Update From the Author

I felt that it was necessary to explain a few factors that are playing into the lack of consistent chapter updates recently, as well as to take the opportunity to elaborate a bit more on where I hope to go with Angels' Edge, as the book has been getting far more attention than I ever anticipated, and I have been trying to put out content as quickly as I can to keep gaining popularity.

First of all, I am currently in the process of moving. Not only that, but my family is trying to get ready to do so in the span of a couple of weeks, meaning that a lot of my time has been consumed by helping out with that. The school year is also finally wrapping up for me, but isn't over, meaning that that only adds to my daily time consumption, leaving me with very little time to write, as I need to relax a bit, and writing immediately after working on the house and doing schoolwork for the majority of the day is hard to get motivated to do.

Another thing playing into my lack of updates has been the fact that I'm trying to come up with ideas for the plot. It isn't writer's block, but rather the exact opposite. I have been planning so much out recently that I can't keep up with it in my writing speed, as typing out each chapter in a way that portrays all of the details I want to properly and eloquently words the more significant scenes takes a while.

I do plan to raise the amount of updates weekly by quite a bit in the next week or so (when school gets out for the summer). Until then, I appreciate all of your patience and hope you continue to read Angels' Edge.

I have been getting a lot of messages asking about Nathan and Amanda. I haven't been answering them, not because I'm not paying attention (I read every message and comment I get), or because I can't be bothered to respond, but because they will play a very large part in the upcoming storytelling ark, and giving things away would take a lot of the enjoyment of reading out of it. If you're curious about them, I understand, and hope you will believe me when I say that I have some large plot twists and story development in mind for the both of them.

As for how far I want to go with Angels' Edge, I have a vague idea, and the best I can say as of right now is that it's looking like it is going to turn into a series of three or even more books of about five hundred pages (what I have written so far is only a little over two hundred fifty).

My desk is currently a mess. It is covered entirely in sheets of lined paper covered in ideas and plot lines that haven't unfolded yet. I even have an ending in mind for the far, far future. I appreciate all of your continued support and am open to any ideas or questions you may have, and will respond to every one of them (as long as they're not asking for spoilers).

Before this update ends, I do have a question for those of you who are reading every update as soon as they go live. While I am writing at a slower rate over the next few weeks, would you prefer me to release all of the chapters in a bunch on one day, or to just release them gradually throughout the week? If you do prefer them to be released all at once, what day would you all prefer? Like I said, I am open to ideas and to modifying my schedule to appeal to you all as much as possible. At the moment, I am not making any money off of this, but am more than motivated enough by the fact that people are taking interest in my writing, which I did not expect.

This is my first ever attempt at writing, and I find myself enjoying it thoroughly. I've always found it intereseting how movies or shows that I've watched developed their own unique styles of storytelling, or how books each had their own unique way of wording things. I've had many ideas for plotlines I would have loved to see in some form, but never really acted on them until now, and I am more than glad that I did. I eventually hope to get Angels' Edge and whatever additions of sequels I will write published, and all of the feedback I can get is more tha welcome. Thanks again for all of your support, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.