duke's love for his wife.

Nana, who immediately recognized the Sisters of Fate statues, was curious of the writings. It was probably about fates and destinies! She paid Harith no mind who was busy catching the koi fishes that were swimming about in the fountain. She raised her heel in an attempt to read the passage since she couldn't jump due to the slippery fountain edges.


Guinevere decided to make Lavender Boba Milk Tea and teach them how to make it. It was an appropriate drink especially for Granger who suffers from his cursed headaches. As a friend, it's her responsibility to take care of him. Lavenders are known for their calming scent. It also helps relieve pain from headaches, sprains, toothaches and sores.

'Huh, this tea is kind of just like my healing powers. Does this work on other people? Or is it only limited to Granger?' Guinevere pondered.

The moment she got the glass jar filled with dried lavender flower buds, a commotion erupted at the fountain. When she arrived at the scene, both Leonins were on top of Granger, Harith was laying on top of the pink haired girl. The two were dripping wet!

"Oh my! Come on, let's get you two dried up." Guinevere helped the wet children up. Nana have claw scratches on her arm.

"It's Harith's fault! He pulled me when he fell." Nana cried. Harith's ears were down, it was easy to tell that he was sorry for hurting his friend. Guinevere tried using her healing powers on Nana but it didn't work.

'Well that proves the theory that my powers is only limited and exclusive to Granger.' Guinevere concluded in her mind and made a mental note.

"Damn. Do I look like a fucking cushion? Why is everyone sitting on top me?" Granger groaned beside her.

"Oh shut up, Grange. Don't curse around the kids. But thanks to you the kids didn't drown-- Oh no! You're shirt's wet too!"

Guinevere immediately went back to the closet to get three towels. The towels were there in case Odette tries to swim in the fountain in her swan form. Her love for water is really alarming especially when she doesn't know how to swim.

When she came back, Granger already took his black long sleeved shirt off, revealing a perfectly sculpted upper torso. Since the Death Chanter always wear long sleeved shirts and jackets, onlookers wouldn't even imagine Granger having perfectly toned muscles.

'Oh my! He looks just like exactly in the comics!! Now all we need is a half naked Alucard here with him. Look at those battle scars on his toned abs! It makes it look more appealing-- Oh my! Guinevere Baroque! Get a grip! Shame on you! SHAME!!' Guinevere sent a flying kick to her fangirling persona.

"Like what you see?" Granger smirked, Guinevere could tell despite the mask.

"Whatever you say, Granger." Guinevere rolled her eyes and threw a towel at his smug face.

"I'll take that as a yes." The half naked man chuckled at Guinevere's cute blushing face.

Guinevere sent strings of messages to the Head Swan Maid to get Granger's jacket and some clothes for the two Leonins. Swan Butler arrived with a trolley full of tall glasses and glass straws, portable electric stove, and other ingredients necessary for making boba milktea.

Not long after, some Swan Maids swarmed the greenhouse and setting up a portable changing station. The swan maids helped the two young guests clean up and change into dry clothes from Odette's lost and found collection. No swan maid made a move on Granger which earned a giggle from the red head. He had his scowling face on so no one dared getting close to him. Guinevere just noticed a bloody cut on his cheek.

"You're wounded as well Grangey." Guinevere said as soon as she was in front of him.

"It's just a tiny scratch, Guini." Granger backed away because of the close proximity of their bodies.

"Just let me try healing it. And tell me if the pain is gone." Granger nodded helplessly. He couldn't refuse since her green orbs were showing absolute authority.

She helped him zipped up his jacket up to his neck and put her hand over the wound. She once again tried using her healing powers though she didn't know how to do it since she was unknowingly healing Granger whenever she touches his skin.

"The scratch wasn't that painful so I can't tell the difference." Granger said with all honesty.

Guinevere removed her hand and the wound didn't vanish.

'Hmmm...earlier when I punched him, the pain vanished when I patted his head...'

"Lemme try one more time!" Guinevere was determined to heal the tiny wound and so she patted the guy's head.

"Hmm...I don't feel anything now. Is the scratch still there?" Granger looked at Guinevere's doll-like features. He will never get tired of staring at her face most especially her expressive eyes.

"Yes. But it's weird. My punches earlier were heavy and you should have bruises by now but they weren't there." Guinevere tapped her chin.

"So you really were ogling at my body earlier!" The skunk haired boy chuckled.

"N-No I wasn't!" Guinevere slapped the older boy's arm.

"Just kidding-- The scar!"

"Eh? What about it? Did it hurt again?"

"No, I mean, try touching my scar again." Granger wasn't sure himself but he remembered feeling coolness engulfing his whole body when Guinevere touched the scar.

"Okay. Here goes nothing...!!"

Guinevere's eyes widened at the immediate result, and audible gasped escaped from her lips. "Oh my gods! I-It vanished!"


The Swan Maids whipped their heads to their direction. They really looked like a couple doing lovey-dovey things with the way their young mistress was caressing the young man's face. They made a pact of themselves not to spill the beans to Master Lancelot or all hell broke loose!

"Don't mind us!" Guinevere shooed their prying eyes and pulled Granger to the other side of the fountain.

"So that's one thing solved. Your healing power is connected to my scar." Granger crossed his arms as he nodded.

"Yes. It makes our research a bit easier. So we just have to check what kind of old demon was that monster and the type of curse. Do you know anyone who is knowledgeable about ancient abyssal demons in the Capitol?" Guinevere's brainy side started kicking in. Oh her love for research!

"There's one. But I don't know if he will help us." Granger hesitated. He really doesn't like the person he was talking about.

"Ooh! And who might that be?"

"Prince Dyrroth."